Alternate Persona

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by FranktheBank, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I wish I knew, but I would bet it wouldn't be krono.
    fransisco likes this.
  2. Iven the Lunatic

    Does that look familiar ? FF = Final Fantasy. The latest fashion now also available in EverQuest and Monsters & Memories.
    The vid is 2 years old.

  3. fransisco Augur

    fun flavored like lime? Or standard red?
    Public service announcement - black licorice isn't licorice. Its poison marketed to children.
    Metanis likes this.
  4. Flatchy Court Jester

    Black licorice is about as good as those giant orange circus peanuts. gag
    Burdi likes this.
  5. Burdi Augur

    Of course I haven’t read the 50 pages of the thread.
    Do we know now, how that feature will look like ?
    Or is it still 50 pages of speculation, dreams , and wishes?
  6. Scila Augur

    Without reading the enormous thread ... I'm about as likely to use it as shrouds. Why? I have alts that I would prefer to invest time in at this point than start another "version" of what I have.
    Burdi likes this.
  7. Burdi Augur

    That would cool if we could jumble an alt with a main alternate persona.
    I think that should require some sort of difficult cooking recipe!
    Barton likes this.
  8. Sissruukk Rogue One

    Still 50 pages of speculation. Angeliana posted somewhere that we are to get an update sometime this week with answers to some of the questions. It is Thursday, so hopefully today or tomorrow.
    Burdi and KushallaFV like this.
  9. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    I don't know why I'm surprised that it's taking so long to explain basic features of Alternate Personas, when I know this is just standard for them.

    I'm starting to lean towards this as a feature is never going to be released as there are too many sub-systems that would need reworked.
  10. Treebeard New Member

    Wow, lot of pages on this topic. I had an idea of what this might be, and it made sense from a RP standpoint to me, so my idea of what is coming is most likely completely wrong, and someone will let me know there is some code thing or something that made it impossible. But I literally read this as an option to dual class in a way. From a RP standpoint, a Warrior is a meatshield, and to be good, it takes years of skill to get there. So the brawler wants to also be able to cast? Can't, you can learn to cast, even become a mage, but to be effective you essentially have to be all of one, not a mix of 2. A true discipline decision on how best to move forward in the present situation. Anything less would seem to lessen to role of the second class when it comes to mastery. So it takes the time it took to master the other skill. It makes sense to me. So it would just essentially be a new character roll and level, just like a normal new char, except this one is tied with the other "aspect" in regards to non class specific skills. Like learning a new class should not impact you're ability to fish, fishing was not what made your primary the character it is today. And your stuff.
  11. Sissruukk Rogue One

    According to the quarterly producer's letter when this was first announced:

    So, if it works right, you will retain your trade skills, character flags, and some other things that you worked hard on. The rest, though, on how it will work gear-wise, evolving item-wise, and other mechanics is still speculation.
  12. Jisoo New Member

    If I can loot no drop items on my my main for my Personas then this feature will be amazing.
    Hdizzle, jeskola and CrazyLarth like this.
  13. Buds Augur

    As long as I can switch to another persona, without having to be in some special zone, then it should be great. If I have to be in PoK or somewhere to switch, I'll just keep my regular alts.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Barton like this.
  14. Marton Augur

    Angeliana posted on beta forum:

  15. Buds Augur

    Well this seems to be pretty important to the players. Over 900 posts so far, I think it's time to discuss.
  16. Cicelee Augur

    Broken record take inc-

    Alternate Persona is going to disappoint everyone, because all of us have a dream/vision of what we want it to be and the devs will not be able to meet those dreams/visions due to a variety of controllable and uncontrollable reasons. I do feel that the playerbase should just kick AP out of their thoughts and minds and not expect much, if anything, from it from an implementation and execution perspective.

    This is not a knock on anyone. This is just trying to lower expectations into realism.
  17. yodo Augur

    I assume that's nice talk for "we still don't have answers to any of these questions."
  18. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Black licorice is da bomb. So is strawberry string licorice.
  19. Tuco Augur

    Angel gladly taking the heat for developers having no answers to our questions, respect.
    yodo likes this.
  20. Sissruukk Rogue One

    There is silence both on the beta forums after Angeliana's post, and relative silence here. Is it resignation we are feeling that this will probably not go live?