What's on your EQ QoL wishlist for 2023?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Hobs, Jul 6, 2023.

  1. Gigobyte Pretty Good Person

    How about a revamped bazaar search tool. Especially tradeskills divided by tradeskill type.
    Hobitses and CatsPaws like this.
  2. Iven the Lunatic

    Raiding the Daybreak headquarters in San Diego.

    CrazyLarth and Nennius like this.
  3. Herf Augur

    I want them to finally fix the broken triggered spawns in Umbral Plains!
    Metanis likes this.
  4. Bigstomp Augur

    I would like a raid banner.
    Metanis and Celephane like this.
  5. Atomos Augur

    Higher than 2,000,000 plat limit on bazaar.

    Ability to use Krono as currency on bazaar.

    Ability to ctrl+shift+right click an item (searches for the item on the bazaar) in more places, such as the loot window (mostly here) and vendors. Think it needs to even be added to the bazaar lol.

    Increase the length of the search box on the bazaar, there's a ton of item names that don't fit into the box.

    Make the raid tool have multiple columns or something, 1 column for 72 names is annoying.

    Remove the raidtool Lock/Unlocking mechanic.

    Lower the raid out of combat timer dramatically.

    Raid trash mobs should only have a regular out of combat timer.

    Add a button to item tooltips that searches for the item in your advanced loot filter settings or a keyboard button to do so. Probably both.
  6. Fleiss Journeyman

    Pet inventory window OR command to tell pet to remove items from slots, like /petremove leggings

    Campfire member count associated with account So if 5 fellowship members on same account, counts as one. Makes fellowship more social without people losing on shared experience.

    Group campfires, back to being more social. Shared benefits (no xp share) and the port already limited to once every 15. They can always flag zones like they already do if campfiring in is an exploit.

    Buffing NPCs to eliminate buff piles.

    Any buff with 15 mins plus remove timer. Fades on death or debuff, not timer countdown. Only short term buffs keep timers, save on resources.
  7. Vumad Cape Wearer

    You're saying that people should have 2 group with 5 other people in any random zone and then dropping them to solo a 20 year old raid to maintain the spirit of the game.

    But they should be allowed to use mercs instead of players to beat content they can not otherwise beat because... why?

    I'm not at all against mercs in raids, but how can you put those 2 points in the same post with a straight face?
    Hobitses, Svann2 and Velisaris_MS like this.
  8. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Nope not what I am saying.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Maps - X to show where your pet is, mine has a bad habit of killing something out of LoS where I have no idea where he has gone. :rolleyes:

    Vitality Rework - Share with others, gain from others, do nothing.

    Visable armor - None Tradeskil items just click (same as EoK) so the item is wearable straightaway, no more needing to find emblems and an item to make it wearable. It isn't a tradeskil item, we shouldn't have to do any combines to wear it.

    Forage - Remove junk from forage that isn't usable or sellable. DoN remove the items that say they are TS and are not.

    Emote spam - Allow emotes to be filtered when mobs are hit with spells and melee. I have others hidden, I really don't need to see mobs have been hit by various debuffs, nukes, etc that other people have cast. I don't really want to see mine either but I can live with that as part of the spell. These used to be attached to the spell data until a few years ago when they changed it for no reason, when they messed with filters.

    Overseer - fix the losing and gaining of quests.....once again I had 6/5 quests last week.

    Events - Run them for a month instead of 2 weeks. People have vacations and go sick and miss them.

    Deleveling - give us a way to delevel our own chars and help out new/returning players. Or add more levels to shrouds and make them as strong as mercs.

    Raid ores - scrap the new way of doing TS items and go back to how they were done before. The same ore for all items of that tier.
    Marton and Hobitses like this.
  10. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    Add enchanter and magician classes to frogloks, and have them available as soon as frogloks are, on future TLPs.
    Vumad and Hobitses like this.
  11. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Raid resting state timer (5 minutes) should completely go away when the raid resets (on loss) and on win. There's no reason I know of why preparing to go again, or start a new raid, should be slowed down because of this.
    Dre., Allayna, Fenthen and 6 others like this.
  12. Angahran Augur

    LDoN Raid: Miragul's Menagerie: Frozen Nightmare still requires 6.
  13. Angahran Augur

    Can we PLEASE get rid of the spam from mobs when a pet, or swarm pet dies ? Hearing the mob yell "Ha Ha, you died!!!" 27 thousand times just gets annoying, plus I'm guessing that adds to server spam ?

    If an actual player (or merc) dies, sure, anything else, skip it.
    Dre., Metanis and Hobs like this.
  14. Cicelee Augur

    Two more things-

    1. You have a specific order for your spells on your spell bar. It would be nice for a specific order on your buff bar.
    2. If there are gaps on your buff bar and you zone, there are still gaps in between buffs possibly on your buff bar. If there are gaps on your pet buff bar and you zone, those gaps get removed and buffs condense closer to the first buff. Us OCD players would like those gaps to remain on the pet buff window after a zone. Or even better, option #1 listed above but also for pets
    Hobs likes this.
  15. kizant Augur

    Mercs do need re-tuning. It's something that seems to get missed a lot and only happens when people complain. For Wizards, it would be nice to have a sane spell lineup for AEing.
    Dre., Metanis and Hobs like this.
  16. Iven the Lunatic

    The server is not much affected by it. The audio files are stored on your hard disc and do get triggered by the client.
  17. Iven the Lunatic

    To be more precise: It is cast spell window (UI.ini = [CastSpellWnd]) and buff window (UI.ini =[BuffWindow]) and not bar.

  18. Iven the Lunatic

    Are you reffering to the bad pathing ? A "summon" button would help and pets do already have that. Putting the merc on the passive stance or changing the group roles (puller) does often solve the problem of returning but it takes a while when the merc is lost far away.
  19. Razorfall Augur

    I don't know if it's been suggested or not, but a collected/not collected filter for the bazaar and finditem windows would be nice
    Dre., Hobs and Angahran like this.
  20. kizant Augur

    Nah I don't mind the pathing too much. They just don't keep up with player power. The wizard merc is especially bad and I'm pretty sure still uses ToV spells. Not to mention it casts the weirdest combination of spells. AoEs when they aren't supposed to, etc.