Suggestion to streamline Temple of Veeshan on TLPs

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by coltongrundy, Oct 22, 2022.

  1. coltongrundy Augur

    Right now when there are 2 raids trying to get an open world vulak`aerr, they just kill all but 1 lord/lady and then sit around doing nothing for hours because whoever doesn't kill the last dragon gets a head start on the DPS race on Vulak over the raid that does kill the last dragon and triggers Vulak to spawn.

    A good change to make would be instead of instantly spawning Vulak when the last lord/lady is dead, add a couple minutes delay.

    If the raids know that killing the last dragon won't put them at a disadvantage on Vulak that would cause more movement, more gameplay, more action, more DPS racing, and less sitting around doing nothing staring at pixels.
    Fhiele, squidgod and Bobbybick like this.
  2. Appren Gnomercy

    Not that I care about open world ****-measuring contests since AOCs are a thing, but maybe add a 10 minute spawn time on the trigger? Low enough to not be annoying for non-(edit: wow, that word filter...) guilds, but long enough to make this a non-issue?
  3. Vileborg33 Lorekeeper

    Please only make this change in OW. After 4 to 5 hours of clearing NToV another ten minutes is a big deal. Especially early in the expansion when Vulak/Lady Spin Doctor take 30mins each.
  4. Tryhard New Member

    Not to be a d***, but if your guild takes 4-5 hours to clear ntov and 30 minutes to kill vulak you should fine a new guild.
  5. Grue Journeyman

    A 10 minute delay would make Vulak an even contest. Even a 5 minute delay would be enough to make it worth contesting.

    Tryhard has a point though. If it really takes a guild 30 minutes to kill Vulak or Nev, a more capable guild will kill the last lord, run back to Vulak, and win the dps race even without a delay.
  6. Ragnoruk Augur

    The 10 minute delay before spawning Vulak is a great idea, though I am not certain they can make this change without affecting AoCs.

    Vileborg33 is asking that they do not add this for AoC raids where there is no competition.
  7. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Wouldn't that just create new issues to deal with? And can't you just send over a large chunk of your raid to Vulak when the last one is about to die and just kill it with a smaller force? Seems to me that there are ways to deal with this already before you even take the AoC into account.
  8. Ragnoruk Augur

    What new issues do you see this creating?

    You could but you're at a disadvantage competing with a raid force that is full mana with fresh buffs ready to go after you just took down another dragon.
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    A bigger DPS race by allowing raids more time to get a larger force there

    And that is what is expected from open world mobs, there is nothing wrong with having to deal with a little imbalance when you are dealing with this. Unless you have a significant time gap between killing the last mob and the spawn happening you will still have these issues. If you don't want to have to race for the mob do it in the AoC and don't worry about competition. Open world raids are about guilds competing not about making it fair for everyone.
  10. Ragnoruk Augur

    Having a 5-10 minute gap between the last Lord/Lady and Vulak spawning would create more competition.

    Instead of Guild A waiting for Guild B to kill the dragon spawning Vulak, Guild A would compete with Guild B for that dragon too knowing they'll have the time to rez, rebuff, regen before Vulak.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Having 5-10 minutes will let you run over there but it won't let you get fully ready like you complained about for my suggestion of just moving over the raid right before you kill the last mob. Open world raids are a competition and there is no reason to make a change to the open world zone to delay the spawn. If you care about competing there are ways to deal with it and you can get an AoC to make sure it can't get stolen.

    In the end this is no different then any other mob and someone else gathers and starts before you can. There is also the option of actually playing nice with each other and sharing the open world fights instead of just stealing them from each other.
  12. Ragnoruk Augur

    5-10 minutes is a lot of time to recoup after the last Lord/Lady. Maybe not "fully ready" but you'd be in a lot better shape to contest.

    It's not like every other mob because it requires a raid target to be killed in order to spawn it.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And it is not like you can't actually work with other guilds to play nice and share the mob or still get it in the AoC instance. When you are dealing with open world mobs you have to realize that it will never be fair for everyone. In this case at least you are getting a shot at it versus all the other raiders who only have the AoC as an option.
  14. IheartEQ Elder

  15. Grue Journeyman

    I am in <Without Regret>, one of the two guilds involved in the Vulak stalemate on Saturday. I personally think a short spawn delay on Vulak might make it more fun, but I'm fine with the way it is now too.

    This is the fourth time we have had a standoff with this other guild at Vulak. Each time we offered both privately and publicly to kill Vulak together and split the loot he drops but the other guild declined. We got 2 of the 4 Vulaks that were "contested" anyway. (I put "contested" in quotes because if you kill the last lord while the other raid has enough numbers to kill Vulak, you are effectively giving them Vulak)

    Although our guild clears all of the current AoC content every week, we get even more kills in open world than we do in AoC. We would rather contest than split, but we have been willing to split contested Vulak to avoid this standoff and show respect for peoples' time.

    At this particular event on Saturday, everyone in our raid earned 11 dkp. This was for killing dragons including Vyemm, Nev, and Vulak, and for going afk during the standoff. I watched Wonder Woman 1984 during the afk, can't really recommend it. Anyway, nearly everyone in our raid stayed until the end. Our system makes it worthwhile to do so. We earned dkp during the contest and had a chance to bid that dkp for loot when we killed Vulak and the other dragons.

    It would be interesting to hear how people in the other guild felt about the time they spent in NToV on Saturday. They don't earn dkp for open world content. They /random open world loot even if people would pay dkp for the same item in an AoC. They could have killed Vulak with us and split the loot, but their officers chose not to do that so they got nothing for all that time.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Yep a dead server with almost no population would have fewer issues with open world raid races.
    Genoane, Wyre Wintermute and Lineater like this.
  17. Ishbu Augur

    I dont understand the problem here.

    You have your own instance of the zone via AoC to get your own pixels you dont have to fight another guild for. If you want more pixels, you have to put in extra effort. Its up to each individual to decide if thats worthwhile or not, but certainly not something the developers should spend time changing.
  18. coltongrundy Augur

    How would it create new issues to deal with? Maybe it would be a minor inconvenience whenever a single raid is trying to get to vulak, but that's better than what we have now.

    Yes, of course you can send a large chunk of your raid to Vulak before the last one dies. There are no rules in the game that prevent you from doing that. It would just be dumb to do that if you're goal is to get Vulak loot. That is not a way to deal with this. The only way to deal with it is to have 1 mega guild so big that it just default owns all OW content so they can just out DPS anyone else even if they have a head start, or everyone sits around waiting to see which raid will give up first. Both terrible solutions.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    As I said in another reply to this it would just allow raiding forces more time to bring in even bigger forces making the dps race even worse. It could also allow for other guilds to use that time to gather and take it down. In the end guilds are supposed to cooperate when dealing with open world content and not just make it a big DPS race between multiple raid forces. If you want Vulak loot you still have the AoC option and you don't have to race anyone. Anymore open world is just an extra shot at loot each spawn cycle.
  20. KushallaFV Playing EverQuest

    It gives the guild killing the last dragon a more fair chance to compete, which is reasonable. I don’t think you read the OP.