Food/Drink Toggle Switch?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Darktower, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Darktower Elder

    Just a thought, nothing more...

    How would people feel if a simple toggle switch was added to allow/disallow the consumption of food while in inventory? To me it would serve two positive purposes...

    1.) Prevent the accidental eating/drinking of quests item needed for a turn in.

    2.) Allow you to gain the benefits of stat food/drink when you really need them rather than wasting it on zone runs, ooc medding, general downtime.

    I realize this isn't anything HUGE and one could simply solve this problem buy purchasing water flasks and other cheap food items to place in the top row of my inventory but, to me, that's a waste. I dislike how I purchase/make stat food items and instantly one item gets consumed because my corpulent barbarian is hungry/thirsty. Then I might end up consuming another item by the time I get done running to a far-off zone, setting up camp, buffing, etc. I always feel that when I get my food items out of my bank, I'm always in a hurry to get somewhere and when I'm finished there I'm always in a hurry to get back to a bank to put my food stuffs back.

    Anyways, just a simple thought, feel free to agree/disagree as you see fit.
  2. Tobynn Augur

    Allow food/drink to last forever? Yeah, I'm sure they'll get right on that.
  3. yaddab Augur

    Did you even read the post - that is not what he is suggesting at all, I guess you are one of these people that have never consumed a quest item by accident or wondered where you planar goo was going!

    Not a bad idea really, especially now there is no penalty/benefit to actually consuming non stat food

    While I am thinking about it the mechanic is there for the powersources, to only be consumed when in combat - perhaps that is worth throwing in here.
  4. Darktower Elder

    Yeah, I don't want food/drink to last forever, that's not what I was suggesting at all.

    Just merely allowing you to 'turn on' the mechanic that physically eats/drinks/consumes the food items, that's all. You would still consume them, you would just get to pick when.

    If you have the toggle switch off, you wouldn't get any of the stats from the food nor would you accidentally consume quest/TS items. That's all.

    EDIT - And I like yaddab's idea as well, if the toggle switch isn't something that's able to be implemented into the UI, how about just having the 'consume' mechanic go active when in combat? Of course that would still allow for accidental consumption of quest/TS items but still a good starting point...
  5. Greymantle Augur

    Staples is the company that sells the easy buttons. The way food and drink is consumed currently is fine imo. If you dont want to comsume your stat food/drink just buy water and rations and put them in a higher slot. One of the nice things about this game is you actully have to think and do things, not everything is automatic.
  6. tofu stir fry Augur

    dont see why this would be an issue to do. I think its a wonderufl idea!
  7. Darktower Elder

    Greymantle, I do see your point and I can tell that you're probably one of those individuals that falls into the 'anti-easy anything' camp, which is perfectly fine. I respect that there should be a significant 'time invested vs. reward' structure that is maintained through any decent MMO.

    However, I don't see what I suggested as game breaking or making anything that much more 'easy'. It would eliminate needless trips to a banker/vendor for relatively useless water/ration purchases. I think it's silly to buy 100 water flasks just to have on me at all times so I don't use my good stat food and then have to switch everything around when I enter content that facilitates the use of stat food items. That's just wasted 'fluff' playing in my opinion.

    But yes, I do see your point and I hope you realize I wasn't asking for an 'easy button'. I was simply suggesting it and seeing what sort of feedback was given, yours included.
  8. Tobynn Augur

    I did read the post, and all the smoke and mirrors do little to hide the fact that this suggestion is precisely to allow high-stat food/drink to last forever.

    You don't want to eat quest items? Don't place them in top slots.
    You don't want to eat tradeskill ingredients? Don't place them in top slots.

    The problem has already been solved. You just don't like the solution because it doesn't enable perpetual food/drink with preferable stats.
  9. Sinestra Augur

    Yeah eating serves no purpose anymore and I can't see why it is still something that is required other than to annoy players with a constant reminder that they're hungry/thirsty. Would be nice to be able to toggle off food and drink with stats so you don't waste them sitting around or eat quest items.
  10. Sinestra Augur

    I see what you're saying, but nothing in his request would enable perpetual food/drink with preferable stats. Not anywhere is it even implied.

    If you turn off food consumption, it would stop giving you food stats since it would no longer be able to eat the food correct?
  11. Greymantle Augur

    Nice to have a friendly conversation with oppposing views for a change :) . I am not anti everything easy. But this feature adds a bit more realism to the immersivness (sp) of the game. Drinks/food stack up to 20, that's could also be considered easy. If evey time you "return to town" at the end of your adventures, which you probably do like 90% of the rest of us. Replenish your stocks while selling your trash loot. Venders in the lobby sells food/drink. Most zones, not all, have a vender. If you have the AA, summon one. All of these things are currently in place to assist. If you run out, you don't die like is some games. You just get an annoying message reminding you, and if left long enough your regen begins to suffer.

    Thing is , that kind of change is not a simple one. It would require a coding change as to how the items interact with your character. With the limited resouces the coders have at the moment, i would prefer that they do other things.
  12. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    Just add inventory slots for food and drink, since they are practically required to begin with. Whatever is in those slots is what you will eat/drink from and the food is consumed before you recieve the stats in a similar manner as a power source.
  13. Darktower Elder

    Tobynn, I really wasn't trying to 'smoke and mirrors' anything. I'm not hiding any hidden agenda. I just have somewhat limited play time and was hoping to remove (what I consider to be) needless trips to vendors/bankers, that's all. I really hope you're not as upset about my suggestion as your posts seem to indicate.

    Also, just so it's 100%, I wasn't asking for stat food to be able to be maintained in perpetuity.

    -Toggle food on, stats come on, consumption goes down.
    -Toggle food off, stats go off, consumption goes off.

    That's all really, no smoke, no mirrors, no hidden aspect I'm trying to get one over on someone. I'm glad you have a dissenting opinion though, it allows the full spectrum of the idea to take shape.
  14. Darktower Elder

    You do have a good point here, I wasn't even thinking about the time invested from the coders standpoint. I realize they have priorities and deadlines and such. My suggestion was simply that, a suggestion. I hadn't even gotten to the point of the physical 'ability to implement' yet. But yes, I do agree with you here. If my suggestion would take time away from someone fixing a wonky quest or a bugged event, then yes, it wouldn't be worth it.

    My idea was simply something to consider if downtime allowed for it.
  15. Gladare Augur

    Force feed yourself by right clicking food and water. You then won't automatically consume something for some time. It gives you a chance to swap out your food and drink when it suits you. Just keep vendor food/water in your inventory to force feed.
  16. Falos Augur

    I walk around the game 95 percent of the time totally out of food / drink on all my toons, the only time i bother to get food and drink for the added mana regen and such is if I am doing something especially challenging.. and I gotta say there isnt much of that left in the game.

    People put way too much weight into buffs and stat food IMO
  17. Sinestra Augur

    I just hate the constant food and drink spam that serves no purpose other than to annoy the players so I tend to keep food and drink on my characters.
  18. Hahlfwit Augur

    An even more useful button Hide you are out of food/drink spam message. Since food/drink or the lack of is no longer an issue in game, why even have the msg?
  19. Gladare Augur

    Sorry, I forgot that this way also allows you to keep your stat food and their stats permanently as long as you're ocd enough to force feed yourself often. I'm one of the people that re-click my clickies constantly so doing the same for food is natural to me. You can force feed food from inside your bags now which makes this method even easier.
  20. Kyreth Elder

    I am slightly more concerned by the fact that we are all constantly eating and drinking but no buildings ever have bathrooms..
    Elricvonclief and Darktower like this.