Somewhat Fustrated.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Stune, Nov 16, 2023.

  1. Stune Augur

    Great responses. I can PL any toon i want, so it never was about that. Starting fresh is much different. Personally, i see no benefit's on playing live. You have nobody to talk to, baz is almost dead, things costs way to much and no guilds or groups to play with. TLPs are the only way to get that.

    So why put free to play on Live, and why have so many Live servers. You will never keep the Subs on Live.

    XP just sucks, nobody wants you at a Low level. Content is already past its peak uses.
    EQ 3 out yet? LOL been decades since we talked about that one.
    Brontus likes this.
  2. Randomized Augur

    People have tons of alts because leveling to so easy they had nothing to do to take up their time, so alts became more and more popular (also came with familiarity of the game over years). And even so, 5 levels and a couple thousand AAs doesn't take a lot of time any more, progression or not.

    Then go do that. A lot of people still do this. Is it "fast" compared to progression? No definitely not. There was a thread floating around that was complaining about this very thing and the math was done on it that only playing 3 hours a day, 5 days a week (so 15ish hours a week) just killing mobs, it would only take like 4-5 months to level to max. And that was without the use of overseer. So we're looking at 3 months to get to max level by doing it the slow way. That still gives you 75% of the expansions life to do...whatever it is you're wanting to do at max level anyway.

    That's their/your prerogative. Do what you want my friend. But 5 hours of killing > 12 hours of Overseer.

    Here's that thread/post concerning xp by just killing mobs:

    Between Xegony and FV (the two servers I play on), this has not been my experience. NewPlayers chat is always full and people always talking and forming groups there. I have yet to not get into a group within 10-15 minutes of looking for one, in any level range (50-80 was a bit short handed on players but those levels went rather quickly anyway).

    And my Druid who was only level 85 (Heroic), with no raiding experience on Live, and my second character I made since I returned after a 10 year break was picked up by a raiding guild with the knowledge I was a returning player and never raided on Live. 30 people on all the time. 50-60 at peak hours. Always someone to talk to. General chat has never slow. Easy to spark a conversation there.

    I'm really starting to think people are just complaining to complain. Instead of waiting for something to fall into your lap, be proactive. Instead of just "lfg", have a plan. I've noticed people are more receptive when you've got a plan in place. Hey, 110 Druid LFG - thinking of starting ToV Merc/Partisan quests - PST.

    Although it's not the group missions, people still seem pretty happy to join up and start in a new expansion or knock out a few checkmarks in their progression box.

    Game isn't really made for the idle mind in mind
  3. uberkingkong Augur

    I'm feeling the same way

  4. Randomized Augur

    Probably because people actively avoid you. Making friends and joining a guild is an easy way to talk to people

    Gonna take a page out of your playbook and spam the same thing over and over again for the people who have not EXPERIENCED it but going off of hearsay.

    3 months of simply grinding mobs to hit max level. Perfectly reasonable. Less if you play more than a few hours a day.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  5. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    Working as intended
  6. Micker99 Augur

    You don't think 3 months of grinding mobs is too much to level?? That's insane in my book. What about AA and now personas? So unless someone wants to do a mission or progression, they should level like a snail? I'm not saying 1% per kill, but I get like .06% per kill and that is on FV with an exp modifier. I have to use Overseer to level? When did that become a good idea? You don't even play the game doing that. I can get 5%+ a day, logging in for 2 mins, but actually playing the game, I need hours and hours to get that amount? That's not EQ to me.
    Zunnoab and Ravanta Suffer like this.
  7. Randomized Augur

    Not at all. And here's my reasoning. Content has been cut down drastically. They used progression as their new form of leveling, and probably so people would actually play the content they took the time to make. I could understand that.

    What are you going to do if you're not going to go see the content and do the quests and follow the story? Grind for 12 months? What does it matter how long it takes then? That's your form of "fun" and that's what you're going to do regardless. Nothing is going to change. So no, 3 months to hit max level and not change a singular thing you're doing? Nah, 3 months is totally fine in my books. And mind you, that's at a relaxed pace. Some people can put 15 hours in in 2 days. So that's simply 1.5 months for them.

    Again, it doesn't take long to get 5 levels, and even less time to get a couple thousand AAs. Persona's are just other alts. So easy enough to PL to 125 and auto-grant takes care of 85% of the AAs. So you still have 6+ months to get the last few ranks of AAs (made easier with all the things carried over from your main character).

