Request: Guild Leaders of Guild Neighborhoods to evict players no longer in the guild

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Fenthen, Sep 29, 2021.

  1. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I have a player who has 6-years of rent paid on a plot, and is no longer in the guild / hasn't been online in about a year. There's nothing I can do about it, with the current in-game tools.

    I have heard complaints from other guilds about players, whom are active, charging an absurd amount for the guild to get the plot back.

    Request: Give the guild leader a way to evict the player if they are not in the guild.

    And yes, this is posted in "Bugs" because I really do not feel that this is working the way it was originally intended.
    Zaray, Maedhros, Nennius and 9 others like this.
  2. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Shouldn't even need the Guild Leader to do it. They should automatically get evicted when no longer in the guild.
    Maedhros, Winnowyl, Stymie and 3 others like this.
  3. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Years ago there was a thread that went 20 pages, "WTB Evict Button".

    Short answer, NO.

    They will never give any single individual the ability to evict people unilaterally.

    Everyone can argue all they want, about what 'should be'. I can promise you, they will never do this.
  4. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I don't agree with an evict button. Too many tempers flare and players could get evicted based on personal dislike or arguments.

    Since a non guilded person cannot purchase or set houses in a guild owned neighborhood then when a player leaves a guild they should be evicted because they no longer hold the guild tag.

    But considering how many bugs Guild Halls and just housing in general can have in EQ then it would cause more issues to make that apply to de guilded members when they lose the guild tag.

    What issues is this really causing in the scheme of things? Aesthetic reasons? That is what is mentioned most often as the reason they wanted the ability to evict someone. Takes up a needed plot? Buy a second neighborhood if low on plots.

    It's not like the houses fall down or deteriorate or the yards get overgrown with weeds if not maintained. So it can't be that he is affecting property values.

    So if this person who has not played in a year is really bugging you then the only solution right now is to make a new guild neighborhood and move out of your current one. It would take a lot of parceling, trading ownership etc.
    Winnowyl and MasterMagnus like this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I recently had to purchase another guild plot due to all plots being full. Being able to evict anyone not guilded or not played in years would be extremly useful. Guild plots aren't cheap.

    I don't really care what anyones plot looks like, we have some that have just dumped trophies in them along with the housing items from completing achievements. They look more like a junk yard but that is fine, having peoples stuff that are no longer guilded is not.
    Stymie and Fenthen like this.
  6. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Remember I brought this up when they put the Evantil Treehouse up for sale again?

    Those free rent houses are a problem.

    They are never going to give GLs an evict button, face it. Cats brings up some excellent reasons why, there are more also.

    -The writ description says nothing about evicting people.
    -A player that is fully paid on a plot (by whatever means) has an expectation it will be there if they ever come back.
    -The writ costs less than a Krono.
    -If eviction is no big deal. Buy a new writ, and start your guild neighborhood the right way.
    -Make a rule in your guild, nobody is allowed to place free rent houses, or put more than a year in escrow.
  7. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    You can buy the Writ of Sunrise which will give you another neighborhood for $15.75 in marketplace.

    It is not necessary to buy another Guild Hall. But if you choose to do so then you can pay as little as $13 up to $36 ( this last price would include the neighborhood.

    The Guild Plot to set the Hall on is the same price as house plots - less than 100 plat.

    I understand not wanting to have houses in the neighborhood that belong to no longer playing players. I just don't agree with an evict button.
  8. Velisaris_MS Augur

    When someone with a guild associated plot leaves the guild, they need to get the same escrow/eviction notice...give them 90 days to either re-join the guild or vacate the property. If they do neither then their crap is packed up, mailed to them just like a regular eviction, and the plot becomes open again.

    It's just a matter of A) can the code be changed to do that, and B) do the devs care enough to do something about it.

    So far, it looks like option B.
    Maedhros, Arwyn-RoV, Fenthen and 3 others like this.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    That would work. They need to be in the guild to use a plot, so keeping the plot should be the same. A guild gets its guild hall packed up if it drops below 10 players, so I'm hoping checking that person is guilded in guild neighbourhoods would work too.

