Necro vs Beastlord solo at 120

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xazier, Mar 5, 2022.

  1. Xazier Augur

    Hey guys trying to figure out what class to play Necro or Beastlord, I've been away from EQ for quite some time now. I've always like both classes but trying to narrow it down to one based on how much the class can do and how fast.

    1. Soloing named mobs.
    2. Leveling and AA grinding the fastest.
    3. Old world raids
    4. Aug farming.
    5. Porogression soloing up to TBL.
  2. Kindertime Journeyman

    1. Soloing named mobs.
    Yes, once geared either can solo named T1 mobs.

    2. Leveling and AA grinding the fastest.
    This is on you. Your class doesn't determine this your EQ knowledge and skill does.

    3. Old world raids.
    Yep they do just fine.

    4. Aug farming
    Once geared no problem. Either one. Again, this is a you solution not a class solution.

    5. Progression and soloing to 110 and TBL
    Your class doesn't determine this your EQ knowledge and skill does.

    The allure of EQ is that it doesn't matter what class you play. Play the class you want. It's a game you have to figure out the rest. I've seen every single class in this game played to 120. It's the driver not the car.
    Straahdx likes this.
  3. Xazier Augur

    Not much help, the way you are putting it, is that every class is equal if the player knows what they are doing. That logic is simply not accurate, although it is a huge part. It is not the equalizer when it comes to Everquest classes.
    TLP Addict and Bobokin like this.
  4. Kindertime Journeyman

    How else should I say, "The pet classes are all just as capable and it's your play style that makes the difference. No one pet class is superior in all ways to the other two. All three are essential the EQ play styles anyone could want. Beast if you like melee, Necro if you like Dots or Mage if you prefer direct damage."
  5. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    I would say MAGE i feel more protected behind a badass pet!
  6. select20 Journeyman

    I tend to agree. I dont' see a Necro soloing in enclosed spaces as well as a mage or BL no matter how good they are. My opinion.

    My 2 cents. I've had an easier time on my mage and BL when it comes to just general soloing. If I have open spaces, Necro wins, but when I don't have as much room, then it is noticeable harder for me.

    Between my BL and Mage, I am a bit more relaxed when soloing on my mage. This is just me. I do agree with Xazier that many times player skill, temperment and knowledge will allow someone to eek out that last little bit in performance. My friend can solo on his BL much better than I can, but I blame that on my ADHD. I feel like if I'm distracted too much, I make mistakes. My mage is a bit more forgiving.
  7. Marton Augur

  8. Act of Valor The Newest Member

  9. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I think all 3 pet classes can do what you have asked but I think how you want to solo matters the most. The question you asked is not a simple yes or no for all situations. There are a lot of different situations in the game, where you might have T2 named that hit like trucks or A previous expansion where the mob density prevents pulling singles.

    BST can use FD to split. Mage has very few tools to get singles. BST can also tank well itself, and slow, so BST can handle situations with multiples better.

    Mag is the strongest pet class. You can't fake a tank. When it's big and it hits hard, the mage will take the most. However, mage is the least diverse in toolset.

    NEC has the weakest tank, and no off tank, but the most diverse toolset. The longer the fight, the more the NEC DPS shines. On long named fights solo, NEC has the time to spool up, and will probably out DPS the other classes, as long as the cleric merc can keep the pet up, which is no slouch. NEC will definitely out perform in areas of undead and open when the don't summon, since against undead, they are basically enchanters.

    So the best class is playstyle and area dependent. I think 100% solo, the BST is probably the most versatile, but all 3 can get the job done and will have areas they just can't handle on their own, and areas where they will shine.
    minimind likes this.
  10. Cicelee Augur

    Both classes can do the five things you listed. Beastlord is better melee and better tank. Necro has better DOTs and more DPS.
  11. Taarss New Member

    Necro. The Necro is less gear/aug reliant and has a deeper toolbox to draw on.