    It's not leveling like a snail. Again, you have 9 months of being at max level doing what?

    You don't have to use Overseer. I forget about it more times than not and was able to level just fine. It's nice to have, but I think i've got 1 area that's level 3, two that are level 2, and the rest are level 1. I hardly use it. I haven't even bothered to upgrade any of the agents yet. And again, as I said, if you break it down to hourly.

    5% over 12 hours is .4% an hour for Overseer
    Grinding mobs is 3% or 1.5% an hour (depending on which values you want to go off: .1% or .05%)

    3.75 or 7.5 times greater than the output of Overseer. Use overseer or don't. If you don't like the supplemental experience, don't use it. Simple as that.

    The one thing you don't seem to realize is that people grinding mobs aren't the only ones getting that experience. Those who are doing progression are required to kill mobs as well. So they're leveling however much faster than you for taking in all forms of experience.

    Do you enjoy playing the game, or do you only enjoy being max level and wanting to steamroll everything? Why does it matter that someone who you're never going to group with hits max level before you? What kind of game changes are going to happen for you on your end? And i'm not saying this to be snide or snarky. Honestly curious. I've mentioned it before and i'll mention it again. Most of my EQ career (up until I returned), I've been 1-2 expansions behind simply due to lack of being able to fully commit. But I still enjoyed the game. Still logged in and played and had fun. What's the rush to hurry up and afk at max level?
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Rijacki like this.
  8. uberkingkong Augur

    It is insane.
    People here, end game players. They like the motto their way or the highway.

    Then they wonder why they are 49/140.

    Modern game 3 months just to reach max level, not beat the game or have really good max level. Just to get to max level. In modern games that is insane.

    EQ your spending those 3 months alone too. They'll tell you to make friends, you have to be dependent on others.
    Modern MMORPGs its not 90% dependency like EQ is
    Maybe for the best gear in modern MMORPGs but leveling, its not going be a long long trek unless you find people and dependent them showing up day after day so you can reach max faster than 3 months like how it is in EQ. Which isn't gonna happen, especially if your anti social.

    Other games, they have the anti social down, meta events.
    Be the solo, antisocial while playing with 80+ people around you. You just anti-social way through do your own thing. PUG raids, PUG meta events.

    EQ used to have PUG raids. Today?
    Even with raids being easy peasy.
    Theres no PUG raids.
    Bunch of greedy raiders, they have their boxes full raid gear.
    Returners, take the chump change from this named because you they can't even kill the nameds and so far behind in gear.

    Meanwhile raiders boxes are becoming full raid gear.

    It's like a 90% people full raid gear, they box, they don't include you, they shoutout their drops though.
    10% people struggling (returners), can't even kill a named. 150k HME at 120. Get one rounded by the nameds.

    returners dependent on the raiders with their box toons full raid geared to shoutout drops.

    PUG raids?
    can't have that happen, returners will be competiting with the end game players boxes on becoming full raid gear.
    End game players boxes won't get to full raid gear if PUG raids and competition for the loot.

    Easy peasy raids.
    But no PUG raids.


    2005, PUG raids, raiders would do PUG raids, PoP raids, Anguish PUG raids, raiders couldn't even beat the raids day 1 and they doing PUGs? It was a good time. Good mix. Good things.

    Not no greedy 2023
    No PUG raids
    Raiders getting their boxes full raid geared.
    Just raiding to get boxes raid geared.

    Returners, nah those 2023 raiders they all talk, they aint sharing nothing. You don't allow them to get their boxes full geared in end game raid gear when PUGs get to compete with loot on these easy peasy raids.
    2023 EQ raiders ==== greedy, selfish. they have their boxes full raid geared. No PUG raids.
    2023 Modern MMORPGs, PUG meta events, PUG raids. PUG PUG PUG
    2023 Modern MMORPGs ==== just show up, you don't even to join a group or raid and your in a 80+ person PvE event.
    2023 EQ Live Server, LFG system, no one does it. Wonder why.

    Speaking of crazy.
    Returner 3 months to just to reach end game, not happening its longer trust me, quicker if you already have a high end box, but fresh returner, gonna be long long time, not many even reach it.

    speaking of crazy,
    3 months + for returner to get max level

    Raiders, end game players.
    less than 2 months in beta and they can beat ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the raids day 1.

