Alternate Personas ETA?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by DillyBar, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. DillyBar Augur

    This is not going to be ready at launch, is it? Or do we know?
  2. Randomized Augur

    Not known for sure, but I wouldn't hold your breath.
    Nennius likes this.
  3. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Seems unlikely it will be ready at expansion launch. I don't think they have even created an FAQ for it yet.
    Nennius likes this.
  4. Tuco Augur

    We don't know. It was the first question I asked a month and a half ago in the beta FAQ thread. There are now about 10 threads across the forums discussing potential answers to these questions, and until they're answered there will be a ton of confusion!!!

    Based on how long it's taking to get answers, if Personas are a critical feature for you, my recommendation is wait to purchase LS until the feature is stable. I don't plan on using Personas on my main character until next year sometime, just because the risk of corrupting a character is too high.

    Here's what I posted in early October
  5. DillyBar Augur

    I was thinking about ordering the expansion yesterday and still saw this listed there.
  6. uberkingkong Augur

    People want timesinks.

    Have them have their achievements cleared per persona.
    Thats how 115/120 will be handled.
    Sure why not epics, you basically switching class, but on same character so it makes sense to have epics.

    Race limitations?
    If its basically go back to the login screen, I don't see why not change races too.
    If its not a hotswap without going to login screen, should keep the race. Tough luck if your race doesn't have those classes.

    They can offer race changes if race matter and many cry about it.

    But they should clear achievements, its basically another toon but same name so, clear the achievements. Have an overall achievement.
    People timesinks, theres a timesink, have fun maxing out achievements on 8+ different personas.
  7. Vumad Cape Wearer

    What you have described here is an alt. What purpose would Personas accomplish then?
    Raptorjesus5 likes this.
  8. Randomized Augur

    I dont think he understands his own ramblings most of the time.

    Like "people (me) want a timesink"...then complains about how long it's taking him to level to max. Like....I thought you wanted a time sink and you're complaining about the main one that EQ offers?

    Nennius likes this.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Sounds like who I have on ignore. /ignore [insert name of drivel provider] really does work folks.
  10. Randomized Augur

    If only it tied to device instead of account. I saw [drivel provider] while offline :(
    Nennius likes this.
  11. Nennius Curmudgeon

    You have my condolences. Have you sought help yet? Counseling can do wonders. There are other in-games options as well to pursue.
  12. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I thought personas was a way to change class so you could operate as a cleric instead of using a merc when you had a group. Maybe I misunderstood the feature.
  13. uberkingkong Augur

    Personas is basically playing different classes using the same name.

    So people don't have to say
    "is Vumad on in any form"

    you could be playing a bard alt.

    Now you just AP to bard.
    I have no idea what those 2 other people are bickering about, always trying to start stuff.
  14. Alnitak Augur

    Having a cleric alt would remedy such situation. Hence the question - what is the difference between an actual alt and a Persona? Apparently - a Persona will inherit the achievements/flags, so it will be easier to bring it up to speed. I've been reluctant myself to make more alts, as the running though older expansion progressions for achievements is getting boring. With personas - I'll make many more of those to fit the special requirements. Leveling and gearing a new character is easy and quick, pushing it though old progressions - boring and time consuming, imho.
    Tuco likes this.
  15. Tuco Augur

    Ironically I've been hesitant to do some of the old progression on my alts because I viewed them as expendable and temporary. I'm much more motivated to go to RoF, CotF etc with the Persona system because I know it'll stick.
    Raptorjesus5 likes this.
  16. Micker99 Augur

    Personas are up and running in Beta, they are just working on some bugs. I would bet that they get released with the new expansions and probably bug fixed a bit after that.

    I look at personas as a way to get your main access to other classes abilities, like TP, CotH, Bard invis/speed etc.. More of a QoL improvement for travel and buffing etc., not really an alt I will play. If I wanted to level up another alt, I would make it a persona, but at first, it will be just personas, for classes I want the abilities for on my main(Bard/mage/druid etc). Probably won't even gear them up much, as I will just click on them for a certain ability or spells.
  17. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I was hoping personas was more like I could play a ranger or Necro in group for the night, but earn the ACH I need on my raiding main.

    Sounds like a bad work around to how works. I do wish they would account link characters so toxic people can't hide behind alts.

    I have alts, but none of them hold a candle to my main. Most of us remedy the problem with boxes, but boxes are ineffective if not maintained, so they often keep taking the place of other players.

    This is even more so the case in expansions where flagging is a problem. A large part of the player base barely plays enough to reach their goals on their mains. Fewer can keep alts up to speed. I really struggle to keep my Ranger in a playable condition each year, and still end up just piggy backing him to keep him playable without much time to actually play him. I do with I could get some time on other classes without the struggle of keeping them meeting the bare minimums to survive.

    Thanks for the update. I'll have to check it out now that it is working.
  18. Tuco Augur

    I think this is a primary use-case. You can imagine getting raid gear on your raiding character, unlocking raid flags etc, but then spend a lot of time grouping with your rng/nec. Both your main and persona would benefit from all the legacy boons like heroic AAs, crafting etc.

    The effort required to level a persona and keep them up to date hasn't been answered yet.
    Vumad likes this.
  19. uberkingkong Augur

    Whoa whoa.

    If you keep the heroic and legacy boons, thats timesinks that they erased.
    AP for timesinks?

    If not, just make it so swap and you stay the level you currently at.
    Why make them level up all over again

    If you not gonna heroic AAs and achievements all over again.
    Why do the level all over again?

    Why one or the other?

    Timesinks, you kinda want them, kinda don't what is it? Pick one.

    EQ's decision thought process lately very sketchy.
    "we want you to explore" meanwhile gives goods all the time to make maps.
    Everyone downloads map day 1.

    Why not just add the map. If you want to explore just don't open the maps, simple.

    EQ wants you to explore yet they let map creater create the maps for day 1. Ruins the experience. If everyone is doing it, it's not the same.

    If heroic AA and such like DoN progression, if that carries, thats timesinks you destroyed.

    Why make people level all over again, just tedious.

    You removing timesinks and keeping tedious stuff. Doesn't make sense.
    If people gotta level all over again, tedious work. Make it so they have to do the timesinks again, heroic AAs, go do that mission, go 100% that expansion via quests/missions.

    Lotta work, lotta timesinks.
    All gone.
    And you make people still level.

    Because you think of it as timesink? Well why you remove the heroic AA timesinks?

    If its about timesinks, leave it alone, thats a timesink. Should take years to have a perfect character every AP and 100% heroic AAs.

    Making people leveling, good grief, leveling is not fun on Live.
    Only benefits the people at end game, they use their box and boom max level.

    Newplayer/returner, ugh level 94.
    want to try a class, ugh starting from 1, ugh, they don't have a box and friends to PL them within a day or 2 to max.

    All you do is make newplayer/returner tedious, burnout.
    Takes a year to get to 120 as returner? try 2 personas, longer than a year now.

    You giving newplayer/returner tedious not fun timesinks.
    Meanwhile making current players easymode. No more heroic AA, its carried.
    Aka the timesink. Gone.

    Current players make very annoying timesinks aka leveling for newplayers/returners.

    ---Make heroic AAs not transferable, gotta get it again.
    Timesinks for CURRENT players, they want the timesinks.
    not the newplayers/returners, they don't want those stinking timesinks.
  20. Velisaris_MS Augur

    And that will probably be the deciding factor as to whether people waste time with them or not.

    Grinding a persona to max level (125 in this case) is gonna be some serious suckage if there are no achievement xp rewards post 110.
    Marton and Tuco like this.