Alternate Persona

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by FranktheBank, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. Lujack Dhrakoth New Member

    Maybe they can treat it like a permanent illusion. You have a human, you buy a persona and opt to build a shaman, you pick a "subrace" (ie one that qualifies as shaman) but externally you have a human form visually an unremovable illusion buff.
  2. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Why though? You are creating a new class with a persona and it doesn't need to be overly complicated by saying something like "create race/class". People are reading to much into what one UI window says and limiting to what your current race/deity (missed that deity would restrict it even more than race does) when some combinations are very limiting.
  3. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That doesn't fix the issues with various items and spells that won't be usable by someone if they chose a non supported race/class/deity combination.
  4. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    They have design documents.
    I'm not going to speak on Klanderso except to say they are a very capable coder.

    As a ex-developer yourself you should know that you don't need to have a full and complete high level understanding of an entire project to work on a ticket that says "create a function that does X".

    Nothing is ready until it is. Why would it be ready now? Very few things are polished and ready the first day of Beta. That is what Beta exists for. What a pointless thing to say.

    Merging your alts into a persona will never happen.
  5. Hdizzle Augur

    So TL;DR we now have wow style Dual spec in Everquest.

    I see the appeal and convenience to not having to reacquire chase items, clickies etc to raid on an alt.

    And as a multi boxer I would totally exploit the ability to make my team 5 enchanters and a SK if i need to cheese something Lol (assuming that's how it works). Heck why have classes at all??

    But as an old EQ player.. get your @#$@ nerf ball off my lawn.
  6. fransisco Augur

    I'm not concerned with it possibly being late.
    This is the eq forums, so everyone is here looking for a fight and see the sky falling.
    Honestly though, the first few weeks after expac everyone is gonna be leveling and playing new content, not doing alt /altP stuff.

    Plus something like this will be very complicated, and is bound to have bugs. Thats not the sort of feature you wanna push live just before the holidays. I think its far better to have this in like Feb
  7. Nennius Curmudgeon

    If we are going to refer to alternate personas, let's be honest. We know almost nothing about it. It doesn't exist yet except as an idea and a plan and some in-progress code. All the speculation about it doesn't mean anything, really. It's just vapor and verbiage. In a few weeks (maybe), we will know more. And seeing arguments about speculative thoughts is just a bit silly. Patience is needed here.

    Fortunately, we dwarves don't have to worry too much about lawns, but if you come in my underground mansion I will catch you and force you to listen to disco for the next year. And if that isn't enough of a punishment I can make you listen to Boris Johnson speeches until your ears bleed. So there! :p
  8. Hdizzle Augur

    I will admit my interest is Piqued. I think its fair to assume based on their own below description that literally means you don't need to log out anymore to log an alt.

    Alternate Personas - Swap between different classes quicker without needing to go by another name! With Alternate Personas, you can swap to another class while retaining your name, inventory / bank, crafting skills, keying and much more!

    This will help them with class balance too. Imagine your main sucks this expansion but your alt is really good. I get it.
  9. Hdizzle Augur

    Imagine this on TLPs. Now there's a golden ticket idea ;)
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    The pre order page indicates that this will be available on TLP servers and it could be great for those who want to create a beastlord or berserker but can't at server launch.
  11. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    I agree with all that pretty much.

    Some people expressed ideas about selling a feature that doesn't exist yet, others have pointed out the realities of that.

    So I agree and would have just 'liked' your last post and left it at that.

    But I'm cleaning my office today, prepping a new computer. And I found an old folder of mine labeled 'Vision and Scope Requirement Specs Documentation'.

    And it has about 40-50 pages of xeroxed (literally) and three hole punched 'best practices' for software development.

    I'm just going to finish with two quotes.

  12. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Would certainly take some of the suck out of it, in terms of flags maybe even some gear you could ask to reserve, etc. but doesn't do anything for having to level from 1 all over again.
  13. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Levelling is like the fastest, easiest part of this game.
  14. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    It is right up until you have nobody to do it with.

