Modern server without boxing?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Noobnoob, Apr 19, 2022.

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  1. Noobnoob Journeyman

    I really dislike boxing as a rule. Seeing six people standing on top of each ruins my immersion. Having one person camp a spot solo just seems ridiculous to me. I want a server where everyone is playing one character at a time. Are there any modern servers with that ruleset?
    Efr3, Protius and Kerpin like this.
  2. Faypixie New Member

    Some TLP servers offer that. Although technically if they want to make a no-box server, it can be done by only allowing one character active on an IP address at a time. Shouldn't be too difficult.
    Protius likes this.
  3. strongbus Augur

    there are no live server with that rule set. and even the closes any TLP get is truebox. ie one account per computer. they never go full 1 account per IP. it stop people in the same house from being on the same server with each other.
    Skuz and Hobitses like this.
  4. Trevor Elder

    project1999 is the furthest thing from a modern server but they prohibit boxing if you want it that badly
    Skuz and Hobitses like this.
  5. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    Mangler server is truebox and has limited boxers, also several real mains only raidguilds / guilds who do not include boxes in raids due to live player population (the best reason is to not need bots on raids) Yes, there are some box crews, but not many and they certainly don't dominate the player base like some other servers. /cough Ragefire
  6. Protius Make Everquest TLP's Great, Again.

    I triggered a few people today with a post about a no-box-allowed server. It seems a lot of people who are pro-box get easily upset about this. I, too, dislike boxing even though I do it on my own on live servers. I will never box anything on a TLP. As far as a 1-player-per-account-per-computer server everyone keeps claiming it will never work since these gaming companies have absolutely no interest in enforcing some of their own rules.
    If there were to make a rule of no boxing there would still be a significant amount of players who will test their enforcement and ultimately continue to box a lot of characters without any punishment. Reporting third party program users is a bit of a nightmare as well since Daybreak and Darkpaw support is so slow or non-responsive, but perhaps it has improved over the last couple of years so my statement may be outdated. It only breeds more and more toxic behavior from the bot players and multi-boxers. By the time you report them you are stuck waiting for any action to be taken for a few hours.

    I played a SK (level 50) on Mangler and wanted the Hooded Black Cloak from Mistmoore. I encountered another SK that was using an alt high elf Mage to gather as many NPC's in the area to try to train me and a Paladin friend of mine. We spent up to 45 minutes watching him run his Mage around aggroing NPCs in the area all while trash talking us and taunting us. I eventually got a harm touch on the NPC that drops the Hooded Black Cloak and eventually got him to leave. I believe that player got banned shortly after a video recording was sent to the support staff by the Paladin. Fun times!
  7. Tucoh Augur

    Truebox is kind of a nuisance. I 2boxed on Aradune. It cuts down the boxing but also makes it so those who do go through the misery of trueboxing have a huge advantage over everyone else.

    A server where:
    • VPNs weren't allowed
    • 1 account per IP
    Would be interesting. It'd be a ghost town after a certain level on TLP though.
  8. hearty New Member

    I might play on that. I like the Idea.
  9. Malaiit New Member

    I may be off since I am returning to EQ after a LONG break but I think boxing is just a thing you will find because there is not as many players as there used to be playing EQ. I remember newbie zones for each race having 30 to 50 in the zone of new players leveling up. Now you have Glooming deep which basically is starting zone / tutorial for the entire game and there may be 5 or 6 if you are lucky. So that translates into harder for find a group which makes it easy to start looking for other options. Your best bet is most likely finding a good guild that likes doing stuff will still see the boxers and even might have some in the guild but you will be able to ignore that and enjoy the community side of things.
  10. TheElusiveFox Journeyman

    Boxing is sort of the result of a couple of EQ's core design. Slower paced group/social focused content means that solo play, is often some combination of inefficient, impossible, or just plain not fun.

    Instead of changing that philosophy 10+ years ago, they introduced mercs so people could at least kind of effectively solo things that weren't green/grey. The issue is that even with mercs soloing is still soo much less efficient than even a duo or trio. You can't even get access to group missions without at least three toons, even if on your toon you might be able to charm/kite/kill 99% of the stuff inside.

