End of expansion battle royal

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by quakedragon, Nov 11, 2021.

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  1. quakedragon Augur

    If EQ hosted a battle royal at the end of expansion/before the next expansion.

    Say you have testcopy and the fight is on test.
    Say 100 people from each server is interested.

    So its more like a royal rumble. 1000+ people in the arena.

    Which class is best suited to survive and win a 1000+ royal rumble battle royal?
    Which class is worst suited to survive and win a 1000+ royal rumble battle royal?
    Rogues? Squishes?
  2. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    EQ PvP is dead.

    This idea is D.O.A.
    code-zero, Shindius, Fenthen and 9 others like this.
  3. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    If I wanted to do PVP I would play in Zek.
    Skuz, code-zero and Corwyhn Lionheart like this.
  4. Warpeace Augur

    Shindius likes this.
  5. Cicelee Augur

    IMHO whomever could gate out of this event and not have to participate in it would be considered a winner...
    code-zero, Shindius, Fenthen and 5 others like this.
  6. quakedragon Augur

    Some people may have not tried other MMO's but there is plenty of styles of PvP.

    EQ Zek server that is more related to what ESO calls Alliance Wars, GW2 calls World vs World.
    I believe correct terminology is Open World PvP
    GW2 and ESO its not really Open World PvP, because your stuck with certain maps.
    EQ and WoW have true Open World PvP, but WoW was more successful and put effort into PvP and Open World PvP, hence it stole EQ population and is #1 MMORPG today. WoW has plenty of players because of PvP, WoW is not known for raids, group content, etc. Its known Open World PvP, Alliance vs who? Horde! Everyone knows it. Thats not PvE, thats Open World PvP. Millions of people are into it. Hence you see EQ with hardly anything because not everyone is into 0% group content, 100% end game content. Only niche community is into that.

    Now theres also STRUCTURED PvP.
    Ex. 5v5, capture nodes or just wipe out the other team.

    Going to the arena, thats Structured PvP. You don't need to be on Zek to participate in Structured PvP you just goto the Arena and wipe out your opponents, no rules no rewards, just self satisfaction, or betting against each other.

    End of Expansion Battle Royal is something all servers are part of, all servers have Arena. It's not exclusive to Zek.

    Also, btw, in games where they have structured PvP and Mass PvP (pretty much AvA, WvW). The people who are good at WvW AvA they not particularly good at structured PvP.

    So I wouldn't bet on any Zek players to win this. They could win a Open World PvP type of game, but 1000 people in the arena fighting each other, yeah different story for what Zek'ers do, which is sneak up on you and assassinate you before you know what hit you.

    EQ sure could use some event thats interesting at the end of each expansion, start of new expansion. Nope I do not suggest raids. I suggest something everyone can participate in, not just end gamers only and not just raiders stuff only. They get too much content compared to others already.
  7. Qelil Augur

    And we have a winner!!! :)
    Shindius likes this.
  8. Qelil Augur

    We aren't into pvp in the vast majority. We aren't into other MMOs in the vast majority. How about something relevant to the game we do like to play?
    Wdor likes this.
  9. Fell Augur

    Did you even read the OP's post? He is suggesting something for EQ, not something for another MMO, and a variant of something which already exists in this game. He's also suggesting -- as I understand it -- a one-time event, participated in by choice by a small subset of players from each server.

    It's an interesting idea. It doesn't appeal to me personally, but I think it would appeal to many others ... though one may get a different idea from reading the forum warriors here, which are far from a representational slice of the actual player base.
  10. Fell Augur

    I've never enjoyed true open PvP, which reminds me of the chaos of the worst-led pickup raids, times 100.

    The best structured PvP I've ever played was the (original) Shadowbane. Guilds controlled their own areas, built strongholds, and swore alliance to other guilds in a feudal structure. PvP meant declaring war against an opposing faction, then (if you wished any hope of success) bringing in siege equipment and planning a multi-pronged campaign to raze strongholds and conquer their territory.
  11. Scorneternity Guest

    EQ PVP is so unbalanced this is a complete non starter
    Shindius, Fenthen, Ssdar and 4 others like this.
  12. Warpeace Augur

    /Zekcopy has been suggested before.

    Run with that, its something I would support even though I don't support EQ PvP due to its horrible state.

    This would allow people to try out PvP with their character while also possibly giving Zek a population boost. This would have the potential of PvP becoming more popular. This would also allow for special PvP events on an existing server so entire zones could be designated for an event and not a tiny Arena.

    If something like this became popular then maybe DP would put resources into fixing PvP.
    Shindius and Xyroff-cazic. like this.
  13. Randomized Augur

    That’s the thing. Anyone who’s interested in PvP in EQ is on Zek. There’s a reason it’s a more or less dead server. It doesn’t appeal to “many” people. Even as a one time event, EQ pvp is so unbalanced it wouldn’t be enjoyable.

    Not against the idea as a whole, but I don’t see the turn out matching the effort it takes to make it happen
  14. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    It has been said before and I will say it again, EQ pvp is dead and there is no reason to spend resources on it until it can be shown there there is an interest in it.
    Shindius likes this.
  15. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I would disagree with it as there are people who would have interest in it but are on other servers due to the low population on the server or not wanting to be pvp all the time when logged in.
  16. Coas Lorekeeper

    Do 1000+ people still play EQ?
  17. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    easily - they sold 6 times that just in lifetime subs 2 years ago and it has grown since.
  18. quakedragon Augur

    Yes this is a just for fun event.

    I'm sure some of you thinking to yourself "man these GM events they don't exist anymore, or they not worth doing or watching"

    I come up with an idea

    How I see it is
    massive amount of people watching, the arena viewing area is PACKED, PACKED HOUSE, SOLD OUT.
    The arena fighting area cluttered, your basically surrounded by enemies. (this on test, so every server is invited, its going to be packed best believe that)

    A couple GM's watching and manging the event.

    DING! fight!

    What happens?
    Whose gonna be last one standing?
    Whose going to be able to survive the initial wave of chaos?
    Whose gonna stand the test time of time after there is a few people left?

    No rules, besides no reentry
    So if you participate with 100 box thats on you
    You come in with your guildies that on you

    This is just 1 time end of expansion, before the beginning of the new expansion.
  19. Fell Augur

    I'm not truly disagreeing with you, but I will point out that a per-class event similar to the old "BotB" events would solve the unbalanced concern. As for the effort required, they likely still have the code for that event.
  20. Mossaa Augur

    Just move to Zek if want PvP. Its as easy as that
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