    And that was how it went on Live & TLP for my Berserking catch ups
    Barton and KushallaFV like this.
  15. uberkingkong Augur

    Yes there is logic

    Class druid
    {halfling, ....}
    { cannot be this }


    If (halfing) {
    lists possible outcomes

    There is logic there.
    Your thinking of project manager logic. Well since we got personas do it everyone.

    Wrong, code doesn't support that.

    What is logical
    If they changed the logic to any class any race, then that would affect character select too.

    But I'm not argue over this because I'm not going to be one of the people stressing the dev's out.
    I'm not the person saying
    1. personas = any class even if ogres cannot be that class
    WRONG they never said can be any class, whatever is available, not any class
    2. personas = race changes
    WRONG they never said you could change race

    If you're ogre tough luck.
    Tough luck.

    You've been having frontal stun immune while everyone shafted so now is your time to be shafted.

    Quit stressing these dev's out with extra stuff that they have to do on top of what they are doing.
    "hey last minute change, let any class be part of persona's"
    yeah thats a huge change, thats a last minute change where it makes sense "probably wont be done in time then"

    Stressing the developers out last minute??? shame. Pressure came from the community too.
    100% end game, 100% raids every expansion past 10 years. Now you pressuring them with extra work.
    GW2 they have expansions no raids in them, they top 10. You don't have to have raids in your expansions.

    1. personas = any class even if ogres cannot be that class
    WRONG they never said can be any class, whatever is available, not any class
    2. personas = race changes
    WRONG they never said you could change race

    They gotta change backend, database, frontend, everywhere changes when you do
    original vision game breaking changes like any class for any race.

    Theres no cloth visible armor for ogres, theres no leather, chain visible armor erudites
  16. Randomized Augur

    Lots of huff and puff to save yourself a minute of down time :p

    I'm wondering if it wouldn't have been easier to do the flagging issue in another manner.

    Make it so raids do not require flagging to enter. You can walk in day one of raid being released without any pre-requisites.

    But here's the catch: The raid has mechanics/debuff that are permanent to those who do not do the flagging. Whereas flagging gives you the buff or just negates the debuff. Much like Essence of the Dragon from EoK.

    Some of the top guilds may be able to bulldog through without it, but most guilds would require at least the majority of their raid party to have done the flagging.

    Would be a lot easier to implement and fix if things went buggy. Granted it wouldn't be a new expansion feature, but it would also appeal to people who've already leveled up and geared many different toons for raiding and who have kept those alts current as opposed to having to go back and do it all over with multiple new "personas"

    Just a random thought.
    Hdizzle likes this.
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Sure, you have to level up again but it also means you can continue to progress on your leveled up persona and not lose out on any progression once your new class catches up.
  18. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And personas are not going to be limited to your current race/deity as that is extremely limiting and would cause issues on a race change something that tends to happen on TLP's as new races are unlocked.
  19. uberkingkong Augur

    If they are on any race

    game breaking vision changes.
    Ogre simply cannot be druids.
    It's on the backend
    Its on the frontend
    Its on the database
    It's in there character creation logic

    They never said any class for any race.
    Alternate Personas - Swap between different classes quicker without needing to go by another name! With Alternate Personas, you can swap to another class while retaining your name, inventory / bank, crafting skills, keying and much more!

    different class
    NOT swap to ANY class

    keyword, different

    tough luck if your ogre
    you've had frontal stuns while other racials they got shafted

    its the way it is, and its part of the games vision.
    Ogres simply cannot be enchanters, does its not part of the lore, gamebreaking.
    Original vision of EQ, gamebreaking.

    You going to break the game, make EQ3, why do all gamebreaking decisions in EQ, nostalgia, you lose it on game breaking original vision changes. Thats what EQ3 is for.

    All that you guys are doing is, stressing the developers, with heavy logic changes last minute. Ogre to any class, thats a lot of logic needing to be changed.
    Your talking frontend backend database. Not only that, items. specific races can use these items. TONS of changes. LOTS of stress you guys are giving the developers.

    different class
    NOT swap to ANY class

    keyword, different
  20. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    There is nothing game breaking about letting a persona be any race/class/deity combination that is available in the game.

    There is no value in restricting it to the classes available to the current race/deity as that won't let players do much of anything.