Overseer only crafting

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by quakedragon, Oct 24, 2021.

  1. quakedragon Augur

    When they made overseer, did it come with new recipes?
    Recipes where the materials can only be obtained with Overseer quests?

    I'm looking at this, http://www.eqtraders.com/items/show_item.php?item=62465

    What are your thoughts on overseer only materials for crafting new recipes?
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Nennius likes this.
  3. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    The Mephit blood drops from mephits in TBL. I don't think there are any crafting materials from overseer that can't be gained from mobs. EQtraders often doesn't list all sources for an item.

    I use "overseer-crafting" for easy stat food, if Im too lazy to farm high-end stuff. "kunark meat pie" and "primordial plasma smoothie" can be made with overseer-mats and vendor-stuff from PoK. :)
    Fenthen and Velisaris_MS like this.
  4. quakedragon Augur

    Oh so it does drop in game too.
    I'd think it is a popular recipe, surprised eqtraders didn't catch it.
    What if there was new recipes overseer only items? Would it be a nice addition to game you think?
  5. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Whoever is entering information in EQ Traders either overwrote the drop information (the meat shows the same overseers only drop) when they added the Overseers thing or it never had the regular drop information in the first place (since any fan site db is only as good as the info given by players).

    Listing Overseers without some extra text (server must be at least at ToV expansion) in the item description seems problematic.

    And no, Overseers should add to the game for tradeskills, not be the only game for some (which I don't think it will since it's always an expansion behind).
  6. quakedragon Augur

    What about if Overseer crafting quest,
    actually crafted things for you?

    Would this be a nice addition you think? It's just an expansion behind and not many people craft things expansion behind. Could be tied to what you have in your inventory too, as in the quests you get?
  7. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    I think what you want is perhaps some unique food/drink/potions on the Overseer vendor that you purchase through the Overseer currency.

    Since Overseer by design only helps with past expansions, I haven't seen/heard anything from Ngreth that would indicate he'd like to change the current system up.
  8. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

  9. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    Regarding OP's idea about "overseer only" recipes, I am against it.
    The reason is that the game doesn't need recipes where getting the mats is a litteral "waiting game".
    There is no benefit to regulate the crafting-time with overseer-cooldowns imho.
    cadres likes this.
  10. Aanuvane Augur

    please feel free to provide confirmed drop information through the Database Update forum! I don't hunt in TBL to gather them myself.

  11. Duder Augur

    Or anything else for that matter. Like update the syncer in a reasonable amount of time. Or fix years long bugs on his site. But, what you linked is legit. Perhaps the only good thing about the site. ;)
    Fenthen likes this.
  12. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    The profiles are grossly outdated in terms of bag sizes, stats (AC breakdown, etc), and it's unfortunate that it's behind a paywall. But the mob locations (based on where they generated a corpse, I believe) and drop rates of items are for sure the best part of Magelo.
    Duder likes this.