Rizlona-Mischief Hybrid please.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Xazier, Jul 15, 2021.

  1. Xazier Augur

    Can we please get a Non Truebox Random loot server?

    And dont come in here trolling with you No's like some of you do. This thread us for people who want that type of server not for the negative nancy trolls out there.
  2. bardybard Augur

    OhnonottheTOS likes this.
  3. Machen New Member

    OhnonottheTOS likes this.
  4. Cidran Augur

    Not sure if there is any chance, but if it happens I'm happy to try it
  5. Kahna Augur

    The planning team at DPGs sat down and pitched the Mischief server and in planning it they had to have discussed the idea of true box or no true box and they decided on true box. They even had a second chance when they announced Thornblade and STILL decided it should be true box. There won't be another new TLP until next spring, and then they will likely do something completely different.

    Your chances of a boxing Mischief are slim and none.
    Skuz and Tweakfour17 like this.
  6. Umul Augur

    Meh random loot is kinda dumb IMO.

    Keep the nontruebox servers spaced out. In like another 3 years when i'm at Live on two toons maybe i'd roll on a free trade TLP if it didnt have truebox.
  7. Foaming I Drank Bleach IRL Once

    I want to say no.

    So I'm going to say no.
  8. Darkskull New Member

    Yes 1000x over, but yeah I agree with Umul, maybe a couple years from now when Rizlona is dead
  9. jeskola pheerie

    Where's the guy with the signature with the DBG quote about the chance of this happening
  10. Piznut Angry Gnome

    Not sure where he is, but I saved his quote for just this occasion.

    jeskola likes this.
  11. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Never say never, they previously said no to a free trade server.

    There is always a posability.
    Skuz likes this.
  12. Stymie Pendragon

  13. saijin New Member

    Yes please, I been reading about of alot of hate to boxers on the new servers. This will solve now only the hate but also a good image to darkpaw on moving forward to saving electricity cost and usage with fewer PCs running to play EQ and saving the environment. I myself have no sub yet in hopes for a boxable TLP Free trade. I would personally sub 6 accounts too. There is alot of finger pointing and toxicity with boxers but this would help... or atleast announce that during expansion XXXXX the truebox will be lifted... I love EQ but the boxing seems to be the cure of alot of end game expansions for us
  14. Punchu Augur

    spoiler alert, mischief is already the 'hybrid' OP wants.
  15. Uumdano Augur

    The next boxing server that I would be interested in would be the one when they are capable of not allowing third party software. I feel like this would also very much appeal to the solo and small crew boxer as it would certainly level the playing field.

    Personally I make every keystroke on six accounts, I am 3/4 ow bot tower minis w/o a guild. I cant be bothered about being 4/4, I did it on LJ. My point being it could be fun to see who really has skill boxing. Not only could this be a long term competitive server but it could have a meta competition of boxers of who can kill what, making every key stroke for every action on each account.

    If they can eliminate third party use, I would be down for a Rizlona clone. I am open to free trade but dont really care one way or the other on this. Obviously I am not for key stroke replication, however to get a no 3rd party server, I would consider this as well. Use your crutches!

    With my no monk group I could do Isle 2 in Sky, all 3 fear golems, prob Mkari in hate in era. I would be interested to see what others could pull off. I enjoy learning from others who play like me because I know how much effort I can put into overcoming motm mobs with a single group. Its how I have been playing for years, I would play long term on a server that encourages it.