EQ needs to learn from Palworld

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by uberkingkong, Feb 1, 2024.

  1. uberkingkong Augur

    EQ right now, its an MMO kill stuff and quests. No RPG.
    Maybe in 2001 MMORPG term was what EQ is, but 2024, MMORPG has evolved, has EQ evolved too?

    Less open world bosses, more static zones. I'd say EQ de-evolved, went backwards. Kunark, Velious, big eras big time EQ. EQ less world bosses, more static, less like Kunark, less like Velious. Less mysteries. Less RPG stuff. RPG like quests. De-evolved.

    Besides killing stuff and doing quests and raids, what do you do in EQ?
    Nothing. There is no RPG.

    Palworld I consider that game an MMORPG.
    Go around kill stuff, but also do RPG stuff.
    Build a base
    Capture workers for base
    Different workers have different traits, shiny workers too.
    Strengthen your team
    Improve technology
    Improve base
    Defend the base

    EQ has Overseer.
    It's like 2001 web browser thing.
    Move agents and assign them to do something, wait many hours.
    No unique collection, traits, leveling them, getting a perfect card, etc.
    Hot garbage.
    Couldn't careless about cards to be honest. More Palworld less Overseery.
    EQ doesn't need to do overseer into palworld, but its pretty close but its outdated, old concept, maybe in 2001 that would be nice.
    The housing area though, that could be Palworld, new expansion could start Palworld like vibe.

    Overseer should be like Palworld. Would bring in RPG factor into EQ.
    It's all coulda woulda wish it, EQ can do it. Though reality is,

    next expansion,
    kill stuff and quests
    next expansion,
    kill stuff and quests

    Never any RPG stuff.

    Palworld isn’t slowing down, hits 19 million players across Steam and Xbox

    20 hours ago
    DeadRagarr likes this.
  2. Zinth Augur

    what roleplaying in palworld? lol... the gameplay is super shallow and dull but it has plenty instant gratification... no challenge whatsoever but guess it fits the needs for the simple people of the younger generations that can't handle the slightest challenge... it's the lowest denominator to keep the sheep infront of the screen LOL... *ooh shiny*
    NatazzEvoli and Muramx like this.
  3. uberkingkong Augur

    Younger generation?
    20s and 30s year olds?
    Thats whose playing it.

    No challenge? Theres more to do than there is in EQ. dodgeroll, building, maintaining a base, actually using weapons.
    EQ, stand in front of a mob, press a button. your swing visuals don't matter its just happening.
    People complain about bots in EQ.
    All you do is place yourself and press a button, that easy in EQ.
    You don't have to worry about something is going to ram into you and knock you around.

    Regardless of difficulty, lets get back on track.
    Palworld ideas. EQ needs to not just take notes, start doing. Implementing actual modern day MMORPG stuff.
    Question is, EQ evolving. Or De-evolving?

    Look at Kunark, Velious, open world bosses, not many static zones, hardly any if any. True MMORPG.
    EQ today less like Kunark/Velious or that and more, aka evolved. More as in features. Voice, animations, visuals, music, things to do, specific storylines, mysteries, meta events, world changing events, world building, etc.
    DeadRagarr likes this.
  4. Wyndar Journeyman

    I cringe anytime I see a grown adult get excited for this game and lose massive faith points in humanity.
  5. Nennius Curmudgeon

    And the winner for POINTLESS THREAD OF THE YEAR goes to...
  6. Strawberry Augur

    At least use Enshrouded as an example then.

    Enshrouded released in Early Access on the same day as Palworld, and it is 10 times better than Palworld.

    Palworld's population is also tanking rapidly. Palworld already lost 65% of its population since its peak. The population of Enshrouded is far more stable, it has only lost maybe 20% of its population since its peak.

  7. fransisco Augur

    Eq could benefit from alot of new things and more development. Even though its a totally different game from palworld, even the crustiest player here will admit the game is hoplessly stale.
    NatazzEvoli likes this.
  8. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Do you also have the same disdain for anyone who likes to get fast food or munches on a bag of chips/crisps instead of partake in a 5 course gourmet meal any time they're hungry or want a snack? How about those who go watch a popular movie instead of going to a 3+ hour opera?

    I don't play that game and have no interest to do so, but anyone who wants a bit of diversion/escapism it offers, no matter their age, is no different than a grown adult playing a video game with 'cartoon' characters (such as EQ).
    Ndaara, NatazzEvoli and fransisco like this.
  9. Zinth Augur

    Exactly... How old do you think EQ players are that played it as teenagers+ in 1999? (note we are in 2024 now)
  10. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Many of us were older than teens when we started playing in 1999 or the aughts.
  11. Laronk Augur

    Oh how dare people be excited about things, what about grown adults that get super excited for watching a sports game they can't even participate in a sports game they otherwise don't play? Or people that get excited by expensive cars that they'll never own.

