Alternate Persona

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by FranktheBank, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I would also include changing the race bit as well since no race can be all classes and a bunch are pretty limited. Overall that does sound like a reasonable approach to it.
  2. WeCameWeConquered Elder

    In a word... no.

    Based off the eqemu code, one would start with the character structure and add an additional member for the second class then perform an update and cross-check of GetClass() and adding a HasClass() function where appropriate. With the addition of a toggle style AA (base class or secondary class), the scripting API for events, spell turnins, armor, etc would then return the class based on that AA setting, alleviating any of those concerns. There are a handful of switch statements based on class that would need to be unrolled of course. Gear checks and the like that are limited also by race (which never really made sense in much of EQ - why race restrict class only items?) could be addressed via a feature flag for race checks on equp, ruleset allowable class combinations, etc, - lots of options here, ie. not even really a hurdle.

    The real 'work' that would need to be performed would be taking highest skill value from the two as well as AAs, since AAs are a mess of overlapping effects with various values and IDs that can be the same or vary between classes. Based on the persona feature information thus far, they are already making coding changes to track multiple data sets of skills and AAs for a character, so that part of it is 'done' perhaps, just needed the logic added for selecting which to use, much like worn and spell buffs already do. Beyond that, there are apparently hardcoded checks on the client that would need to be updated, but those cannot really be commented on since we've never seen source for an implementation thereof.

    Balancing such is not a concern as obviously an idea such as duoclassing would be more befitting a special ruleset server (and as an aside, the statement insinuates that the game is balanced now, which is lulz). Interestingly enough, the persona feature stands to do harm to 'class balance' since players can (and may be expected to) switch to the flavor of the month class instead of seeing issues addressed. Can you imagine the mass class switches on TLPs through the expansions? Ugh!
  3. Tucoh Augur

    Someone should make an emulated EQ server that has hybrid classes. Maybe call it. "Less class"?

    - Classless system - All players are able to use and scribe any spell scroll, dual wield any item, and track down their enemies. Double attack is available from level 1, and disciplines are available at 45+. Use any classes' spells in any capacity that you fe
  4. Tucoh Augur

    I wonder what would break if they just yolo'd it and enabled any race / class combo. If you chose a barbarian with a cloth caster, you just run around naked (at least you did 20 years ago when I looted Shainai's Nightie on my barbarian), nbd.
    Lujack Dhrakoth likes this.
  5. Cicelee Augur

    The more I think about it, the more I think of the following-

    I am not giving up my alt on my main character's account. I have too much time and effort invested into this alt to decide to drop it in favor of starting off at level 1 again. I think it is a great idea on a TLP where you start at level 1. I think if this came out 20 years ago, it would be fine.

    But I believe there quite a few single account owners who have a main, who have various alts on that main account, who have time invested in these alts, that don't want to give up their alts for a level 1 persona.

    I cannot wait until 10-10 to see what an alternate persona actually is, what you need to do to bring it up to speed, etc
  6. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Depends on what expansion/servers it got enabled on. You have issues of older items being limited by race/deity that last for a decent number of expansions. Just leveling up could be hard due to item limitations.
    Tucoh likes this.
  7. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Its a feature that comes with the expansion. I think that makes it an expansion feature regardless. Pre expansion you cant buy persona slots. After you buy expansion you can. I think you mean it defies the spirit of an expansion feature.

    But hopefully they provide at least one free one to start.

    And I suspect you might be right on it being a new income source at the cost of the expansion


    hopefully it might be how they plan to pay for spending extra work on content for the expansion.
  8. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    The whole persona thing is also going to mean folks wanting much more gear then in the past. It will be interesting in how this effects the game economy as well as things like camp availability (although instancing will alleviate that to a greater extent).
    WeCameWeConquered likes this.
  9. Risiko Augur

    I wonder how much the "Convert Character to Persona" token will cost.
    Metanis, Barton and Nennius like this.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It will only impact the class specific items and the majority of slots should be fine with a single item.
  11. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Except you also have to include class specific augs in gear. Folks will want to be able to just change gear without then changing augs so I suspect many will want copies of each piece to avoid that. At least the power users who want the most out of each piece of gear may want that so multiple copies of lore when worn stuff that is class specific.

    P.S. How are they going to track all this? Tracking things take resources. :)
  12. WeCameWeConquered Elder

    Not necessarily. If personas allow a main warrior to persona a mage, for example, non-visibles would need replacing too, since most are tagged by groups (tanks, melee, casters, priests, etc).
    Tucoh likes this.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That may be true for some but it won't be true for all, the only areas that will be required to camp for an item repeatedly will be class specific item such as visible.

    And there is a big difference between tracking things that don't need to be kept track of in real time such as persona related things that only get checked with switching around personas and items in a guild hall that need to be tracked by the server whenever it is loaded even if it isn't displaying them to all characters.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    This depends on the expansions involved as current expansions they non visibles are all/all by default unless it is a special item such as a pet ear for pet classes or a hate mask for tanks.
  15. FYAD Augur

    No, not really. Most non-vis are all/all and the actual stat distributions are so homogenized that there's no real difference in the choice between the items tagged for "tank" vs the item tagged for "caster". Unless you're chasing Magelo rankings, the difference in 2-3 points of one hStat or another is inconsequential.
  16. Randomized Augur

    Reading through this entire thread, this has been the foremost question on my mind. I'm assuming these personas are going to need their own armor. Meaning players will hold onto more gear, and the few pieces that are now available to sell/trade, prices will go through the roof thanks to supply and demand.

    And speaking of gear, will these personas have their own gear attached to them that swaps when you swap personas? Or do you have to carry all this gear in your inventory and swap manually?

    Another question concerning gear: since it says we keep the same inventory between personas, does that mean if I have a Warrior and I persona a Bard, I can just throw my plate armor and non vis gear into my inventory and then throw it on the Bard? If so, that'll save a lot of gearing alts until later expansions when group armor changes from archetype to class specific. And if so, does that mean it would he wise to level your main and persona at the same time? Get your Warrioe to 75, then swap to the 70 Bard to make use of the 70-75 armor before retiring it?

    So many possibilities
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  17. Risiko Augur

    I keep waiting for them to give details about the personas and it ends up just being Monster Shroud 2.0 and everybody collectively goes... "Oh.... ok" and the excitement completely leaves the room lol.
  18. uberkingkong Augur

    So question Personas

    Sex Race and Class change?

    Be a High Elf cleric female
    Be Ogre male warrior

    Btw this is destroying roleplaying.

    Can't say it enough, this destroys roleplaying.

    They touted and defended, maps.
    This is how EQ is, this how EQ vibe is. That is why maps are always blank.

    Races, Class, etc.
    Same story,
    This is how EQ is, this how EQ vibe is. That is why it is what it is.

    Lose Lose
    EQ old game, update. Lose nostalgia, Lose roleplaying.
    EQ old game, do not update. Lose on being outdated.

    Lose Lose

    Your going away from.
    This is how EQ is, it is what it is.
    -1000 to Roleplaying -1000 to Nostalgia
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    What suggests that when they stated that players will share inventories? The only things that a persona should need gear wise are the class specific slots, not counting what is needed while leveling up.

    If they didn't want you to be able to share armor between personas they wouldn't let you share inventories.
  20. Randomized Augur

    You're still role-playing. You're playing the role of the hero of Norrath. That's all role-playing is. Anything extra is on you and your imagination. Thus, being able to swap between high elf female Cleric and an ogre male warrior could very well add to the role-playing experience. How much is shape-changing and identy stealing part of the sci-fi/fantasy universe? How would this be any different.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Kaenneth like this.