Type 3 augs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Seamus, Jan 19, 2022.

  1. Tegila Augur

    If you don't have time to run 4 missions in a row you can do 1. Or 2. It's not like you have to do all 4 once you start 1. Not everyone has time to do 12-16 missions a day, they might fit 1 in a couple times or a couple in once in a day, but there's other things to do too isn't there. Now if I said 11-12 sets that would be a little different because a set is obviously set set of 4 because there are 4 in the set known as ToL. Speaking in terms of sets, 12 sets is 4 augs with a remainder of 160. 14 sets for 5 augs. Now do that 3 times. 42 sets or 168 missions for 15 augs(I think the number is 16 if counting absolute best set possible and have all the betters to fill in the rest) so 45 sets for 16 augs. That's 180 missions. Someone with time for 1 a day that's 6 months just for slit 5s.

    The example is just silly. Oh by the time you finish 180 missions for your augs you'll have all your spells. Well yeah I sure hope so, but it's not guaranteed for anyone running those missions with 6 actual people, not by themselves. Let's say the devs made it so no one needs more than 5 runes per level even if they have 8-10 spells per level. Now that group of 6 players, or 6 toons run by one, still needs 150 runes...of the right level or high for tradedown. What's the most touce seen drop? Is it a guarantee? Let's say 2 per chest guaranteed. That's still 75 missions, less than half for the augs, but more than needed for bricks(yes I'm gonna keep calling them bricks even if theyre shapped different now) depending on other gear and drops and priorities. Theoretically if you depend on bricks, maxpossible slot3s, and all rkii possible spells, then doing absolutely nothing but missions is the way to go for sure, but not everyone- in fact very few actual real people- has the time to do that "efficiently".

    Let's just stop saying buying rki spells is only for ppl that suck, because that's not how this works. The guys farming missionsets at every lockout with a botcrew(note I didn't say box because one is much more involved than the other) often do so for maybe a choice few of their crew at a time and sell the taskadds to others, or drop all but 1 of their crew to sell the rest, which I believe eliminates the lockout so they can then just do it again with 1 fewer or a sub. They advertise taskadds, some advertise the additional cost for the loot. Why? Because they're gonna take all the tradeable loot: aka runes, and use them, or sell them separate. No one that isn't running these bots is doing 12 or 16 missions a day every day, they have other things to do while most that are doing so are doing so en masse to sell and focus on a much smaller subset of their characters. Many of them only keep a handful gold so rkii is pointless for the rest, and since they're selling the adds, the plat cost isn't an issue for the rki's either, which is what started this particular subconversation.

    Platsinks are there, timely upgrades aren't necessarily:
    Slot3s are a plat sink but a necessary one unless or until they change the system- once you start you can't stop but if you've never bothered: don't start now
    Those same slot3s are never out along with the spells, but much later these days.
    Rki's are platsinks(but at least they're permanent for 20-30% of spells)
    Rkiis are either platsinks (buying from farmers) or timesinks farming yourself, the sumtotal of both being about the same for any manaclass but relatively painless for puremelees.
    Slot5s are also timesinks, or platsinks, probably the worst of them all minus maybe those whole feel the need to complete every Hunter ach in the game- but that one's a choice for most years- so you either spend the plat, or $ for krono for plat, or time doing other things to earn the plat in baz etc, or you spend the time doing 180 missions and hope those missions also provide all the other augs and supplies to complete the set(and bricks but that's pretty guaranteed since you only need 18-24 bricks depending on chaseitems, raiditems, evolving items, and types and numbers of weaponry, and 6 of the SAME players or characters doing those 180 everytime, will be swimming in leftover bricks)
    That's if you do it all yourself or have the exact same group of others for all 180 missions. yes, a mission is a run because you don't have to do more than 1 in a row, and there's no timelimit for continuing on with the set. A set of 4 diff missions within the same lockout period is a set because they go together and can be waited out together. All beside the point.

    Timesinks and platsinks abound, but many are just artificially put in for no good reason. Options arise one year and disappear the next like farming static slot5s to use or sell to buy others as an alternative to just doing missions was viable in CoV but now it's not in ToL. It wasn't less effort, it was just more flexible with time at the price of the RNG. Now there is no choice.

    Used to be able to just wait out rkii drops if you wanted for all spells because they dropped randomly off trash now and then or in smaller tasks too, or buy all spells in rki and wait or hope for upgrade, but now some spells don't have rkii. Some spells are worthless without slot3s. Some spells are worthless playing in new content due to level restrictions of the mobs it the other spells the effect that other players are using, etc.

    And then there's the whole inconsistency with gear focus for spells playing a factor in whether to get a new spell, and maybe a new piece of gear to focus it, or sticking with an old spell because you don't want to or can't replace that piece of gear that focuses it. Melee and pet focii this doesn't effect, there isn't a max level you can use cleave this or fero that at, and enhanced minion doesn't have a level cap just a minimum set by the gear it's on.

    All this and more varies how each player or toon has to prioritize their time and resources, but a slot5?(not that all classes even really care, just like some classes are fine going silver after they have their AA pool because nonprestige gear doesn't hurt anything and augs aren't a big factor while other classes it's all necessary)

    There is no one size fits all for how much one should be doing missions at expense of all else, or buying rki spells before rkii, or using spells without new slot3s, or how many and what sorts of slot5s and otherwise augs, and even what tier of gear is necessary or not at all. There is no one size fits all for time available or friends or money etc. And there's no onesizefitsall for what things should or shouldn't hurt you the most or the least. 16 classes, thousands of different real lives, and any 1 person that thinks they should dictate for all? I don't think so.