    I've never understood people who "cringe" at other people enjoying things in their lives, is there nothing that excites you? Why is it cringe for an adult to be excited but not a child? You're posting on a video game forum that it's cringe that someone is excited about another video game think about it.
    Rijacki and fransisco like this.
  12. Zalkk - AB Lorekeeper

    EQ would benefit greatly from a lot less Uberkingkong
    Cimbaeth, Cicelee, Cassiera and 7 others like this.
  13. Zinth Augur

    that too but that just proves my point even more ;-) used to play with a (back then many years ago) 54 yr old that played cleric
    Rijacki likes this.
  14. Laronk Augur

    In everquest I can build a base (guild hall)
    You can Strengthen your team, go raiding, go experience, go questing, kill nameds, do the bazaar
    you can improve your base with vendors and such
    you can improve the technology in your base by placing crafting stations such as a forge
    While you can't defend your base there's a multitude of missions where you have to defend a spot.

    Everquest doesn't need to pull from palworld that's not what this game is, Everquest could probably get the most out of releasing an expansion with lots of group missions a la COTF and add in cross server instancing as the expansion special feature and a dungeon finder feature(remove trade and dropping items because somehow thats a sticking point for people on these forums). This is an idea that would help with some of the problems that players in the game have with the game. We don't need more base building stuff that people in everquest aren't going to do because that's not what people play everquest for.
  15. Strawberry Augur

    Because explaining Everquest would be any less cringe at the family reunion dinner table?

    "I play a game with elves and dwarves. I ride on a tiger mount and slay angry mushrooms with my online friend."

    *blank stare by everyone*

    "They added a hot tub in the game recently....we can sit in that together....regeneration you see...."

    *awkward silence*
    Ndaara, Laronk and fransisco like this.
  16. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Ahh Now I understand why I saw the answer to...nothing. I have *UKK on ignore. Helps to keep useless clutter out of my brain.
    Yinla and Captain Video like this.
  17. Captain Video Augur

    Palworld is a thinly-veiled reskin of that developer's previous game, called Craftopia, which wasn't exactly a huge success. The main differences are all things "inspired" by Pokemon. It's always amusing to me to see how excited a lot of naive gamers can get over something truly trivial. EQ doesn't want to be anything like Palworld. The minute we start having any gacha added to EQ, I'm hanging up my gaming spurs.

    Enshrouded actually looks interesting, but I have avoided playing it because i've never liked serverwide quest progression in a not-MMO. Much negative player feedback over that. Devs are hinting at reverting it, so we'll see.
    NatazzEvoli likes this.
  18. Ozon Augur

    So far, it's only February, give OP some time, surely they can top this.
    Zarkdon, Anjanax, Lubianx and 2 others like this.
  19. uberkingkong Augur

    EQ has Overseer but it adds nothing, its just tedious work for xp.
    2001 drag and drop wait 6 to 24 hours.
    Palworld makes things like that fun. EQ needs to be taking on this.
    19 million players, they are doing the right things that the players want.
    19 million and positive reviews. Extreme positive reviews.
    Rating: 9/10 · ‎ 161,709 reviews

    Even outside of Overseer, in general EQ, things to do. Besides kill and quests.

    If Palworld was just kill and quests it would not be fun.

    See the base, workers, being raided, base defense

    Open world bosses that drops nukes, body slams.
    A lot of 1 hit KOs. If you get hit by a body slam you are done.


    Whats the title?
    Americans like ugly.

    Lets look at EQ, whats the favorite model EQ?
    Give you a hint, its an old model and they scratch their butts.

    Palworld, embracing what people want.
    EQ needs to go with this rather than being pressured into whatever they are pressured into, its not working. KISS, give people what they want. Do more of what people want.

    Palworld got it down. Their developers say, "Americans love ugly."
    If you think about it, do people love: Pugs, old school Ogres, etc.

    Rating: 9/10 · ‎ 161,709 reviews
    Americans like ugly, 9/10 rating 161 thousand reviews, hmm.

    Several things too, entire base burnt down (time consuming terrible to witness), butchering, etc. They take things you'd assume is a no no, and
    Rating: 9/10 · ‎ 161,709 reviews
    Whose got the data that is actually right? Making a game using that data.
  20. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    You are so unhappy with EQ :(

    You want to change EQ to be any other game than what it is:(

    How sad and depressed you must be. I wish you the best but I think for your own health you should try to focus on something that is more productive cause nothing your posting here is going to change the game to your liking.