The problem with low exp per kill of mobs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ozlaar, Jan 29, 2023.

  1. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    Great anecdote, but that’s all your post is.
  2. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Can you be specific?
    What are you talking about?
  3. Shakara Augur

    Yes don't actually play everquest to level. Sounds like an amazing way to improve player retention. Just because you can do it doesn't make it a good thing.
  4. Shakara Augur

    I mean you don't HAVE to group to get to max level. You don't HAVE to do anything. Issue is using Overseer as an excuse to make mob killing xp extremally slow is full of flaws. Why would you make a system that rewards players for not actively engaging in the game? EQ already has a huge issue of being a group centric game that is hard to find groups in. Overseer just compounds that problem by giving people an option to progress without actually playing.
  5. Tappin Augur

    The current exp system is great for grumpy old raiders who don't actually want to play EQ anymore. They can spend about a week getting pushed through progression and then they can simply maintain by logging into the guild hall to accept task adds and complete Overseers. This system is absolutely great for those who want to log on for no other reason than they have been playing for two decades...
    Dre. likes this.
  6. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    I would remove the grumpy old part but yeah I can see how the current setup benefits those raiders who just want to log in to raid. Though I think it is fair to point out they still have to do their yearly aa maxing.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Overseer is a catch up mechanic and something to do while looking for groups or waiting for friends to log in. It also helps with catching up on missing collectables and missing tradeskill items in certain expansions.

    For whatever reason Daybreak decided they want players to earn more exp per level. Be that the many threads that said I can level in a couple of hours, level increases are a waste of time we level too quick. The complaints at AAs being earned too fast and the cost of AAs being too expensive.

    The game has evolved we need to change with it or find something else, be that TLP servers or another game.
    code-zero likes this.
  8. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Dumb take.

    I don't play EQ to level. I play EQ to have fun. Since I don't need to hunt to level, I hunt to get AAs, which works just fine. And do whatever else I want that seems like fun. Knowing I don't have to spend energy on "leveling" has been a boon.

    As far as retention, I've posted elsewhere, for my sample size of 1, it's been terrific for retention. I'm now 2 months shy of 3 year continuous all-access on my main 3 accounts, which is about 3 times longer than the longest I've subbed for before. And it's because of Overseer. In the past, leveling took long enough that I'd keep falling further and further behind on AAs. Eventually, I'd get frustrated and quit for a while. That doesn't happen now. I think your (and the other Overseer haters) ability to judge how it affects retention is way off.
    Ndaara and Yinla like this.
  9. Shakara Augur

    Tell me does EQ have more players now or 5 years ago? Overseer is not an issue for Max level toons its an issue for anyone who actually needs xp to catchup and level. Imagine having to play a month of overseer before you could actually group with the community. On top of that their is nothing Overseer does that daily log-in rewards don't do better because Overseer isent even fun to play. Telling people who are trying to catch up and frustrated with the incredible amount of time it takes to "just play overseer" is just spitting in their face.
  10. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Absolutely no one in development has ever stated the XP rate on mob kills is in any way shape or form related to the existence of Overseer. This is solely an allegation made by players who want to have kill XP equal to the % increase for XP as doing missions, quests, achievements, etc. Alleging a direct coloration between XP per kill and the existence of Overseer is full of flaws.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Where would they be without Overseer?

    Everquest on is top heavy, Overseer is there to help those behind catch up, it does not stop anyone from doing other content. If they removed Overseer players would be worse off than they are now. The devs want more exp to be gained per level, that isn't going to go away if you remove exp from Overseer.

    But to say we should be getting 1% a kill is just silly, that totally removes any feeling of acomplishement to adding levels. Maybe 1% is workable if the mobs have 10 times the HP.
    code-zero likes this.
  12. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    A fewthings, Overseer is a great catch-up mechanic for those with it already leveled. If you’re returning or fresh account, then the rewards are pretty low and you’ll get around 2-3% per 12 hour cycle.

    Another dilemma, is that creates a poor perception of rewards for a player. The player goes out and grinds and gets less for an hour of play time than a couple minutes with Overseer. It’a setting up obvious conflict.

    Usually games with low experience design are solo based with mobs dying in a few ability rotations and not mobs designed around groups with longer kill times for an average group.

