GINA Trigger Help Cleric HoT

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Brildon, Jul 21, 2022.

  1. Brildon Augur

    I made a GINA trigger awhile ago for clerics on raid to use to track who currently have a HoT on them so we aren't overriding each others HoTs for no reason. This has worked pretty well, but now has a Blade of Forgotten Faith from Anguish which procs Cleansing of Marr, which recourse effect has the same spell emote as the cleric heal overtime. So basically when he procs it, it heals the whole group and triggers GINA thinking everyone in that group has a HoT on them now.

    Trigger text:
    {S}'s body is covered with a soft glow

    Any ideas on how to rework this trigger to exclude the pally proc heal or if there is a better way of going about tracking targets currently with a HoT on them?
  2. Zunnoab Augur

    I made an unholy thing to pop up timers based on pasted text from a spreadsheet but even in practice that doesn't account for clerics dying and such.

    I abandoned it because my guild merged and I didn't need to play and lead with my cleric anymore. I can share it later if you want but it's custom text not automatic.

    I'm not home yet and I haven't touched it in years.

    I don't know if I implemented the issuance part.
  3. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    I sent you a PM
  4. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    This is what I use. First, you want to set your HoT cast hotkey to also include /inspectbuffs. Then you setup GINA triggers to sense HoTs on your target.


    The full search text line here is
    ^--You sense (Earnest|Pious|Devout|Solemn|Sacred) Elixir {s} on {s1} has {s2} remaining.

    The {s} is just there for rank variations (rk 1 vs rk 2 vs rk 3). {s1} is your target name. {s2} is the duration remaining.

    Then when you begin casting elixir on a target, it will automatically inspect them to see if they have an elixir already, and report back how many seconds are remaining (rounded to the nearest tick). So if you start to cast and it still has like 20+ seconds on it, you can just cancel cast.

    I have these setup to read any shaman HoTs and also for green heal potions. That way I can decide if whatever HoT they have on is worth me overwriting it or not.


    I can share this package with you in game if you want. It's not too difficult to make on your own though once you know the general setup. If you want it shared though, send me a tell at mangler.Crixx.
    Angahran and Svann2 like this.
  5. Angahran Augur

    Doesn't the inspect message also have who cast the spell, in [ ] ?
  6. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    It does yeah. Personally I don't care to know who cast the HoT, so I leave that portion of the message grouped in with the first {s} wildcard. You could edit the trigger to include the caster's name in the display text if you want, but I don't see the benefit.
  7. Angahran Augur

    got it.
    Wasn't sure exactly where that part was, didn't know it gets captured with that first {s}.
  8. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    As an idea, and it might be completely terrible, you can use a 7s timer bar for when it pulses on players. If there's no bar, then it's not on. Make the bar overwrite existing bars if they exist. This is basically how I handle my Bard BP click buff and my Amplification 1m timer.