Adjust the RNG key piece drops on TLP's

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Driz1, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. Zinth Augur

    but you don't want to enjoy the game for what it is, you want to change it
  2. Variousthings New Member

    Honestly I’d love to see them remove the toxic lucid shard farm and just have Emp drop VT keys. I’d also like to see them just add the key pieces to all the PoS mobs in their respected areas because that is just a nightmare too. That would cut down on the toxicity and still have a good guild check in the game for guilds to complete so they could move on.
  3. Kobra Augur

    I enjoy the game, I even enjoyed camping the other shards. If you spend as much time in FG as I have and you start hearing the shik'nar noises in your sleep it becomes an issue. You're probably the guy who shows up to the camp, gets your shard and peaces out leaving the rest of the group high and dry so of course you don't have an issue with it. I keep records of people who do that and ensure I never help them again even when it costs me nothing to do so.
  4. Zinth Augur

    wait there are people that don't hear the shik'nar? are you sure? me and my alts got them shards :D it takes time but it's not that bad
  5. Boze TLP complaint factory

    Honestly FG is hilariously fun right now.
  6. jeskola pheerie

    Would you consider yourself a toxic player? What do you find fun about it?
  7. Boze TLP complaint factory

    A boring camp is a lot more fun when an SK very blatantly rounds up all the royal advisors and times training them on your group with the spawn-time of the next royal guard. Then, you try to snare and kite around his train while your group kills the royal guard meanwhile he brings another train of a dozen soldiers from the tunnels and drops that on you too, so you're kiting a bunch of snared royal advisors and a bunch of un-snared soldiers. This also results in the advisors healing the royal guard to full HP ~4 times. Fortunately this royal guard actually dropped a shard (woo!). So what was an extremely boring camp turned into total chaos more akin to a modern EQ mission where you haven't read up on it thanks to someone else's toxicity.
  8. Zinth Augur

    but WHY are there even mobs alive if so many people are there to get shards? ;-)
  9. jeskola pheerie

    The mobs he referenced that were alive are not shard droppers.
  10. jeskola pheerie

    While you may find battling a toxic player's actions fun, most would view it as making an already boring camp with a horrible drop rate even more of a headache than it already is. You may have successfully fended off this griefer, but how many others would? Condoning toxicity because you enjoy engaging them sort of makes you toxic as well.

    Putting aside the issue of pushing people out of camps, "DPS racing", training, etc... the core issue is this particular shard is a major bottleneck for this important quest. I somehow doubt this design is intentional, for players to all get caught in a traffic jam at a Fungus Grove group camp.
  11. Ishbu Augur

    That doesnt matter. There is more than enough time between spawns to clear out the tunnels with a single group and if you are trying to hold both sets of shard dropping mobs with a single group, then your guild needs to recruit anyways.
  12. Febb Augur

    Isn't classic expansions fun? I can't wait to do this all over again on the next TLP!
  13. Boze TLP complaint factory

    Luclin bottlenecks are likely intentional. Much of the raid content was not finished or itemized when the expansion opened, so they needed to slow down player progress. I'm honestly indifferent as to whether or not it's something that needs dev attention now though. Most everyone who wants to go to VT will be there in the next few weeks.
  14. Kahna Augur

    Pretty sure bringing multiple groups to a camp that most classes in the game are capable of soloing just to fend off the indirect PvP is exactly what people are complaining about. Pretty much no one who chooses an AOC server enjoys the indirect PvP. EQ players typically don't mind long boring camps, they just don't like long boring camps that require them to fight with other players. If they liked that sort of gameplay, PvP TLP servers would be a thing.

    Recruit more people to kill a group camp mob for a drop to a zone with mobs that can be killed by 36 people. . . What are you going to do with all those extra recruits? You don't need them to clear VT.

    I have my key, I got my key fairly easily because I could log in at odd hours, and I had a fair bit of luck. I still have the ability to empathize with folks who can't log in at odd hours and have struggled to get their keys despite putting in more hours than I had to.
  15. PipotheAFILADOR Journeyman

    They should definitely adjust keying/flagging bottlenecks for tlps with 3 month unlock windows. VT shards are pretty bad but they dont even hold a candle to the toxic af plane of storms(need to be changed to spawn in dzs imo)
  16. Ishbu Augur

    So people are upset that access to the top tier raid zone requires some assistance to get the key and cant be solo'd? Poor babies.

    Its also neither that long of a camp nor that boring. You can get aa xp and unlike a lot of camps in this game, you dont spend 12 hours with nothing to show for it unless you the 1% of unlucky players. Dont ever adjust things to appease the 1%.
  17. Kahna Augur

    Again, people would rather the difficulty be the mobs, not fighting other people to get the key. You aren't going to be getting much AA xp in that raid group you said to bring, and good luck holding the camp for 12 hours straight without it. Yes, folks are upset that they have to bring 2 groups worth of overkill to try to hold the camp from other players. I don't even like holding the camp from other players, I get zero enjoyment out of denying someone else their key piece, I would rather everyone be able to get their key item in a timely manner without squabbling with each other. Is that such a horrible ask? They put in AOC's so we could stop fighting with each other over the raid mobs, why not with the key piece. What benefit or enjoyment does this keying process bring to the over all game and community?
    Xoner likes this.
  18. Hinastrom Elder

    You're right about one thing, my guild isn't the type to go in and muscle their way into fungus grove, which is what would be required right now. I'm hoping it dies down in not too long.

    A guild can be awesome, and not be hardcore camp stealers. Shocking concept for alot of the players on this server, I know.
  19. Hinastrom Elder

    This pseudo pvp is not for me, you are correct.
  20. yerm Augur

    The 2 group dogpiles and zergs is only because it's the start of the expansion and a million people want it. I went and got all the vp medals for my cleric in a single afternoon. I saw AJ up and went and got 8 more. Done. Easy.

    All of the issue here is the attitude of NEEDING to get into VT immediately and not being able or willing to wait until things settle down to engage the final zone of an expansion. A lot of people actually enjoy the competitive elements, the pressure, all of it. They want a lively atmosphere. They don't want a dead zone they just come collect in. Luclin keying is currently pretty well tuned for this. If you do NOT like this? There's a ton to do otherwise. It's not like pop/storms where missing out on that one's bottleneck leaves you screwed on most content; luclin has plenty of accessible stuff and because it's still 60 there's often still ntov/kael if you really wanna maximize.

    If you still can't get FG and it's 2 months in by all means come back here, bump the thread, and tell me I'm wrong. Until then - please let the tryhards have their moment.
    Ishbu and Xyroff-cazic. like this.