The yearly question: will this expac be cut n' paste?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vizier, Nov 3, 2022.

  1. Vizier Augur

    Title pretty much sums it up for me. I skipped the last expac due to awful exp rates for killing mobs and lack of class development (im still mad I shelled out for 3 accounts). If this is more of the same I will pass and wait until next year / new developer. If someone with knowledge could let me know I would GREATLY appreciate it.
  2. Alnitak Augur

    In my infinite wisdom and boundless knowledge I shall answer your question - NO, this expac will NOT be cut n' paste.
    All the classes will receive meaningful improvements, some quality-of-play rebalancing. Newer and better group and raid gear. Several new zones to explore and enjoy. And another year of fun play with all the alts of various classes you may have on your accounts, new progression questline, new missions, new raids. Fancy new visuals, many nostalgic references. All great pleasures of EQ in the new expac.
    And you have missed ALOT by skipping the last expac. ToL is a blast!
    Hobitses and I_Love_My_Bandwidth like this.
  3. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Well, if you had access to the Beta forum, you'd have your answer...which of course means you bought the expansion. :D

    With the exception of the Tradeskill Depot (I'm assuming you only get if if you buy the's this year's big selling point) and that it appears the tradeskill gear will now require slot specific "ores" (they're not really ores, but that's the term everyone knows)...yes, it's just cut and paste.
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. Marton Augur

    NoS mobs have large amounts of hp that is out of whack for minimal power increase players are getting in the expansion.

    Qwalla made 3 new clickies that are pretty cool and are obtainable after faction grind.

    I have not seen any new exciting abilities/spells.

    Gearing up - there are no longer general ores to use; item drops are slot-specific.

    I would probably skip and wait. I could be wrong but I think a lot of people will only buy for their mains.
    Ryhme and Fenthen like this.
  5. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I personally like the format and don't have a big problem with the cut and paste format. We have reached a point in the EQ life cycle that new skills can not be given without diluting the classes. I am also content with the merc / partisan flow / paragon. I would rather seem them cut and paste a format that works and instead invest their time into event mechanics that are enjoyable, class balancing, zone / model design, and most importantly, back end improvements that extend the life cycle of the game. If I wanted a new experience, I would just jump from game to game as they launch. I play EQ for the community.
    Nennius likes this.
  6. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    An EverQuest value analysis:

    EQ1's NoS basic expansion - $35. All content accessible for Free-to-Play (with expansion purchase or up to CoV without expansion purchase for 2023).

    Competitor's base game or latest expansion - $50-60. Subscription required beyond Level 20-60.

    Vaporware - $200-$500 pledge. Playtest in limited content every 1-3 months.

    What constitutes cut-and-paste? A new engine every 3 years? A new UI every year? Most jobs use a template. Major games such as Fortnite and Call of Duty recycle content.
    Paladin likes this.
  7. ttobey Developer

    Who are these new developers next year?
    Deux, Sissruukk, Metanis and 4 others like this.
  8. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Methinks the OP means that the Darkpaw lottery pool is hitting the $1.5 billion Powerball.
    Elyssanda likes this.
  9. ttobey Developer

    OK I was thinking I better get my demo reel over to the new devs stat!
  10. minimind The Village Idiot

    It's likely that EverQuest will continue to bias experience gains from quests over kills.

    I don't know what's expected for "development"? Like story lines? Should shadowknights get redemption arcs?

    It will certainly be EverQuest and not DC Universe Online.
    Treiln and Fezagorn like this.
  11. Shakara Augur

    I do not think that is the case. First there are a ton of abilities that have scaled so poorly they are no longer useful. As someone who plays bard I can tell you half of the songs never have a use because their effects are so minimal. Second there is a ton of unexplored design space for more skill intensives and satisfying abilities. For example this game has no sort of proactive healing or protective tanking. ADPS abilities could be more interesting and there is a ton of other untapped potential. EQ ability stagnation is one of the main things holding back its gameplay.
  12. Tappin Augur

    I think you misread what he said. Sounds like to me he is holding off on buying expansions for this alts and will reconsider it next year or when then game gets new development staff (bought and sold). I don't think he is assuming there will be new devs next year..
  13. ttobey Developer

    Yeah I got that, that's why I said I better get my demo reel over to this new development staff!
    Deux and code-zero like this.
  14. Tucoh Augur

    If I sneak you a gift card to Crafted Culture could you make a new attack animation for original model barbarians? Just to spice this expansion up!
  15. ttobey Developer

    Doing anything on the original models is almost impossible animation wise. I was able to make a new run and walk on the original troll mesh though. It was a new skeleton I threw in there that wouldn't work with the old one unfortunately, looked pretty good.
    Deux, Skuz, Stymie and 2 others like this.
  16. ttobey Developer

    What I need to do is make a new set of anims for them with a new skel. now you have me thinking.
    Wdor, Deux, Skuz and 2 others like this.
  17. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Can you make robe graphics for them while you are at it? As an ENC that prefers Luclin robes, I'd very much like to see races that do not have casters have Luclin robes. It would also be nice to see Luclin heroes forge. I am not a fan of the shoulder pads. I like the Luclin robes better.
    scaethach and Rijacki like this.
  18. Tucoh Augur


    I believe in you, I've seen your new dev demo reel!

    Stymie likes this.
  19. Zunnoab Augur

    I don't mind things following a general pattern, but there's definitely room for QoL changes and consolidation and/or adjustment of useless abilities.

    I have a feeling those sorts of things are locked down long before anything about a new expansion is revealed though.
    Fenthen likes this.
  20. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    While it's funny and I get the joke.

    Where you required to present a demo reel for the sale to Columbus Nova Epstein, or EG7?

    You're too good to need a demo reel for anybody they sell to. But I doubt you'll get a heads-up on the sale.