Next tlp server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Blarghest, Jul 8, 2021.

  1. Blarghest New Member

    Can the next TLP server be like mischief/Thornblade but not a true box server? True box is not stopping people from playing multiple characters. It's just making it inconvenient and perhaps expensive. It's not a solution, please get rid of it.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  2. Cainen Augur

    Truebox isn't meant to stop people from playing multiple characters, never was supposed to be that.

    It WAS supposed to stop boxer armies(think 40+ toons) from dominating anything in open world forever. To t at end it does a good job, and while there are some questionable boxes ot 10-12 running around, most people I see boxing are 4-6 and that's perfectly reasonable with modern micro pcs and gamepads. People boxes in 1999(i 3 boxed and know a ton of others who did).

    I full boxing server exists, and from what I've heard, was not terribly popular. So probably not going to happen again for a while.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  3. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Rizlona is actually popular, but otherwise correct. Maybe next time we get Mischadune and Thornlona. Or two Mangliefs.
    Blarghest, Lanffear and Skuz like this.
  4. bardybard Augur

  5. theonepercent Augur

    That quote was specifically about about one of these 2 servers being made non truebox, says nothing about the future. And even if it did they've also said there was no chance of a free trade server yet here we are.
    Yinla, Stymie and Skuz like this.
  6. Typhus Elder

    I would love a Free Trade Random loot Rizlona type of server. I plan on staying on mischief until the end but free trade random loot non truebox server, would be the only other TLP to steal me away from Mischief.
    Blarghest likes this.
  7. bardybard Augur

    Keep dreaming those dreams
  8. Blarghest New Member

    This is what I want. I mean, I know they won't change Thornblade now. Random loot is a lot of fun. The true box thing, not so much.
    Stewgottz likes this.
  9. KRYGZ Lorekeeper

    I agree Truebox only favors the cheaters using VMs or third party hack programs. They should just find a better way to restrict it to only 6 per IP, even if roommates, spouse are playing No need to do box more than 6 total per household. Truebox is just garbage.
  10. Rauven Augur

    The best way is to make it so it isn't even viable to box. But that would require a bit of effort in the form of making the content a bit more complex.

    Let's take the ghoul lord in lower guk for example. How do you engage that rare encounter? You pull him, and use anything that can reduce his hp until it is dead. There's no real thought or strategy to it. Its easy for a boxer to just sit on it and heck not even bother to use inputs at all to get the loot off it.

    Now imagine if he had attacks that you pretty much had to dodge out of the way of. Similar to some of the higher end raid content. Boxers could still likely take down the target (though some judicial use of TLC would help with that, or mechanics that can threaten even higher level characters), but it wouldn't be easy and likely not worth the effort.

    The question is, would you all still play in that environment? Because things that make it harder to box, also make it so even regular groups have to pay attention and work together more than they do now. And let's be honest. People like to afk during fights. Alot. They're micro-afks. Watching videos, tabbing out. We all do it.

    But if such style of gameplay becomes infeasible. Then does EQ lose its appeal? Its an interesting philosophical question.

    But you do have to admit, that many of the reasons that makes EQ stand out from other MMORPGs are the same reasons it makes boxing easy and feasible.
  11. KRYGZ Lorekeeper

    Boxing solves a lot of issues for alot of people and I am sorry to say it but having to box on 6 computers is just downright stupid. Not everyone wants to socialize all the time. Sometimes people don't want to spend 4 hours of their gameplay trying to find a group. Everquest is not a solo friendly game whatsoever. But the real problem is when you have people exploiting the boxing further than what it needs to be and trolling/camp stealing etc. Not all boxers are Toxic and the community needs to understand that.
    Blarghest likes this.
  12. Rauven Augur

    I neither said boxing was an issue, nor that anyone was toxic. Boxing is a symptom. Not the cause.

    Though I think you are overexaggerating some of the issues. At least on Mischief, I've been able to find a group after putting /lfg on for 2-3 minutes. Soloing has not been an issue depending on class choice (pick the class that matches your playstyle).

    But you are right that not all boxers are bad. And People don't understand that almost half the groups they are in have boxers in them. I just don't personally favor a group being over 1/3rd boxers, mainly because of the afkness issues get multiplied. Those issues are present in non-box groups, but at one or two at a time. Not three to five.

    Gets interesting when pulling and one the dps says they're afk, and find out the hard way they were controlling the warrior and enchanter too.
  13. KRYGZ Lorekeeper

    I agree with you, was never trying to say you thought that way, it was more of a statement on boxing, sorry brother. But the reason I box is because fakers too. I found more players that play one toon afk far more often than someone playing 2 toons, just my experience. And of course Mischief it is easier to find a group because it's the newest and brightest population, however people still go 2-4 hours trying to find a group. And 9/10 every camp with decent xp is already taken, so there is still alot of downtime looking for groups/camps.
  14. Wtfagain Elder

    I'd rather have a server where new krono can be xfered off but old can't be used. Plat dupe ruined the new ones.
  15. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    The folks who recycle classic to PoP would stop playing if you made that era "more complex".

    The reason a majority play that era is precisely because it is so easy, relaxed & requires so little input they can watch Netflix, play another game at the same time, write a novel, code a goat simulator, create genetically engineered hybrid AI cyborg war-chickens while also playing it because they like the very essence of how basic & simple it is.

    Stymie likes this.
  16. Typhus Elder

    Let's not kid ourselves here, we all know the major reason why people keep recycling and the same content over and over, it is strictly to capitalize on the cheap Krono.
    Joules_Bianchi likes this.
  17. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    True enough!

    And require subs to access and it buys a lot of kronos and pays a lot of bills.
  18. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I'd say that maybe 20% of the players are recycling TLPs to make Krono, the majority definitely aren't.
  19. Xazier Augur

    I think you need to flip that honestly. about 20% are not interested in Krono and the other 80% are fiends trying to get as much as possible. Take a look at Mischief, everyone fights over the best camps so they can farm as many items as possible to make krono. The amount of training, kill-stealing that goes on just so people can get loot is unreal. Every group I am in after we are finished those peeps I was grouped with are in commons spamming to sell their items as fast as possible because they know the loot depreciates with time. EQ Krono has turned people into greedy savages that would stab their own mother in the back if it meant they would get a few krono.
    TheInquisitor likes this.
  20. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    How many zones have you got eyeballs on?
    How many players are you ever seeing?
    How much are your perceptions skewed?

    Anecdotal accounts like yours all suffer from the same biases and rarely does anyone ever focus on the bigger picture because they mentally zoom in on what aggravates them, and they ignore what is not bothering them, that's not a dig at you personally it is an observation of how humans actually function in general.
    Being objective is very difficult.