    They really need to implement rested experience and more hot zone tasks.
  13. Shakara Augur

    I actually laughed out loud when I read that. Nothing about overseer is a great catchup mechanic. A good catchup mechanic would be something that allowed new players to play with veterans not some bland minigame with no relation to EQ. Instead of overseer they should just let players start at level cap-5 this way people can just straight into the action and join a guild and start building relationships with other players which is the main reason to play EQ. I am 100% certain if they did this instead of Overseer the game wouldn't be bleeding its live player base at the rate it is now.
  14. Shakara Augur

    Every time people complaine about xp there is a group of people in the community that say "just do overseer". That's where that septimate is coming from.
  15. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    You do realise there is a difference between the developers and other players, yes?
    Players offering a potential solution to a complaint does not equate to a decision made by development.

    An opinion by a player alleging a direct correlation between the XP % given by Overseer as to the reason the XP from kills does not fill the XP bar as quickly does not make it true.

    The things the "XP per kill is lower" doesn't take into account (because to do so wouldn't allow them to complain about development for something they don't like but other players do):
    1. The raw XP amount to level increases every level from level 1 (and always has from the very first day of EQ).
    2. The raw XP amount per kill relational to the level difference of the character(s) making the kill is not, and never has been, a % toward a specific level (and never has been since the first day of EQ).
    3. The raw XP amount per kill of even "con" mobs, from level 1 on up, is not on the same increase trajectory as raw XP needed for that level (and never has been since the first day of EQ).
    4. Other means to gain XP, by raw amount or %, have been added to the game at various times (achievements as well as Overseer are just a couple).
    5. Quests, including storylines or quest series (either as part of the expansion or area "what is it all about" or independent), were ALWAYS a part of the game and always gave XP in some form.
    6. Many quests were changed to give a % of XP toward the next level vs a raw XP amount. (Many older quests still only give a raw XP amount).
    7. The % toward a level granted by a quest or achievement reward may or may not give the same amount or more than the XP of each kill in by a character of that level.
    Example: A character in the teens killing cats in the Moors might get 18% toward a level per kill but a quest to kill those same cats might give 1% toward level. The raw XP amount being a higher percentage toward level than the quest reward is due to the character's level difference with the cats (27ish? vs the character's mid-teen) and the bonus on XP by the zone. As the character decreased the difference in levels (due to leveling up), the % per level given by the raw XP amount per kill decreased. By the time the character was 25, the amount of raw XP per kill of the same cats was 11-12% toward the level. There was no change in the raw amount of XP given per kill, but the raw amount of XP the character needs to level has increased.

    #3 is the issue you're equating with a "nerf" to kill XP. The raw amount of XP per kill for an even con has not kept pace with the raw amount of XP needed for the current level. But that has been there since day 1.

    Adding other means to get XP by a % of the level has zero, absolutely zero correlation, no matter how much you despise those other additions.
  16. Tappin Augur

    They are dumping all their resources and into other projects... They should invested in upgrading EQ a long time ago, but decided to waste their resources.
  17. Dwimmerlaike Elder

    When someone comes back, the server populations are too damned low once they hit 110+ to do the quests required for the progression while in a group. Getting exp by grinding the old way is a total slog and worthless now. For me at 120 to go back and do the ToV progression is a colossal waste of time since it gives me no AA.

    In short, I'd tell you to shove your overseer up your if I was coming back because I would be coming back to play and with the levelling is at it is now, there is NO reason to play, it's a waste. Why? Because everything is overseer and quest driven and there are no groups for the quests.

    In the meantime, enjoy the dead servers, the lack of raids, and we'll all multi box because that is what a MMO is about.
    Stymie and Dre. like this.
  18. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Translation: Developers are not focusing only on the things I want to do in EQ which are the only things I think are valid gameplay. Anything added to the game ever that I don't want to do was just a waste of their resources.
  19. Tappin Augur

    Wake up and smell the coffee...
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Overseer is more than exp.

    You can catch up on missing collectibles and catch up on missing TS mats for Artisan Prize.

    Many of us think it is nice that they are using the old LoN cards as agents.

    You may want other ways to help level but removing Overseer isn't the way to get them.

    Asking for hot zone quest for higher levels, shrouding or mentoring at higher levels, more solo quest that can be done solo, improvements to vitality. Will go further than asking for the removal of something that has more than one use which a lot of players use and have no issues using.