AFK toons in GD

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tankard, May 13, 2023.

  1. Tankard New Member

    Anyone Else have these players on their server? Seems like a company called Reach Gaming (as the Fellowship message) AFK kills within the Caves of GD and whenever you go down to there to exp if they're afk or not killing then you kill for a few. they magically un afk and then KS you etc. They used to be AFK in Sathir's and now they're in GD. Report / Petition does nothing. Its like DPG gets a kick back from it. Very Frustrating to try to enjoy the game and do hunters / exp evolve ear and can't do it when afk players are going crazy.
    Syylke_EMarr and Joules_Bianchi like this.
  2. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    not sure what server you are on, but this is definitely going on on Cazic.. can't do GD hunter because you can't get certain nameds.
  3. Alnitak Augur

    Those bots provide a public service - when your toon needs to collect those velium crystals for RZ earring quest the botters clear the cave, so it is very easy to just walk from crystal bunch to another and collect the quest items.
    And is Llaima spawns - just burn and out-dps the bots. Easy-peasy for Hunter.
    On BB server that group is a clone army of vah-shirs. Funny kitties.
  4. Cloud the Third Augur

    Or you can play with the bot armies by pulling a mob that is far enough away but still in range to summon. You then get on your bard and high sun the mob away so it summons and kills their tank!
    Moraeulf, Iven and Rasper Helpdesk like this.
  5. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    They're too busy mucking about with encounter locking to develop actual EQ, or respond to actual ongoing, real time issues.
    Shenanigans likes this.
  6. Cadira Augur

    Yeap, this is 100% dpg getting kickback from reach gaming. They won't remove them cause they get paid and get players to buy Kronos. Shows they have no dignity anymore to allow this to happen.
    Fenthen and Joules_Bianchi like this.
  7. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome



    Botting is illegal.

    Real players pay real money to play EQ.

    So far anyway, that's how it works.
  8. Cloud the Third Augur

    Boting is illegal but as long as they use it in a zone where it isn't bothering anyone I don't care. I would rather have a ton of drops being sold in bazaar than have to go spend hours in an old school zone farming stuff.

    It only becomes a problem when they are stopping someone else from doing something in the zone like hunter etc, so if they have some kinda code to make their botting stop when others are around it is fine but most yea will not stop even if you pull a mob they don't have aggro on. I got suspended on the forum for calling someone out on it and the petition didn't do any good so I just left when it happen to me onetime.
  9. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I've not seen this on Tunare. I've spent a significant amount of time in GD since last summer (usually run my Lesson doing OMAD, then off to somewhere else). Last summer/fall, there were usually 4-6 other toons in zone besides me, lately, it's not uncommon for me to be in there all by myself. Finished off the hunters in that zone back during the super-duper bonus time in November(?). Huge bonus to XP, huge bonus to named spawns, and huge bonus to loot. Those 3-4 days were like Candyland :)

    Having said that, in the last two days, there's been one other toon right outside the bear caves, leaving corpses strewn about. I had to go hunt them by the iced-over river instead. Haven't seen him by the tizmaks, dwarves or giants, though. Must really love (hate?) bears ;)
  10. birdsong_pawn Augur

    This thread will be deleted. That action speaks volumes.
    Fenthen likes this.
  11. Cloud the Third Augur

    They added overseer but the reason still bot in older zones is because the overseer farming stuff is still slower than doing it manually.

    Honestly I think a cool MMO would be something like armor core MMO where you can code botting in game for your own pets and each pet robot could be customized with say a helm that gives you the ability to see any npc within 3000 range of you etc so the script you write would be find certain type of mobs and go kill them etc but your gear would play a role in how you script stuff and how good they work. Maybe have teirs of coding so you have basic vesion of premade boting scripts than teir 2 where you use drag and drop to setup scripts and a teir 3 where you write the code from scratch. It would then let you sell those compiled scripts to other players to use for the bots.

    Anyway for EQ it would be cool if they added scripting / coding that we could add to make the mercs act the way we want. EQ may be to old to add something like this but would be cool to sell scripts between players to put on your mercs and it would let them play while you watch.
  12. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    "Hainta" runs a global operation, 100+ characters per server. He has a vast system of virtual machines set up, multiple groups in multiple zones. He has others work on his behalf, logging into the remote VMs to add/remove customers in and out of the experience-earning group. Outside of that it's entirely automated, as has been explained to me by two individuals who do work for him. I don't know what their payouts are. I imagine Daybreak receives a kickback from this in some way, whether directly from monthly payments, or indirectly from krono sales. It's like paying off police to look the other way while we run drag races on empty streets in the middle of the night.
    Shenanigans and Cadira like this.
  13. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    And that would be fine ("no skin off my nose", etc) except when the streets aren't empty, and it's not the middle of the night!
    Fenthen and Kaenneth like this.
  14. Shenanigans Journeyman

    I call... well ME, shenanigans.
  15. Tacoheals TACOBELL !!!!

    100% Train and Troll.
  16. Bobokin Augur

    That is kids stuff. They run full raids on current content with automated bots.
  17. Windance Augur

    They are openly SELLING raid loot in general chat.
    alanus likes this.
  18. zleski Augur

    Good chance they are botting and stop activities when someone enters the zone or gets near them. Super difficult to report because they just stop.
  19. Knifen Augur

    Let me know when they start hitting GMM raids.
  20. Conq Augur

    They've quoted me 40 kronos for 1 NoS raid chest. Since it's random TS drops, no specific pieces are guaranteed for the 40 kronos. I'll ask them how much for GMM.