    EQ could change it's philosophy, and be more like modern MMOs where everything was easy to kill solo, but it would stop being EQ, A lot of what makes it special is that the world feels dangerous even at the highest levels...

    It's easy to say "well then group up", but unlike a modern game like WoW, EQ has neither the population, nor the tools to facilitate easy group finding. You might be lfg for hours, and even when there are technically the people online, they have different goals (some want xp, some want to farm a specific item or camp). And to that second point, a LOT of EQ's design is diametrically opposed to grouping especially with random strangers... if you plan on camping an ultra rare item for hours or days, the last thing you want to do is invite some one for the 20 minutes it happens to drop, and have them win the roll. So instead a lot of camps are done with groups of 2-3 really close friends who consistantly play together, and they box to fill in the gaps their group happens to be missing.

    Even if the above weren't an issue though as a player who really doesn't like to box, the truth is you sort of have to if you want to enjoy the game, I can't count the number of times I have logged in on my main, put lfg up, said I was lfg, and then proceeded to chat in general/guild/whatever for 2-3+ hours, then logged off... at a certain point I had a choice I could box so I could get the items I wanted (spells, augs, whatever), or I could stop wasting my time... I enjoy chatting with my friends and guildies, but I only have so much leisure time in the day and every day I don't get to actually "Play" the game because I sat lfg, is a day I was falling behind. Now, I box until I see something fun going on in guild, then I join up... or I don't, either way I get to play the game beyond just being there to chat with friends.
  11. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    A no box server is impossible to enforce as can be seen from the past history of TLP servers.
  12. Brildon Augur

    Last few guilds I've been in have had a large number of spouses that play together, just limiting to 1 account per IP would be rough, I think that's a large reason why Aradune allows 2 accounts per household

    and not allowing VPNs could also cause issues for some, as silly as it sounds, i know people that can't play EQ without a VPN on due to issues with how EQ interacts with some ISPs
    Metanis and code-zero like this.
  13. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It wasn't limited to two accounts per household but two accounts per player. A couple could play four total accounts between the two of them and each additional member of the house could bring in two more accounts
    code-zero likes this.
  14. Brildon Augur

    How do they enforce that? I didnt play on Aradune..

    but if i got 6 computers going, how would they know if its me on all 6, or a spouse on 2 and a kid on the other 2?
  15. Protius Make Everquest TLP's Great, Again.

    Lack of enforcement. I refuse to believe that tracking TPP's and bot-boxers cannot be stopped. But, here we are with the poorly handled gaming 20 years deep. It is wishful thinking either way.

    IT CAN BE DONE, but won't because... reasons.
  16. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    No, it can't be done because even for a GM it isn't always possible to determine if a person is boxing or if multiple people are playing from the same location.
    code-zero likes this.
  17. Loup Garou De loop de loop

    Or a whole room full of low paid employees whose goal is to make X amount of plat. You can't see who is behind the keyboard. As in we never really left OZ and never looked behind the curtain
  18. Protius Make Everquest TLP's Great, Again.

    It is possible.

    Look, breh. Let's call it a stalemate so we're not wasting pixels. You wanna keep telling me it is not and I wanna keep telling you and everyone else it is. Let's agree to disagree. Move along.
  19. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    If it was possible to detect everyone who was boxing against the rules they would not have had the boxing problems that they did on a server that limited players to two characters at any given time. Or the problems on the other servers with limiting it to one per computer.
  20. Protius Make Everquest TLP's Great, Again.

    I don't know if it was mistaken or overlooked since I swear I saw it quoted or assumed incorrectly so I feel the need to point it out. I imagined a server that bars boxing up until Omens or Depths of Darkhollow. Not the entire server for eternity. Its curious to me that other online games available for free play or pay-to-play and do not have complaints about boxing or in less nerdy terms "running multiple characters at once". If detected/reported the players are perma-banned, etc.

    It's possible. ;)
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