    2005, end game raiders,
    way way way more than 2 months to beat raids. If they was in beta for 5 months, they'd still not beat them day 1 of unlock.
    DoN raids, easy peasy ones.
    1 guild or 2 guilds, beat it within 4 months.


    2023 beta is 2 months. So if raids same difficult then and now. People would be taking 2 extra months to still figure it out.
    Not no easy peasy beaten day 1 raids from less than 2 months of raiding.

    Goes to show
    Casual/Returner life ======= GRUELING
    Raiders life ====== easy peasy.... I have box toons with full raid gear, tooooo easy. Raids === too easy. Main toon full raid gear. Box toon full raid gear.
    Raids ====== tooo easy

    Returner ======= quitting, too grueling, not in a hard way but in a very tedious way

    EQ 49/140, nothing but end game players around. Wonder why.
    Must be marketing right. Not the 0% catering to returners.
  9. Randomized Augur

    Nope, only you wonder why. No one else cares.

    Only if you choose to. Can be max level in 2-3 weeks if you follow the intended route. Takes longer to do FFXIV and beat the game. Yet I don't see you complaining about that.

    Don't want to take 3 months? Then play the content. Don't want to play the content, then don't complain.

    Unless you consider your other personalities friends..yeah...that's how that works.

    WoW is entirely group based...not sure what you're talking about not being dependent on others. The entirety of WoW's end game is all group based...just like EQ. You should do some research before making the same wrong claims that are proven wrong every single time you make them.

    I don't think you know what "PuG" means...servers still hold open raids...which is what PuG raids are.

    Everything you've said has been wrong. There's no point in reading further or responding further
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  10. Stune Augur

    1.0 xp for a hotzone at level 60. You get more for level 55 hotzones. Veksar was sad xp. Just saying Fix it DB. No reason to hinder lower levels. Level 58/59 DB con mobs gave less then POI 56 Mobs.
  11. Randomized Augur

    You're still looking at it wrong.

    Sure PoInnovation has higher exp per kill, but they also have considerably higher HP pools taking longer to kill them.

    Given an hours worth of killing, you can net more xp in Veksar than you can in PoI
    Nennius likes this.
  12. Stune Augur

    Actually, my findings found them to be close to the same or more HPs. I would have to parse them to know for sure how many Hps. I wouldnt be saying this unless i knew for sure something was way off with the XP pool for a Hotzone. Remember i am doing this from scratch, otherwise i would Powerlvl it in one hour and forget this grind garbage like i used to. I am taking your guys advice too, just some of it is exacty that again power lvl mobs.
  13. Stune Augur

    Paw 2-3% at level 60 red con 67 mobs. Takes a bit to kill but i compared it was much better to just sit there and grind out a few levels. Paw is exactly a good model to use, for hotzones. The other zones that compare is PC at a lower level.

    So far everything else is just a waste of time to explore on Live servers.

    Again, i ask that DB considers looking at Live servers for older content and boost some of these zones to 2-3%, randomly boosting the xp values to a decent %.

    26 years of the same old garbage for me. 23 accounts, and hundreds of toons. It was time to start over in grouping mode and this is my experience so far. Otherwise, i would be raiding right now.

    Nobody is left to care, everything on Live is just box 12 toons and get 100 levels in a day.

    For new players, i still recommend a good new TLP server. Live will just be returning vets that get power leveled to raid current content.

    To me it seems that the Official is TLP exploring the game from the start to current Live content unless otherwise rulesets differ. I only say this because i played Live for so long and flipped from TLP back to live recently. I am regretting it to be honest. Best server ruleset on TLP is Arudune server.
  14. Micker99 Augur

    My point was, that I should be able to get reasonable exp from killing mobs, like it used to be. They changed the focus to progression and I'm not a fan of that. I shouldn't get more exp from clicking Oveerseer, than playing the game for half a day. It's like work, you don't mind working if you are getting paid a decent wage, but if you are making peanuts/hour, you aren't going to be happy.

    I have countless mains/alts(6 accounts with several toons), that I want to level to 125 and get all the AA for them. Now I have personas I will want to do on all of them also lol. I probably play less than anyone on this board, so I would like my time to be worth it, when I can play. Most players now are older, probably 40+ at least and not kids who sit in front of the TV playing a game for a whole day. I would like to feel like I can accomplish something, if I invest a couple hours killing mobs.
  15. Pickter New Member

    Why would they boost the XP on live servers for mobs vs progression when mostly live servers are full for alts and boxers?

