Least exciting expansion announcement in history

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by hein, Oct 4, 2023.

  1. FranktheBank Augur

    What happened after we saved Mayong? He just Kekbye'd away and is gonna bother us in the future?
  2. Zalkk - AB Lorekeeper

    No its not, show me where anything was mentioned.. you are fooled by someone making stuff up from another website im afraid
  3. uberkingkong Augur

    No new armor visible looks I have seen so far.
    So its typical expansion.

    Other games you get new armor visible looks, spells are fancier graphics, story continues.

    EQ, outta the blue story, that ends outta the blue for a new expansion where the story scene outta the blue.

    EoK > TBL story went from EoK to TBL? no both outta the blue
    TBL to CoV? outta the blue

    no story continuation that other games do with their expansions.

    EQ lacks stories
    EQ lacks armor visible looks/designs
    EQ lost its roleplaying factor (Personas, this kills roleplaying, but it was already damaged from previous decisions)
    No returning players newplayers benefits in this expansion, everything benefits end game players
    EQ raids, used to be known tough, but pattern I see now every try hard end game guild beats everything available when it becomes available in 1 day. EQ raids you knew the strategy but still challenging, todays raids, every single raid available gets beaten day 1

    Yeah I agree least exciting expansion, its the 30th so the bar is high and the gap between the high bar and what is to come, yeah thats a lot, definitely that margin makes it the least exciting expansion.
  4. FranktheBank Augur

    If uberkingkong isnt excited, then it's probably a good expac.
    Hobs, Skuz, Nennius and 6 others like this.
  5. uberkingkong Augur

    They do the same stuff again and again.
    Year after year, been doing it for past 10 years.

    MMORPG is not top 5, not top 10, not top 20 anymore.

    As harsh as it sounds, its truth, and people saying "very well done, thank you, you did awesome" only encouraging that.

    Game doesn't change when you keep encouraging bad thought process.
    You can be supportive and continue to play.
    But don't go around supporting it.
    Not top 5, not top 10, not top 20.
    All because people encouraging and supporting bad thought process.

    You have your data.
    Look at past 10 years, look at year after year.
    And the issues year after year. Same issues year after year for past 10 years.
    Same reasoning you provide, yet issue comes back year after year for past 10 years. Time to change your look, change your reasoning, think about that you might actually be wrong. You have been told that year after year for past 10 years, and now you have the data from being wrong year after year for past 10 years. You have it all now.

    I support EQ,
    but its thought process is dead wrong. I'll keep playing because I'm a "been around for long time" player, but the direction, the thought process is dead wrong. Has been dead wrong year after year for past 10 years.
  6. Wildeone New Member

    He's reformed and creating a crew of ethical vampires to go door to door advertising their way of life.
    Hobs, Skuz, Zunnoab and 3 others like this.
  7. Jennre Band Leader

    Then why do you play?
  8. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I play so that I get to talk to Jennre once a year! And together we can cheer for Bard improvements until the point when we realize there are no bard improvements!
    Skuz and Jennre like this.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Don't need to play (or even pay) in order to post on the forums with all the problems you see with Everquest and how other games are so much better.
    Skuz, code-zero, Sissruukk and 2 others like this.
  10. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Isn't there a book like that? And somebody famous who talks about it. Now who is that?
  11. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Hehe I can't imagine who you mean. But if I could, it might look something like this.

  12. Windance Augur

    I'm not convinced he does.
    Nennius likes this.
  13. Sakuraba Augur

    There are hints in some of his older posts that he doesn't. lol.
    Hobs, code-zero and Nennius like this.
  14. Nennius Curmudgeon

    I think in this year that is so fraught with uncertainty, we should demand a clear statement on this vital issue. Who's with me?
    Sissruukk likes this.
  15. Jennre Band Leader

    I figured. It's just odd behavior. It is kind of like stalking an ex that you dumped, telling all of their partners how bad the relationship was, and they should date these other people instead.
    Nennius likes this.
  16. Randomized Augur

    Yeah? Are you on the alpha test to see these things before they're released yet? Beta hasn't even dropped. Of course you haven't seen anything yet ye dolt.

    As does every MMORPG genius. You start with a base and you keep that foundation. You don't reinvent the game with every expansion.

    WoW is a lot more successful than EQ (thank to EQ though), and guess what...same thing, different art for the last 10 years.

    You used to need to be subbed in order to create an account to post. 50/50 on the feelings about that being removed
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    People have been data farming information for the new expansion for a while. As for the forums as the game is free to play creating an account/character is a very low bar for entry and you don't need a paid account to post.
  18. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I recall one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books "Moving Pictures" maybe, or the one really focused on vampires "Carpe Jugulum" having a faction of vampires that did something like that but I can't recall which, and it wasn't a major plotline. Probably not the reference you were thinking of though.