    I also don't think typing on my phone is a good idea, bleh.
    Wulfhere likes this.
  2. Qimble Augur

    That's more of a you problem than a game design problem. And no one is saying that you have to get all the best in slot type 5s just like no one is saying you even need to get your new spells. All the missions are perfectly doable in a mix of ToV/CoV non-raid gear + rk1/2 spells from CoV/Tov @115. With a good crew a full mission run takes what, an hour? Even if you double that to 2 hours that isn't a very large time commitment to get your whole set of type 5's. If you aren't going to play that much over the course of an entire expansion that's totally fine but not really the type of player they should be balancing the game around. If they balanced around people putting in less than 2 hours a week than hardcore players would be fully maxed out in a few days.

    If they're just doing 1 mission a day I will assume it's Shei. That mission takes about 2 minutes with a decent group. Not exactly a huge time commitment. You don't need to run 16 missions a day to finish your augs and get your spells. I am finished with spells and have 1 type 5 left to swap and I haven't been pushing it. The rest of the group I run with is also in the same position, we are all done with spells and able to give them away to guildies / buffing alts / etc.
  3. FranktheBank Augur

    If you have 10 minutes a day to play, then you should not expect to obtain anything in a timely fashion.
    Orienn, Duder and Nennius like this.
  4. Tegila Augur

    This is funny since the whole discussion came about from talking about platsinks and timesinks, not anyone complaining about rkii spells or getting slot5 augs. I was told I was basically stupid to spend 250-300k per toon to get rki spells because I'd have all and then some before I finished farming slot5s lol. And then I guess I shouldn't have mentioned that last year I could farm those slot5s in open zones far faster than via missions. 4 5 6 hrs per Aug is waaaay higher timesink than Morwenna for example.
  5. ptah Augur

    Shrug I dont know, Display wise sure sounds like win if types did something more, but at same the better choice would be to remove them imho, maybe keep charm slot open? idk feels simple enough to create a keyring like inventory to protect the blowhard people and 2 or 3 type 3s. Put more focus on gear.
  6. Rexa Ask someone else for buffs

    I don't know how people are complaining about type 3 aug costs when buying just the vendor spells cost about 100K alone (from 116-120). If you can afford your spells, then you can afford the augs.

    If you need to re-aug, you can use loyalty to buy perfected augment distillers. If even that is not enough, you can use overseer currency to buy them. Plus you get 500 DBG coins a month as a subscriber... the augmentation distiller (at 10% subscriber rate) costs 225 DBG coins under the services tab of the market place.

    My problem with the type 3 is not the cost, but the headache and implementation with them. It's just more copy and paste over and over each time they are released. There is zero excitement for me when it comes to type 3 augs.

    It would be more exciting if type 3s were implemented as AAs or something.
    Biltene and Raccoo like this.
  7. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    I have never seen perfected augment distillers on the overseer merchant before, is that a new change? :confused:

    I assume you mean this guy: https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/npc.html?id=55687
  8. Marton Augur

    I'm not aware of any way how to get perfected distillers using overseer currency.

    Overseer merchant in PoK doesn't sell them, I checked.
  9. Velisaris_MS Augur

    Overseer merchant sells the unattuner, not the distiller.
  10. Svann2 The Magnificent

    I suspect he meant DBC not overseer. Thats what I use.
  11. Celephane Augur

    I suspect he's also using his nether hole to speak. It's already been stated not everyone can use Loyalty to buy those, some need glyphs. All of his arguments have already been addressed only to be completely ignored in that dumb post
    Fenthen likes this.
  12. Drencrom Beimeith's Supervisor

    Have you looked at the focus tab? Sure is exciting waiting to build up 50-200 AA for a single rank
  13. Sup Rog Elder

    Yeah, not big on large cost AA. I would rather they break that 200 down into 4 50aa levels. Instead of upping the spell 4%, up it 1% per level. Just not enough dopamine release waiting to save 200aa lol.
  14. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    No, you clearly don't know how missions work. If you drop a character, you get the lockout on that character when it's completed whether it's in the task or not. If you drop your 4 chars, mistakenly add 4 other people... drop them, add 4 others and go OOPS... then add the correct 4... the game will give 18 people lockouts on that task. And get real on saying they're all bots. Depending on your group makeup, the missions aren't that hard to do.
  15. Rexa Ask someone else for buffs

    I lied but at least I made you all look :):):)

    But yea you can buy them with loyalty and DBG coin at least. ;)
  16. Warpeace Augur

    Is there a reason type 3 augs do not function like the focus AA lines do, on the entire line? This would allow us to upgrade the tiny carrot and not lack type 3 slots if your a class that uses multiple spells from an older line to get things done.
  17. FranktheBank Augur

    More like, is there a reason type 3 augs for spells exist? Other than to give Aristo a seemingly herculean task once a year.
    Fenthen likes this.
  18. Warpeace Augur

    I figure if they are going to insist on keeping them they should serve a better purpose and provide a better player experience.
  19. Velisaris_MS Augur

    I haven't bought any of the new Type 3's and I couldn't care less about them at this point. It's liberating not paying that idiotic plat sink for next to no benefit.
  20. Windance Augur

    [snip] ... nothing to see here .. ( should read entire thread before posting a reply )