64-bit client / server ... besides mem & threading any other future benefits?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Deux, Feb 8, 2022.

  1. Windance Augur

    Sort of yes, no, maybe.

    You can declare variables of different sizes: 1 bit = boolean, 8 bit = byte, 16 bit = short, 32 bit = long, 64 bit, 128 bit, etc. independent of the code being compiled to run in "32 bit" or "64 bit" mode.

    If they wanted to bump the max range of values everywhere in the code they could have done so in the "32 bit" code.

    As others have stated the primary difference is the total amount of ram an application can access so in theory they can keep more stuff loaded in ram.
  2. Forcallen Augur

    The only things that matter at first:
    1. Fixing raid lag
    2. Fixing the debuff cap
    3. Being allowed to place 3000 items in my house
  3. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    4. Platinum amounts over 2000000. It would literally fix general chat channels on FV, and maybe other servers.
    Marton and Sup Rog like this.
  4. Garrison Journeyman

    Nothing gets "fixed" unless the developers re-write code. That's not the general focus in the conversion. Maybe later.
    Out of memory crashes will still happen, just less frequent. (there is a memory bug in EQ, if it's not fixed in the 32-bit client, then it probably will be in the 64-bit as well.
    Windance, Warpeace and Fenthen like this.
  5. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Ok but DP, to their credit, do read these kinds of threads and I'm sure if they notice recurring things from the playerbase it has a good chance to get tabled in design meetings.
    Jumbur likes this.
  6. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    I have a bank pp slot you can store your shinies as well plus you'll get a new friend.
  7. Kaenneth [You require Gold access to view this title]

    Better anti-cheat code.

    Zone servers will be able to spare a little bit of memory to be able to track repetitive actions; like always returning to the same /loc on every pull for 36 hours straight.
    Coagagin, Jumbur and Nennius like this.
  8. Kazint Augur

    I'm hoping they can use some of the bits to give me a skelly illusion where the eyes glow blue instead of green.
  9. Aerocell New Member

    The technology isn't there yet
    MasterMagnus likes this.
  10. Kazint Augur

  11. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    More like...
    "We'd love to, but the Blue channel of the skeleton texture is used to trigger the 'constant annoying skeleton laugh'. Sorry bout that."
    Kazint likes this.
  12. Kase Augur

    Im not very computer savvy--- my question is----Will any my macros/UI layout/downloaded maps etc be affected by the change? Should we all do anything before the change?
  13. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    It will most likely not be any different than any other patch.
    You just need to make sure your computer can handle the increased system requirements: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq...bit-servers-and-clients-arriving-soon.278523/
    Unless your computer is super old, you shouldn't notice anything. :)
    Kase likes this.
  14. Jennre Band Leader

    The servers are guaranteed 64 bit, but the server software running EQ is probably not.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    And the server itself being 64 bit has no relevance on the EQ server software being upgraded to 64 bit. That is the upgrade that is likely going to have the biggest impact as the EQ server code itself likely needs more thn 4G of ram and has to use a disk swap currently and that can be eliminated with this change,
    Laronk and Jennre like this.
  16. Nennius Curmudgeon

    New TS idea. Colored contacts.
  17. Laronk Augur

    I’m sure they can already detect the magic sauce that those guys use if they want to. As far as returning to the same loc on every pull the obvious answer is go /returntocamploc x+-randomnumber y+-randomnumber. If they wanted to focus on an anti cheat they would implement one, even a poorly implemented anticheat mixed with real bans would stop most cheaters.
  18. Supermoist New Member

    ---New Filter Options?--
    I'm hoping 64bit eventually allows for better chat filter options:
    - Like filtering Backstab damage to another window as your regular melee
    - Being able to see your spell crits without having to see everyone's spell crits

    --Will the multi-core hack be baked into the 64bit client?--

    Everquest folder
    Open your eqclient.ini with Notepad
    Find every entry of "CPUAffinity" and change the end number to -1

    CPUAffinity0=-1 (change from a 1 to a -1)
    CPUAffinity1=-1 (change from a 1 to a -1)
    CPUAffinity2=-1 (change from a 1 to a -1)
    Start EQ and enjoy

    This makes EQ run on multiple cores instead of just the original one core. Helps keep zones running smoother, especially the guild lobby.
  19. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    From the January patchnotes:
    Note this didn't make EQ run on multiple cores(afaik it never did), but it made multiple instances of EQ run on different cores.

    "-1" basically assigned each new EQ-instance to the least busy core.
    Technically speaking, "-1" means, it lets windows do the core assignment.
    Svann2 likes this.
  20. bobokatt Augur

    Can someone explain in simple language what the CLIENTCORE does for me? Many of us are NOT engineers here or have much knowledge of exactly how multithreading works if that is even the term I should be using.

    I copied over to test and checked my eqclient.ini and it has the below, and it's still there in the ini file:

    but after patch
    I now see this added:

    Soooooooooooo.... what does that mean? I have a 4 core Intel CPU, with hyperthreading which in theory gives me 8 "cores", 0 to 7. I get that. I have a few accounts which I switch around with. Have not even checked what the other ini files look like but this is my main. Is the above correct? Should I just have ONE instance of ClinetCore or must I instruct something, someone to do things???