Vaniki - best duo that can also individually solo

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by aindriuc, May 19, 2022.

  1. aindriuc Elder

    Hi everyone,

    Brother and I are going to play this new server Vaniki, which is the level locked one. We were thinking of going enchanter/cleric duo to try out the mechanics. However, my brother said he'd like a class that we can both solo on too individually, and still be great duoing.

    Since all the classes are available on launch, this gives an opening for non-traditional starts. For example, we were thinking a beastlord and a necro, or two necros (feign death being awesome as it is if we have to afk for a while).

    Anyone else starting out together and thinking of a duo that can also solo? Would love to hear your thoughts.

  2. Daemon Sicarius New Member


    all work very well as a duo and solo
  3. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man


    Others can solo, but it's painfully slower.

    SK + SHM is probably the most recommended duo ever. Both can solo, SK is slow to start but becomes a hoss later.

    Any of the pet classes work together. Mage + BL is great for pet weaps/gear + aura + slows and BL pet options to be tanky or DPSy later in game. Necro is pretty sick damage. Personally I think Mage + BL is better than Necro/BL or Necro/Mage, but that's my opinion based on how they compliment each other. (BL gets FD later in game also)

    Enchanter + WIZ/DRU/RNG/SHD/MAG/BST all pretty much works in varying ways.

    When picking solo + duo, you'll just want to ensure that when you're in duo mode, you compliment each other. Like, Druid + Ranger works.. but there's a ton of overlap when DUOing, so it's a bit wasted. Necro + ENC work, but Clarity from the ENC won't be beneficial to the necro, CC is offset by necro FD pull/split, pet classes all get a pet haste spell. Stuff like that.
    Rasper Helpdesk likes this.
  4. Barder-mangler Augur

    Enchanter Druid would actually be very workable for you. Both will be able to solo (especially if you are hunting in areas where the druid can animal charm), and have stellar duo synergy.

    Other Combos I like:
    Shaman + SK
    Necro+ Mage
    Necro + Druid
    Beast+ Necro
    SK+ Mage
    Enchanter + *most* classes (assuming they can also solo) will work.
  5. Aenoan Augur

    My personal favorites is Shaman + Ranger, SK/Monk in that order of Tier list (S,A tied)
    I played both monk and SK at different points but long enough I am comfortable talking about them, mage could be interesting choice. But have a genuine tank like the SK is really kinda nice and the snare. Though really I think monk and sk are so similar.
  6. Midnitewolf Augur

    Isn't it like a lot, lot later than SKs can solo well? I mean they can almost always fear kite trash mobs but from what I recall they don't start getting even decent at soloing to level 55-60+ and a lot of their solo capability is massively gear dependent even then.

    It has been a while since I played a SK and only into the late 50s even then but I don't recall it being that great at soloing especially without raid gear. Honestly not even close to what something like a Mage, Enchanter, Necro or Shaman can do anyway.
  7. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Yes. It gets much better later but in the early eras SK soloing is arduous and highly situational. You will need to choose your spot at a given level judiciously. If soloing is as much of a consideration as the duo, I'd go a different direction for sure.
  8. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    I mean.. I solo'd here and there when I started on a TLP as a paladin.. I can only assume that SK's can manage. Might not be hitting DB's and yellows consistently, but it's an option. Really, any melee class that is going to take damage is gear dependent.

    In early EQ, caster/range classes have it head over heals when it comes to solo ability. Since OP won't totally be soloing, adding in combos that are stellar duo and mediocre solo would still be viable.

    Wizards or Druids or Shaman might be amazing at soloing, but they'll definitely have issues in dungeons. Even looking at enchanters... there's a whole set of players who absolutely do not like charm pet tanking. Two enchanters would absolutely rock the 1-50 EQ experience. If OP plans to stay for any amount of time post PoP, there are better options than going with two caster types.
  9. Sazzabi New Member

    SK soloing
    1- 46(weak lifetaps) - decent
    47- 59(better lifetaps) - good
    60+ (drain soul) - very very good
    70+ with Epic 2.0 - insanely strong.
    Aenoan and Wyre Wintermute like this.
  10. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    And OP is on Vaniki, which means there will be more diverse gear distribution than a normal TLP.
  11. Chopsuey Augur

    Necro's are really good at soloing. But if you're looking long-term duo potential, like others have said, sk + shaman is top tier.
    Shaman can solo really well early on, not sure how they scale as the levels go. With slow tanking or root rotting, they have options.
  12. Massimo_Bertoxx Augur

    Also on Vaniki the level cap will be behind the normal cap for that content. If it was just about the duo an SK would be excellent because that's one of the great duos, but soloing a SK at those levels with that content available isn't ideal, to say the least.
  13. Midnitewolf Augur

    Yeah a SK can pretty much always solo trash mobs as long as he has the room to fear kite. I spent a ton of time in original EQ soloing my SK. It is just that I don't consider them good at soloing until they hit the high 50s and/or later expansions.

    As for Chanters. There are good chanters and bad chanters. Good chanters always charm whenever they can. If I had to guess why some chanters don't like to use charms it is due to a couple of things.

    1) Don't really understand how to do it correctly and have a huge negative experience with it.

    2) Have gotten a lot of pushback from groups that don't want them to charm because of bad Chanters they have previously grouped with and/or heard horror stories about bad Chanters.

    3) The Chanter doesn't enjoy the constant tension you are under when you have a charmed pet active and/or prefers more chill gameplay. It honestly can get very stressful having to be on top of Mez'ing for a fast paced group while managing a charmed pet which you know without a shadow of a doubt is going to try to come kill you at some point in the near future, usually when you least expected it or can deal with it.

    As far as point 2 is concerned, there are a metric ton of players that have gotten burned by bad Chanter because played badly, a Chanter can absolutely wipe the group, especially when they are Charming. Because of this there are some groups that will demand you don't charm at the risk of getting kicked from the party if you disagree.

    quote="Sazzabi, post: 4137536, member: 415297"]SK soloing
    1- 46(weak lifetaps) - decent
    47- 59(better lifetaps) - good
    60+ (drain soul) - very very good
    70+ with Epic 2.0 - insanely strong.[/quote]

    Yep. This is how I remember it although I didn't really feel they got better than decent until the mid 50s. Its been a long time though so your scale is probably right.
    Wyre Wintermute likes this.
  14. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    There's also a big difference between Charm pet tanking and charm pet DPS. Charm pet tanking takes a special type of crazy + skill. (talking no other alternative off-tank etc..)
  15. Midnitewolf Augur

    True. The lack of someone or something being able to get snap aggro on an out of control mob beating on the healer can be an issue hehe.
  16. MileyVyrus Augur

    Most good chanters are good multi taskers...

    therefore good boxers...

    therefore don't PUG.

    enchanters are like hot chicks -- if they are single and looking there is usually an impressive list of reasons why.