Confirmed Jaled`Dar Solo #1: Lost and Found

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by quakedragon, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. quakedragon Augur

    Did this quest today, fully 115s buffed.

    I confirmed this is an accurate post. FIX THIS BUG!!!!
    Best believe I'm furious, I have to get all the 115s buffs again. Takes awhile. All because BROKEN QUEST.

    Massive numbers of hunter/trackers


    Oct 10 2016 at 6:33 PM
    Rating: Good

    41 posts

    It may be due to the server issue, but I am working on this quest currently and the mobs have not been despawning. In fact, they are spawning like crazy. Instead of the three mobs, there are about 50 (and I am not exaggerating, counted a stack as they marched back from me being FD at 17).

    Anyone done this quest recently? Have they changed the despawn timer?
    Always working on more research, will update as I can. Feel free to email with questions or I will post when I can also.
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    Massive numbers of hunter/trackers


    Oct 10 2016 at 6:50 PM
    Rating: Good

    41 posts

    I tried this a second time and watched what happened more carefully. The mobs are despawning after 15 minutes, but for some reason it is spawning a crazy number of them.
  2. Warpeace Augur

    Try putting it in the Bug Reports thread, then stop your feet demanding they fix it.
    Duder likes this.
  3. quakedragon Augur

    Yeah this is a furious post. Nothing sucks more than starting your day fully buffed, going to do some quests.
    First quest I do.
    BOOM outta nowhere 50+ iksars spawn. BAM dead. NO CHANCE IN HELL at escaping. No wonder the emerald dragon and grey dragon died, they had no CHANCE IN HELL at flying away from instakills.

    My buffs??? GONE. All 25 of those 115s buffs, rk3, best of the best buffs.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    You cannot kill these lower level mobs at 115?
    CatsPaws likes this.
  5. Warpeace Augur

    Apparently not and they must be getting terrible rk.3 buffs....all 25 of them:p

    What I don't see is what level they are, gear or anything that might relate to an issue other than more mobs are spawning than should. They state lvl 115 buffs and that really means nothing, so I am assuming they are a lower level player?

    If they are 115 and being mowed down by lvl 85 NPC's idk what to say.

    IF they or anyone else tries it they could con the mobs and see if they are spawning higher than they should or check logs to see if they are using things they should not be.
  6. quakedragon Augur

    Theres 50+ of them, I'm not 115, I did have a full set of 115s buffs though.
    They do about 1-3k quads each, so lets say they did 2k quads4k * 50 would be 200k hp damage they deal every tick.

    Pretty sure you'll be stun locked too if you survived the initial attack by 50 of them bashing.

    Nevertheless, it should only be 3 of them, not 50+.

    btw im in the 90s, so 115 buffs are very powerful, thats why i highlight it. takes awhile to get fully 115 buffed, so losing it all real fast is very frustrating, especially to bugged quests.
  7. Dragnath Elder

    You're quoting a bug that was reported in 2016? I did this quest not long ago when I was about your level, no problems.

    Also if you need level 115 buffs to do content, you probably aren't ready for said content...
  8. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Maybe the 115 buffs bugged it?
  9. DillyBar Augur

    How about Perks for a bug-free, stable server, game instead of the other stupid being offered??

  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    111-115 buffs don't really have ranks anymore, so... idk what to think about this.