    Given how NoS went you are still going to be killing thousands of mobs just for a named to spawn and farming specific augs. So why would they increase the exp from mobs if the named spawn rate and drop rates are already trash. How do they keep you subbed throughout the whole year.

    Speaking from a stand point of an end game raider on live (solo btw) so I’ll be max level in a week until raids drop I’ll be helping and doing some grinding.

    I agree with the poster above any new and returning player who doesn’t have skin in the game atleast with a 100+ player should go to TLP and enjoy the community. WoW has this same issue which is why they released classic and hardcore - even rolled out an attempt to make live more appealing.
  16. Randomized Augur

    So hotzones are just zones they add a little ZEM too. If the zones original ZEM is low to start with, it being a hotzone and getting a little bonus is going to do it little good.

    Now if a zone already has decent ZEM (PC for example), then adding on the ZEM for it being a hotzone is going to make it that much more appealing. Also why not every hot zone yields the greatest xp rate.

    Depends on your goals really. I've got 3-4 max level toons (thank you extra life bonus), but not max AA. When I play them, i'm focusing on AAs...but i'm in alt mode right now since in a couple weeks and the new expansion drops, all these AAs i'm farming right now will be auto-granted to me.

    So given that, my play time with alts is exactly that. Exploring. Seeing some of the places I didn't really get to explore before. Valdeholm is a hot zone currently. And i recall grouping there before. But down in the pit more so than up in the city of giants.

    But on my way through, Icefall was a nice zone. So i took my Necro there and I was quad-quint kiting the wolves. No rush, not paying attention to my overall xp rate. More interested in the wide open spaces and see how far I can push myself before I bite off too big of a chunk and end up at the corpse summoners.

    I already responded to you with a link to a post that did the math. It took 3 months of casual playing to hit max level, doing nothing but grinding mobs. And that was at the value of .05% a kill (which I got from a 120 killing DB's). So starting off at the lower end of that spectrum (115 killing DB's - Whites - Yellows), you'll level faster.

    Point being: it's still worth your time, you're just complaining to complain or bad at the game and take considerably longer to kill mobs than necessary. Which if the latter is the case, you're not going to feel it's worth your time regardless.
  17. Evertrek Augur

    i see these posts all the time. never details, just something that implies learn-to-play....

    if leveling was so easy then someone would post a timeline, zones, and tools needed to level. but as OP states, there is NO way to do this without a group and/or multiple accounts. why would a new player or returning player waste there time with this old game when there's so many updated nice games out there ATM.

    why would this game provide a level 85 and a level 100 token. worthless money grab. not even a smart marketing move. ALL other MMOs let you boost to be able to jump into the next expansion, not some arbitrary level.

    the game's management and marketing is and always has been frustrating.
  18. Stune Augur

    I am grinding it out right now, my own 3-man group with 3 mercs. Still slow. I think i am 64 right now. Which would not have happened if i didn't just head to Paw. Honestly the other zones are bad, real bad. I've power leveled for so many years i thought now is the time to try it again without all the top end raiding stuffs. Gear is easy, too easy on live even after this many years. If i had the tools right now to edit the xp values i would to a fair just level for the older content. I do not exploit to powerlvl, i just do it right, not like these others that do it for a living. If i make it to 100, that isn't too bad of a grind.

    I stopped leveling some to grind out AA's, oh boy lots there.
  19. Randomized Augur

    I've given the details many a times in other threads. Constantly repeating myself to the same few people over and over who are crying wolf gets old.

    Because the game is built around groups. Never has it been meant to be solo'd or played by a singular character from beginning to end.

    When they introduced Heroics, the max level was only 100. You were within the 30 level range to group with someone. And at 85, you could still be of some help to level 100's in the current expansion at that time. Same thing with the level 100 boosts. Puts you within grouping range of the max level players. Meaning so long as you're grouped up, you can "jump into that next expansion".

    You'd have to understand how the game operates before you're able to understand how and why the Heroic characters are the way they are.
    Rijacki likes this.
  20. Stune Augur

    Heroic came out right after i upgraded over 12 accounts paid like 1000 that year to play EQ. I was so frustrated they nerfed the mage, i quit losing 4-5k AAs because they autogranted them, nerfed classes, mitigation etc.. I worked my tail off to get that mage raid ready in 30 days. Oh well i had fun on TLPs too when i came back. I just thought why not try live fresh. I still think TLPs are the way for what i am doing. I am so far behind people on Live i would never see the content i missed.