The New Knight 2h Piercer

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by bobbin, Feb 12, 2022.

  1. bobbin Elder

    Got the new ToL T2 Knight 2h piercer last night on my SK. Since it's probably the ugliest weapon graphic ever in any game ever made I immediately put my beloved Hatred ornament on it. Love that ornament. Big 2h sword, what's not to love about it?

    Went to a dummy to test something out with the new 2h and discovered that even with the Hatred ornament it still had the awful looking 2h piercing attack animation. I absolutely HATE the 2h piercing attack animation. It looks like the Knight is trying to hump the mob. I'm so disappointed that I'm thinking about going back to the CoV t2 2h.

    Hey DEV's! How about fixing this obvious mistake?
    Xanathol, Shindius, Graytis and 2 others like this.
  2. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I believe the Knight 2-hander had always been 2-hand pierce from Scars of Velious (Velium War Lance) to Call of the Forsaken (Percutio).

    Lorewise, the lance fits the Knight in their role as a sort of mounted heavy infantry. The two-handed sword better distinguishes warriors and berserkers.
  3. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Restricted class fantasy makes a game pretty dull.
    Xanathol and Fenthen like this.
  4. Tegila Augur

    No it hasn't. There were a LOT of 2hs knightonlies, like nearly half if not half.
  5. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    What are some examples (between Scars of Velious and Call of the Forsaken)?
  6. Szilent Augur

    Dwarven War Staff
    Hammer of Greatness
    Greater Stormwatcher Horn (and Fabled version! so the game's makers clearly consider it iconic & class-defining!)
    Cudgel of Cowardly Death (and Fabled version! etc~)
    Maul of Stonemending
  7. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Those are 2-hand blunt.

    Two-handed pierce:

    Velium War Lance*
    Narandi's Lance*
    Lance of Emptiness
    Reticent Gar

    (There may be more but I am too lazy to go through all of raidloot results).
  8. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Makes sense when on a horse. Makes zero sense any other time, which is 99.999% of gameplay.
    Xanathol, Wayylon, Shindius and 2 others like this.
  9. Szilent Augur

    they're what?? well that doesn't match the narrative we're arbitrarily trying to force on Everquest at all! This is an outrage! I demand to speak to the manager!
    Biltene, Warpeace and Fenthen like this.
  10. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    Tell that to the OP.

    I'm fine with rotating weapon types. OP wants 2-hand slash exclusively. (If you read the OP's post, he says 2-hand pierce is a "mistake" to be fixed). Tegila said there is an abundance of Knight-specific 2-hand slash (betwen SoV and CoTF) but apparently you and I can't find one.
  11. Szilent Augur


    Subjugator's Eversharp Axe
    Spiderback Axe
    Vile Sword of Screaming Souls (UF class weapon)
    Extravagant Infused Knight's Great Sword
    Dark Reaver
    Razing Sword of Skarlon
    Blazon, Bane of the Wyvern
    Opalescent Two-Handed Sword (plus Fabled version)
    Unrest Battle Blade
    Lost Thulian Crusaders Greatsword
    The Darkest Reaver
    Great Axe of Twin Flames
    Coral Hilted Tulwar (plus Fabled)
    Innoruuk's Dark Blessing
    Deathblade of the Zun'Muram (GoD class weapon)
    Castrum Ritual Long Sword
    Greatblade of Chaos
    Ra`Tuq Halberd
    Faith Wrought Two Handed Sword
    Obsidian-Edged Broadaxe
    Blade of Angels
  12. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    You heard him, Knight 2HS doesn’t exist between SoV and CotF. Just ignore the second search results on raidloot for Knight 2H from CoF and under.
    Royal Executioner’s Ornamental Bastard Sword

    Note: Don’t type the full name in the EQ Discord, you’ll get a bad word warning.
  13. Szilent Augur

  14. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    I stand corrected. It's strange how you and I originally cited 2-hand blunt and 2-hand pierce weapons only. Raidloot query issue?

    Regardless, the debate has moved on beyond the OP's case for a 2-hand slash only. It's not a mistake. There's a history of different weapon types.
  15. Tegila Augur

    Idk why you couldn't do a raidloot search yourself, I knew because I almost exclusively had 2hs through when I retired at end of RoF the first time, and had to go skillup my Pierce when a raid one dropped. At that point, I'd assumed slash was the standard and Pierce was an anomaly. So long as the graphic works or I can ornament it decently, if the ratio and stats are good, idc what it is honestly, just couldn't believe the statement was even made that 2hp was all that had existed then. Especially since the 2.0 is slash
  16. Szilent Augur

  17. Benito EQ player since 2001.

    It's a personal cosmetic preference and not a mistake (as stated by the OP). Knight weapons are not exclusively 2-hand slash. Szilent highlighted 2-hand blunt knight specific weapons and I highlighted 2-hand pierce knight weapons.
  18. Warpeace Augur

    We just need to be in dog illusion and using the 2HP and were all set.
  19. Maedhros High King

    Ghoulbane, Soulfire, Fiery Avenger, Fiery Defender, Natures Defender, Nightbane.
    All of the iconic paladin weapons are slashing.
    I don't mind having options, but there havent been weapon type vulnerabilities in quite a while now and in the absence of that kind of thing I greatly prefer 2hand slashers over 2hand piecers because the combat animation and sound effects for 2hand pierce are quite terrible.
  20. Graytis Lorekeeper

    The "mistake" cited seems pretty clearly to be intended to convey that it's silly to still go "poke poke" with your two-hander once you make it look like a hammer or greataxe, and I tend to agree.

    I don't know where you guys are getting this notion that he said having piercers is a mistake.

    The apparent animation mismatch is pretty clearly the "mistake" in question here, not the itemization.