    You can probably do what you want with either class so you should pick the one that has the most appeal for you, not what is 'faster'.
  12. Vlad_Drinal New Member

    You sure the list of things u require isn't too small?
    doing current named solo
    doing old raids solo (if its instanced u may be inconvenienced by needing bodies to request)
    getting loot (augs)
    xping the fastest

    Im sure there are are more things people should require to solo, probably can see if folks can offer
    ideas of which class requires the least effort on your part as far as gearing, actually knowing the class etc, maybe there is a class u can hit one button and boom!!!! u get everything asap
    good luck
  13. Sotu Sotu Journeyman

    There is a Level 120 Necro on the test server that solo's every named / rare mob in the latest expansion, and he has several youtube videos where he does it "live" (no edits, first time trying).

    He prefaces it by saying that there is a difference between Test server and Live servers, in that platinum and gear is a lot easier to acquire on Test, and his pet has more stuff than Live warriors.
  14. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Both pet classes but different play styles. Beastlord if you want to melee vs Necro if you prefer caster....really that simple.
  15. Clingingdecay New Member

    As a max AA raid geared Necro I feel I can help.
    1) Beast is better.
    2) Beast is obviously far superior here
    3) Beast are better her also
    4) Beast are far faster here
    5) Beast here also
    Necro are in a sad state now. We can’t pet tank anything, our off tank abilities are lacking, sustained DPS is worse than all Hybrid classes and Tanks. We have so few tools to split camps to get Named mobs solo and even if we do we can’t actually kill them before they kill us.
    please send help
  16. Sup Rog Elder

    Absolutely, no question Necro 100%. My BL isn't even close to my necro solo. Necro pets, at 120 can tank any named easily. Their DPS solo/molo, is WAY higher than a BL or even mage and they won't run out of mana. Not even a question. Now BL vs Mage, I'd go with BL for soloing. FD etc, is much better for soloing. For a group, I'd go Mage, BL then Necro
  17. Clingingdecay New Member

    Sup Rog, how dare you spread such false and EEEvil lies about the necro class.
    they can’t pet tank, off tank or pull and have very low DPS.
    save Necro now! They need all the buffs they can get poor things,
    First Rule!!!!
  18. Rizzin Elder

    That Necro is Xellen... watch all sorts of videos of him doing the things that people in the thread think is impossible (at least unlikely):

    I play on test with Xellen and can solo most of things that he does, but he's more persistent than I am and discovers small mechanics to make it all work. It's true playing on Test is different; while Xellen is outfitted as a group geared Necro, Test players get better gear quickly and having a 119 level pet (Summoners Blood-Soaked Earring) is a game changer for solo play. But if you follow his charming guides, you can make it all work on normal servers, with normal gear, too.

    FWIW, I don't feel a difference in Pet quality between the 119 Necro, Mage or Beast pets, assuming they are buffed the same, have the same gear and all have maxed out AAs).

    Finally the Necro DPS output is a game changer. When you play solo you will kill more slowly so there is plenty of time to build up your damage. At 120, 54K AAs and the aforementioned better group gear, I average >600K SDPS on regular mobs, and >1.7M SDPS on burns for named (depending on the named mechanics this drops to ~1M since I need to focus on keep my pet alive rather than spamming dots).
  19. baby-iksar Journeyman

    I have not read the entire thread.. but i did see a couple of things I feel the need to correct.

    Necros are not actually claustrophobic. Source: I play one.

    If the implication is we need to kite and not pet tank, this is not true. I easily solo most named in ToL. T1 and T2, with one exception - the blob in SV that spits out adds is a little tricky.

    Necro pets are not weak... and we can off-tank using our primary pet (it can tank more than one) or with our level 120 skeleton horde. Three level 124 skeletons easily keep an add busy. You will recast your next set before the 2nd one is even dead.

    Our necro pets also lifetap, which makes them harder to kill.

    I rarely even use a merc when i kill things, my pet heals himself just fine, as long as i keep him runed w/ aegis (alternate between spell and using the AA for re-use time) and cascading shadeshield. Tip: use Irae to shave off recast time on cascading shield. if soloing alot.

    Use warrior pet for heavier tanking, or rogue pet for lighter tanking. Gear them with mage toys. Max your AAs for companion fortification, and get the best raid pet focus you can. Pet power 29-30 makes your pet solid in ToL expansion.
  20. Marton Augur

    I play both and bst pet > necro pet.

    (Maybe my bst pets are special, idk ... :D.)