A mysterious presence in PoK..

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Greymantle, Jan 18, 2023.

  1. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Retiring agents for more lower agents is really dumb. I have all the levels maxed, 30-40 something of each elite agent, and overseer just gets slower and slower every time I open it.
  2. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Is there a reason to have more than 1 of each agent? I was told if you have 2 you cant use the 2nd one if the 1st is in use or incapacitated.
  3. Velisaris_MS Augur

    That's only on the iconic agents. Other than using them for conversions/retirement, extra iconic agents serve no purpose.

    It's useful to have at least a couple of copies of the non-iconic agents, since there are times when you're starting a batch of quests and more than one quest you want to run can use the same agent.
  4. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    If you haven't maxed your higher rarity agents yet, it isn't. You need 3 lower to convert to a higher. If you get a double on a higher, being able to retire it to get 2 of a lower to try again sooner is helpful.

    But, yes, once you have maxed your agents, it would be nice to have a way to get rid of them other than Overseer XP because that's likely maxed by that point, too.
    Fenthen and Tatanka like this.
  5. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I bought two from overseer merchant and got 10% each time so im at 20% level 1 does the rate change? this would cost 2m currency depending if its the same percentage.
  6. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Yeah it changes to 5% later.
  7. Windance Augur

    I'd love to see an option to retire agents and get some AA from them.

    Elite = 27 AA
    Rare = 9 AA
    Uncommon = 3 AA

    Then limit the number of times you can turn in agents for AA's to something so you can only make 50-100 per cycle.

    I'm fairly good at doing conversations to keep the total number of agents reasonable and at this point have around 30x extra elate agents I'd love to be able to trade in for something useful. I'm max AA as well so the AA would likely be turned into glyphs
    Fenthen, alanus and Bernel like this.
  8. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    As much as I would like another way to get AA, I think having direct AA rewards in Overseer would just fuel the anti-Overseer arguments even more. I think it would be more reasonable to get Tetradrachm or maybe other options that are already direct rewards in Overseer for completing a mission. Those might be easier to add, too, since they already exist in the system.

    As a side note, I would also love to see bags of specific tradeskill items already in the Overseer rewards on the Mysterious Presence.
    Lubianx, Nennius and Wyre Wintermute like this.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Agreed. And with AA experience being so dreadfully easy to get it really would be a needless change IMHO. Speaking of which, time to finally max out AA experience on my two main characters. I've been doing hunter stuff and my boredom level on that has maxed.
  10. Windance Augur

    I think there are many people who do not share the feeling that "AA are dreadfully easy".

    One of the recurring themes I've heard from many of the returning players I've helped get "raid ready" is feeling so far behind that they will never get caught up. Try helping someone who needs 15-30k AA catch up and see how long it takes even with a consistent standing group or set of boxes.

    On the other side we have raiders who are busy with RL obligations and barely make raids. Overseer is a god send for them.
  11. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I suppose the issue is that there is no mid game there is only end game, at least from that pov that its too hard to "catch up".
  12. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    That’s a misunderstanding you can get them past in a minute. How many aa are tradeskills? How many are low dps gimmicks? How many are ca/cs/etc on a class that doesn’t take hits? How many are focus lines for spells that are never cast?

    You can be 10-15k aa short and be raid ready on most classes, just won’t be spamming glyphs. Bard, war, monk, zerker, rogue are good choices for people who fear the grind, seeing how they cap like 10-20k lower than everyone else IIRC.
  13. Windance Augur

    Even if you say the numbers are 10-15k the same argument applies.

    If you all think the raw AAs are too much then let us turn in the agents directly for glyphs. It would give us a reason to get rid of the extra agents and give returning players who have maxed out overseer a way to burn glyphs on raids WHILE they are catching up.
  14. Spacemonkey555 Augur

    Nah, burning glyphs on raids is something you earn for sticking around and keeping up. It's trivial to get to that point, trivial to maintain it. If you want to play 3 months out of the year accept being behind on some issues. Or, as I said, pick a class that gets no new aa ever so your "job" is done quicker and you can get back to not playing faster.
  15. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    To some people there is only the end game and raiding and they want everything to cater to only their chosen game play because, to them, all other gameplay is unimportant and "not really EQ". I vehemently disagree with that opinion.
    CatsPaws and Wyre Wintermute like this.