Non Multi-Box Live

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by KaiserSozay, Sep 5, 2021.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    There are plenty of zones to level pre end game, adding new mid level zones will just spread the few players of those levels out further so they are even less likely to meet up.
  2. Windance Augur

    How does the EQ2 mentor system work? and how does it help?
  3. Tucoh Augur

    Nah, squiring or inverse mentoring. Lowbie gets jumped up to highest level. Age of conan has/had it was great.
  4. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    A Dragonscale Hills type zone with pockets of mobs ranging from 70-110 would increase the likelihood of encountering groups. Throw in some basic kill X tasks and it’s a straightforward experience for anyone returning.
    Qelil likes this.
  5. quakedragon Augur

    Look at SoD, 80-85 content only 100% end game.
    UF 80-85 only 100% end game.
    HoT 85-90 only, 100% end game.
    ... ... ...

    Past decade has been nothing but
    CoV 110 - 115. 100% end game.

    We need an expansion.
    Expansion 28
    a zone of 80 - 105, a zone of 95 - 115, a couple zones of 115
    30% returning player content, 70% end gamers content.
    Returning players going to keep making threads like these because 80-115 is no joke, only the people with mains 110+ are the ones saying its easy. Hotzones isn't the solution too.

    People aren't looking for handouts, they looking for a nice zone where they can find other people at mid game. Whats purpose of a non multi box server? Hopes of getting to play with other people.

    Also noticed, people don't say "Should I buy the latest expansion"
    Instead they say "Should I buy a heroic?", I don't see returning players making it to 110 to even wonder if they should be buying the latest expansion. When they keep pumping out 100% end game content expansions, it has no value to a typical returning player.
  6. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    That is not correct

    CotF had lots of HAs designed for 3 players and 3 mercs which scaled from level 75 to 100. Infact most of that expansion was HAs. :rolleyes:

    As you brought up SoF and SoD (level 80 - 85) between them there are 29 zones to level in compared to ToV and CoV level (110 - 115) between them there are 14 zones. On top of that SoF had far more missions available than ToV and CoV put together. Now what level do you think there should be more content for? If they created 30% of the expansion for lower level chars how much and how often would that content actually be used before they are in the other 70%. We get 6 or 7 zones an expansion these days, you want to take 2 of those zones away for lower level content so the max level players are stuck with 4 or 5 level 115 - 120 zones to play in for a whole year? 6 or 7 is bad enough reducing that further means players will be done with it even faster. If we still got the 13 zones we got in SoF or the 16 we got in SoD losing 2 wouldn't be an issue, losing 2 when we get so few is bad. Especially with the number of zones already in existance for those levels.

    Part of EQs grouping problem is there are far too many zones at some levels that you never know which zones the players are in. 110 - 115 your looking EW, GD or WW. Of those 29 zones in the 80 - 85 level range where would you look for players to group with? The HOT zones should help but in reality they don't because some of the zones picked to be HOT zones are just aweful or too far out of the way.

    My prefered path leveling on live is through TSS, HoT, RoF, CotF, but that is never the whole expansion only until I've out leveled content. I don't even bother checking what the current HOT zones are, by the time I move to PoK and to where the HOT zone is I could have gained more experience carrying on where I was.

    On Mischief I took a different path, Nek Forest, Tox Forest, South Ro, South Karana, Ocean of Tears, etc the zones which were not crowded with players fighting over named. I avoided the drama by avoiding places like Guk and Unrest.

    Next month Mischief unlocks Luclin and I'm looking forward to leveling my beast in Luclin zones from 1 - 60. I expect mid levels to once again be on my own or with a couple of friends but early and latter levels there will be lots of players grouping the same as it is on live, low levels are plentiful in tutorial and Cresent Reach and from level 105 onwards, maybe lower than level 105 I'm not sure I've only really seen the grouping side of stuff in Frontier Mountains when helping a friend with a quest and boy was that zone busy even with the max being level 115.
    code-zero and Raccoo like this.
  7. Accipiter Old Timer

    Yes, yes, yes.

    Which of you tried TLPs and hated it? That's not a challenge, it's an honest question.
  8. Raccoo Augur

    TBM also had group missions AND raids designed to scale down to level 75, with gear rewards for level 75-105.
    code-zero likes this.
  9. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    HA's are such a great feature, but they ruined them with the scaling issues. The TBM HA boss mobs are very rough without access to a lot of classes burn abilities. The named mobs in the HA's are straight up buzz saws.
  10. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    Scaling down the high end players is the better way to go. FF14 gets it right. EQ high end characters have too much ability bloat that would simply be information overload. Even, the experienced players are new classes get overwhelmed.
    Qelil and Yinla like this.
  11. Accipiter Old Timer

    That has not been my experience. The vast majority of new TLP players are there for the nostalgia. They actually do want to play Classic-PoP at the very least.