    That would also solve guildies not playing as they could them simply be removed from the guild to free up the plot.
    Fenthen and Aanuvane like this.
  10. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I could buy 3 months of perks for that!
    Nennius and Fenthen like this.
  11. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    If the price is so dear, it would behoove you to add one rule to your guild.
    If it's a popular guild I can't imagine nobody is willing to toss a krono to the GL as a thank you, and compensation for the extreme outlay on the writ.
  12. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    I am pretty sure anyone in the guild can buy a writ and it doesn't have to the guild leader.
  13. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Requests don't belong in Bug Forum. Too much stuff in here otherwise. And you know better.

    They should not do any of the suggestions listed here. To the OP - too much chance for abuse to give one person guild neighborhood kick privileges. And the amount of support calls I can see from this...

    And for those suggesting auto kicks ... at various times throughout EQ history, guilds have gotten screwed up and some/all of people have lost membership. Auto kick means you destroy those guild neighborhoods as well.

    I have my own guild and have purchased 4 guild neighborhood (which can be activated by any current guild member btw). I can designate who I want to give plots to and nothing in game should force me to have toons that are now in other guilds to lose their plots. Because that's not the behavior I paid for.

    If you want to request a 2 year maximum on escrow, whatever.
    Coagagin and MasterMagnus like this.
  14. Aanuvane Augur

    I don't think I like the idea of an evict button either - but I could totally get behind a mechanism that gives someone who has deguilded 90 days to rejoin the guild or suffer eviction. It seems like the 90 day waiting period helps cover people who have been deguilded by accident as well unless of course they are no longer playing and can't/don't log in to be reinvited. I don't personally have the problem, but I can totally see how it could be a problem for some guilds.

    Like they've never changed the behavior of something that disappointed you? :)
    Fenthen likes this.
  15. Warpeace Augur

    This is funny. Its ok for a guild leader to kick people but OMG cant allow them to punt them from the guilds housing also:eek:.

    Worst arguments ever to not allow someone that can remove a person from guild to also evict them from a guild housing plot, that results in them being parceled all their possessions.

    They can re build on a common lot someplace else.
  16. Elyssanda Bardbrain

    In a former guild I was in, we had a 6 boxer, 3 houses per toon, so 18 plots.. he left the guild, created his own guild, and quit playing.. but never moved his housing out of our guild's neighborhood.

    On the flip side, when I was in BDL on Luclin, we lost our guild at one point. and had 4400+ toons guildless. I can't even imagine what would have happened if all of those homes had been packed up and sent back to the owners because of a glitch in the EQ system.
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    But surely that was all sorted withing 90 days?
  18. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    100% this.
    They literally get their stuff parceled to them in a crate, and can unpack it in a free neighborhood or in their new guild's neighborhood. Whatever.

    Give them 90 days of inactivity or without the guild tag or whatever, then let the guild leader manage their property for them with an optional evict button. It's unfair to deal with permanent rentals, or ones where 6+ years have been paid, and then to lose slots.

    And now you have to pay money to buy an additional neighborhood? That seems ridiculous, just because the old one is filled with inactive players who aren't even in the guild.
    Maedhros and Elyssanda like this.
  19. MasterMagnus The Oracle of AllHigh

    Sadly, bottom line, yes, this is the way it is.

    I get the fact that the GL paid real world money, and has an expectation they could manage their neighborhood. But you can't. Asking them to change it costs money to code for no benefit to DPG.

    The number of players who are NOT GLs far outnumbers the GLs, by definition. And their concerns outweigh the smaller number of GLs (who failed to socially engineer their neighborhood to avoid this problem).

    The player who is not a GL is thinking, I don't care if I'm a member of that guild any longer, I'm FULLY PAID on my plot and I don't want my stuff put in buggy damn eviction crates. Period.

    Devs doing nothing and leaving the status quo, appeases the majority. And leaves the status quo of GLs having to BUY a new writ. Giving money to DPG because of this issue, probably isn't much of an issue for them.
  20. Malbro Augur

    Legendz reborn by any chance?