Mischief 2.0 in May 2023

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by mrmine, Feb 1, 2023.

  1. Ilshade Augur

    excellent post - devs should pay attention
    Aiona likes this.
  2. uberkingkong Augur

    I agree with this.
    Boxing and mercs should be on a voting system if you ask me.
    Once boxing opens the people that was LFG and afterwards LFG is night and day difference. Mercs are really for those who don't box, and no one else is around actually LFG. It just so happens it makes boxing even better as well.

    Boxing is really an EQ/WoW thing.
    If goal of TLP is to get people to return, attract people from other games to try EQ. People don't box in other games, besides WoW, which is similar deign of EQ, not really a modern MMORPG. See a trend of people leaving EQ when boxing becomes available? It's because boxing leads to less people being LFG LFM.

    Mischief 2.0 really is just cycling people around already playing the game. Majority of players from servers going to play a Mischief 2.0 are the ones already on Mischief. Good way to kill a server already thriving is making a 2.0 version.
  3. Aiona Augur

    Mischief is fine. It can survive at 3.0, let alone a 2.0.
    Faydra and Crabman like this.
  4. Faydra Augur

    Mischief would be a great server if they would just introduce relaxed truebox. There is no reason to have truebox enabled this late into the game.
    Aiona and Raidmaxxx like this.