What new MGB would you like

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by quakedragon, Oct 29, 2021.

  1. Randomized Augur

    So you do not go about partaking of any MGB buffs of any sort? Giving nor receiving? That's interesting
  2. Celephane Augur

    Mana rods don't need mgb, they are AE already
    Duder likes this.
  3. FranktheBank Augur

    Thats what TB is for.

    Did you forget there is two different mass buff buttons?
  4. Randomized Augur

    Not I. I'm not the one disassociating MGB from TB. They're the same thing on different timers.

    Regardless of which one you use, TB or MGB, it's still an MGB. You're the one claiming you wouldn't mass group buff with Brells.
    Fenthen likes this.
  5. FranktheBank Augur

    You should be disassociating them. They are not on the same timer lol. There is a sizeable difference between them. One is out of combat (mostly) with no real cooldown and one is in combat with 20min cooldown. If you are talking about buffing in the lobby or pre-engage or whatever, TB covers all that.

    I am asking for something meaningful to MGB.
  6. Randomized Augur

    Pretty sure this is where the OP was going honestly. I think he's looking more for "buffs" than finding a way to expand on MGBs on a useful purpose. Like trying to add more buff abilities than actual utility.

    As for the overall beneficial MGB: Thaumaturges Focus (Mages)
  7. strongbus Augur

    as a bst the only thing I will use mgb on during a raid is para. before raids I use tb for buffs. granted I pay a good amount of aa if they made para a ae that didn't require mgb to give the whole raid.
  8. Kolaisa Elder

    I think the OP just wants more buffs for free because he thinks it'll make the game easy mode based on all his other threads about how hard the game is and not enough mid game content.
    Stymie and Act of Valor like this.
  9. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    A new MGB? A MGB that provides a proc buff that instantly kills the Chaotic Jester anywhere in the zone. I absolutely hate that thing.
  10. Celephane Augur

    You give the OP too much credit, he doesn't know what he's talking about... ie mage MGB rods
    Randomized likes this.
  11. DaciksBB Augur

    MGB Fists of Wu because that would be soooooooo useful
  12. kookoo Augur

    shaman tala tak :
    /tell shaman , hey i missed your tala tak MGb and i was not far from you .

    /reply , yes i know tala tak is short range ( 50 feet ), and many miss it when i mgb .

    and if i use my aa the cast time is longggggg so dont move for 10 seconds !!!!
    please : aa to reduce the cast time of lupine spirit aa 4/4 { cast the highest rank of spirit of tala'tak }
    spell is 3,25 sec cast time ( focused ) and the aa is 7.30 sec cast time , ( more the double casting time ). and the range is only 50 feet ae ..

    druid version { spirit of eagle aa } 3/3 rank is 2 seconds cast time ( lower than their casting one who is at 2.5 cast time ) ----->> cast the highest rank of flight of falcon. 100 feet ae
  13. Warpeace Augur

    MGB SK epic click = win!!

    No other buff or AA matters.
  14. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Cleric Shining line. Even a group non-MGB version would be superior.
    Bigstomp and Velisaris_MS like this.
  15. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon


    MGB the next port spell I cast, has been asked for foe years.
  16. OlavSkullcrusher Augur

    I agree with this. Mass Group Buff was intended to make buffing a raid less time consuming than buff classes having to join each group, cast group buffs, and then leave for the next group. While /targetgroupbuff eventually became a thing, it is still more time consuming and mana intensive than being able to cast it once for the whole raid.

    What MGB (and eventually Tranquil Blessings) was not intended to do was to make it so that we could park our toons in one central location where buffs don't count down, and soak up max level buffs from every class that can cast group buffs while we are afk for a few hours, even if we are lvl 75. MGB as it exists means you don't need a beastlord to get beastlord buffs, and you can have a version of the buff 40 levels higher than you are. Same with Righteousness, Brells, Ranger buffs, Voice and Haste, Shaman buffs, Damage Shields, etc. And they will last for 1-5 hours while your alt can run around destroying everything and grinding out xp far faster than would have been possible in era.

    I've done exactly that often enough to realize how much it breaks the game. With 20/20 hindsight, it was a mistake to have more than a handful of utility buffs able to be cast on a character that isn't in your group and for your buffs to persist on other characters after you disband from their group.
  17. Alnitak Augur

    Let me ruin your party: how about nerfing SK epic to decay the effect against the mobs higher than 85 (or whatever was max mob level during those Epic introduced) ? So those SKs will taste the epic uselessness like other classes do. And still need to come up with shaman and bard epic nerfs to ruin their parties too.
    Here, do not thank me for the idea.
  18. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    That should also work for secondary and tertiary recall. :cool:
    Yinla likes this.
  19. Jennre Band Leader


  20. Cicelee Augur

    MGB True North

    Because reasons...
    FranktheBank likes this.