Legacy Experience Bonus change

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Risiko, Jun 12, 2023.

  1. Risiko Augur

    The legacy experience gain you get from having a max level character gets stripped away to 0 when the next expansion comes out. Could we please get this changed so that the legacy experience stays UPTO the level limit of the expansion it was earned in?
    1. 10% experience boost for levels 1 to 50 for each character on the account level 50 and above
    2. 10% experience boost for levels 51 to 60 for each character on the account level 60 and above
    3. etc.
    It just feels bad to work on getting multiple characters to max level in an expansion only to have the bonus experience go to 0% as soon as the next expansion opens.
    ps. Yes I was wrong about the Oakwynd ruleset. The Devs were right. I admit it.
    Defenestrated Vase, Doze and Barton like this.
  2. Captain Video Augur

    It doesn't get reset at every expansion. It only happens when an an expansion has a level increase. Kunark is the only time when you have to gain an additional 10 levels to turn on the bonus, every other level increase in the game is five. It should be a lot less effort to gain 10 levels in Kunark than it was to get the first 50 levels in Classic. The legacy bonus is intended to be a perk, not to turn the entire game into super duper easy mode. Other expansion-unlocked bonuses will do that.
    code-zero likes this.
  3. Risiko Augur

    Please explain how being able to get your full experience bonus for your alts level 1 to 50 after Kunark is opened is super duper easy mode?

    It wasn't super duper easy mode before Kunark opened, so how is it suddenly super duper easy mode after Kunark opens.

    As soon as your character reaches level 50 AFTER Kunark opens, they would go back to 0 bonus experience until you get characters to level 60. It would just be the first 50 levels that still had the experience boost.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  4. Captain Video Augur

    There is less than zero chance they are going to change this after server launch. Feel free to keep complaining about it for the next 10 expansions. :)
  5. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    I'm doubtful they would even consider such a change, but I do like it.
  6. Defenestrated Vase Elder

    That's a great suggestion and it absolutely makes sense BUT the % numbers need to be doubled.
  7. sadre Augur

  8. Defenestrated Vase Elder

    Bad XP rates incentivize PL'ers, not good ones.
  9. Tounces77 New Member

    Honestly 10% is laughable anyway. Like I wouldn't even consider making an alt with anything less than 50%. This server tosses you such tiny bread crumbs.

    Simply power-leveling yourself with a different account is like 1000% faster.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  10. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    That sounds like a lot of work to enable and disable the xp boost on characters as the level on the fly as it would have to check your current level and what bonus to apply on each xp gain.
    Rijacki likes this.
  11. Defenestrated Vase Elder

    It's rather easy to implement in terms of coding. The system knows the current level of the player at any given time and calculations already are taking place on that value. Just need to have different account flags (xp inflators) for various legacy bonus stati and then add that flag into the xp gain calculation accordingly. This is just one of many ways.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And that doesn't address all the extra checks it would need to be making in order to determine what level of XP bonus you should be getting since it changes as you level.
  13. Razorfall Augur


    Leveling toons to max level to get a 10% bonus on other characters is completely useless except for those that like to make alts or botters.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    You can get up to 100% if you put in the effort and every bit helps once you start earning AA.
  15. Servers_are_Down Error 404: Server status not found.

    To everybody complaining that 10% is a low amount - remember that there is 2 very important factors to this.

    1. You can have up to 100% bonus exp (10 capped characters) which is HUGE. Aside from bonus exp potions, that is literally double experience.
    2. Before you stab me with your pitchfork on the above comment, note that many expansions don't even have level-cap increases. YES, in classic era this is painful. But pretty much everything after Kunark is going to be ez-mode at garnering the exp bonuses back. The developers know this. Doubling rates because classic is slow will not happen. Kunark will be released before any SDLC processes are deployed on their end.

    Just my 2 cents :)
    Waring_McMarrin likes this.
  16. Risiko Augur

    Actually, it wouldn't be that difficult at all.

    public enum CurrentExpansionMaxLevel {
        Classic = 50,
        [Description("Ruins of Kanark")]
        Rok = 60,
        [Description("Scars of Velious")]
        Rok = 60,
        [Description("Shadows of Luclin")]
        Rok = 60,
        [Description("Planes of Power")]
        Rok = 60,
    var CurrentExpansion = CurrentExpansionMaxLevel.Classic;
    var NumberOfCharactersAtCurerntMaxLevel = Account.Server.Characters.Count(x => x.Level >= (int)CurrentExpansion);
    var LegacyExperienceBonus = NumberOfCharactersAtCurerntMaxLevel >= 10 ? 1 : (NumberOfCharactersAtCurerntMaxLevel * .1) ;
  17. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Again, I didn't say anything about writing the code but the act of having to check with every experience gain to see which xp bonus you qualify for.
  18. Risiko Augur

    The check only has to be done once when the character logs in to the server. It can update the variable every time that same character levels to make sure it has not changed the bonus.

    Also, bonuses are already checked and applied on every single kill. How do you think it knows to give you group bonus experience, potion bonus experience, holiday bonus experience, and legacy bonus experience today? It specifically tells you in the experience gained chat message that you got bonus experience.

    All of these bonuses are happening today in the game. I would be willing to bet that the legacy bonus experience is a value set when the user logs in and updated every time the user levels. Then that variable is used in the experience calculation. It's pretty trivial logic.
    Defenestrated Vase likes this.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And I disagree that it will be as simple as you think and I also think that it is unneededly complicated and goes against the goal of having max level characters instead of just some high level characters.
  20. Risiko Augur

    Well I mean, I kind of know what I'm talking about seeing as it's what I do for a living, but that's cool.