    Modern Live EQ scares them off with the AAs, abilities, etc.
  12. cadres Augur

    Me for one.
    I went because friends were playing. After trying a couple of different iterations my abiding dislikes were:
    1) Crowded. Everything camped. It was like the busiest day on Live on steroids. Because I've always been on Euro servers, I've mostly been able to use off-peak play to get things I really wanted (botters notwithstanding). With crowding also comes trains and general stupidity.
    2. I couldn't get excited about putting the hours in to a toon that was, ultimately, going nowhere. The chances of the server being around in 20 years time and featuring endgame guilds seemed pretty much zero (I was right...)

    That's in addition to a feeling of boredom in doing things I'd already done the first time around. Don't see the attraction in that
    Accipiter likes this.
  13. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Bad paladins aren't nearly as bad as bad shadow knights.
    Great paladins are your best tank option for literally everything in the game right now, except for maybe Klandicar due to the silence? There isn't anything in CoV that I haven't tanked yet, and that includes taking 2/3 of the Defenders dragons concurrently.
  14. Accipiter Old Timer

    You tried it, you didn't like it. I get it.

    The reason I asked is because I would have scoffed at the idea of TLPs had a friend not convinced me to try it. I tried it, I liked it.
  15. Skrab East Cabilis #1 Realtor

    If you wanted to play EQ, without boxing this would be a perk.

    Most people aren't looking to play a game for the next 20 years.
  16. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    The problem with TBM and to some extent TDS was the HAS were locked behind progression that you could not do unless you were 100 - 105 or some high level friends to do it for you
  17. quakedragon Augur

    I never brought up SoF. SoF was a good expansion.
    SoF was the last expansion that was good for returning players (zone wise, people actually goto a lot of SoF zones when the mobs are yellow and sometimes red, and stick around longer than they should mobs turning green). As TSS was already around and new, they still took into consideration returning players but more of the mid-end game returners because TSS was already still fresh.

    A decade later, 90-115. Not a single TSS like zone.
    TBM, can a lvl 90 go there and do solo quests?
    CotF, can a lvl 90 go there and do solo quests?
    TBM, CotF can level 90s goto those zones and just chill out and enjoy the game?

    It's basically samething as a MM. Just because an expansion has MM doesn't mean it actually took the time to take into consideration returning players. CotF and TBM was designed for 100s, end game 100s at the time, not lvl 80s

    That lonely lvl 90, can't do squat.
    TSS didn't tell you to find powerlevels, didn't tell you to start thinking about boxing. They said, we going to give actual content for returning players. Not a terribly scaled down MM like thing. Have you been to Neriak 4th gate lvl 80s?
    Game needs a zone, that is designed for 80 - 105. It's not a scaled down, in reality designed for 115s thing. Its ACTUAL design is for 80-105. Like the lvl 80s mobs are ACTUALLY 80s, not a scaled down version or a forgot to scale it down lvl 80s that is really level 110.

    Its been a DECADE since we had ACTUAL returning player content. Scaled down from 105 110s 115s is NOT actually meant for returning players.
    This game needs a TRADITIONAL EQ expansion, TRADITIONAL expansions include mid game content, returning player content. Look at OOW, Dranik Scar 30 - 55, thats a 25 level gap, not even at end game. OOW was pretty much a raiders expansion. YET they took the time to make a catchup, returning player zone. Because its TRADITIONAL thing to do.

    Past decade, the zone level ranges are 90-95, 95-100 100-105 105-110 110-115. NOTHING TRADITIONAL in this.
    0% content MEANT for returning players 0% RETURNING PLAYER ZONES for over a decade.
    It's been a DECADE end game only end game only end game only. How about 1 year in this past decade, you think about returning players for once, and make a returning player zone? How much is that to ask? You worrying about 7 zones, and oh it will be so costly, it will be a slap in the face to end gamers if 1 zone was meant for returning players, LET ALONE 2, especially since its been a decade and the trend is 100% of the zones designed for end gamers, and if you aint end game yet, figure it out. Be more
    decade 50+ new zones, all of them were designed for end gamers at the time of creation. How many returning player zone designs? ZERO.

    I goto TBM I goto CotF, go run to my MM thing. Nothing but red cons everywhere, cuz this aint designed for us. Live in instances because aint squat for returning players in open world. Goto Grounds? Well this zone is meant for people who about it, meant for people who grouped with each other
    Returning players from 15+ years ago, they don't remember EQ for going to instances and living there until they get to 110.
    They remember something like TSS, a big zone MEANT for you, chill, play at your own pace, do what you want, this zone is for you. Not some instance and the instance is telling you how to play your game. AND lastly, seeing other people your level just chilling, killing too. With TBM CotF you don't see other people your level chilling and killing.

    TSS was a good expansion end for the game, it had good returning/catchup in it plus it had plenty for end gamers. All you really need is a few QUALITY zones, you don't need 8 zones end game.