Fixed Internally Tantor Raid (CoV) - Tantorlings

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Yinla, Jan 10, 2021.

  1. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Tantorlings have some pathing issues.

    If you are at a different height to them they run in the opposite direction!
    If you are too far away from them when they become active they just stand still!
    Metanis, Jokskilove, Raccoo and 5 others like this.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Seemed worse tonight, instead of not knowing where they were going, they warped to the player, same with Tantor.

    Pathing needs to be fixed, lots failing the emotes due to the warping now.

    Tantor and Tanorlings are using an explote to warp to players!
    Barton likes this.
  3. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I don't think this is intentional, but a by-product of extreme lag during the Tantor raid, and Western Wastes lag in general.
    Svann2 likes this.
  4. Svann2 The Magnificent

    Yea you dont want the zone to have to calculate too many pathings at once. Thats why they nerfed aoe kiting long ago. Plus you have so many players in zone, which as we see in WW/CS static zones causes mob rubberbanding when there are more than about 20 players.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth likes this.
  5. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I haven't noticed much lag during this event. We try and kill off as many tantorlings as we can, so there isn't usually more than 5 or 6 NPCs that need pathing calculating (includes Tantor and Rabbits). If it is a lag issues, would getting rid of zone trash help if there is a loot lockout?

    Pathing up and down hills has always been an issue in a lot of zones, just look at mercs when you are higher or lower than them.
  6. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Since Beta, the tantorlings in the Tantor raid have had bad pathing. MS was on two dev raids with Tantor and both devs saw the behavior (believe it or not, it has gotten better).

    The delay in Tantor starting his chase, slow spawn of bunnies, the start of tantorlings moving ... those are lag effects IMO.

    The tantorling distance check, where they just stand still if someone decides to run half across the zone, I believe is intentional. Due to the delay, they just didn't want the emote folks to run so far that you could essentially take them out of play. So when they start their chase, they check to make sure there is a possibility of reaching the person given distance ... if not, they will emote, aura, and look for a new target (without an emote).

    But I have seen too many cases during the raid where someone is away from the tantorling (but close), and the tantorling just runs in the complete opposite direction for there not to be still bugged pathing to target calculations.

    I think height difference could very well be one of the issues.
  7. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    It would also be nice to remove the excessive disco floor effect. Casting ground-target spells (splash) are always a guess if I have it or not.
    Raccoo likes this.
  8. Cragzop Cranky Wizard

    Yeah .. .that's MS fault. We did our dev raid for Tantor on guild disco night.

    In our defense, the original decal for those tantorling auras were white ... which sucked so bad at trying to figure out where they were. Then the change to red which was the same as the Tantor target ring wasn't much better.

    Sorry ... we were coked up.
  9. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I blame Elkar. Tell him Fen dislikes the disco colors. Also that I miss him. <3
  10. Jokskilove Palzerker

    I have a really hard time seeing which is which.. And when there are 9-12 Tantorlings up towards the end, I feel uncomfortable running too close, in case I misidentify which one is coming for me since they're running from all angles.
    What about reusing the auras from the rhinos in the GD raid? Those are pretty easy to see
    Yinla likes this.
  11. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I believe they all have names under them, like pets, as to whom that tantorling "belongs" to.
  12. Metanis Bad Company

    All raid mechanics are simply to cause healers the most grief possible. I just look for the nearest caster class standing back away from Tantor and dump my 'ling on them.
  13. Jokskilove Palzerker

    I do realize that - but you need to be at a certain distance to see that label. And when there are many tantorlings running around in different directions around, you need to screen all of them. I simply don't have the skills or mental bandwidth to process all that information fast enough
    Yinla likes this.
  14. Warpeace Augur

    IF you look at the possible /ach for that raid their might be a better way of dealing with them.
  15. Jokskilove Palzerker

    Thanks for the suggestion :) We did try to dispose of those little bastards but with our modest guild dps, we ended up just running out of stamina and prolonging the fight to the point of a slow death (for us). Despite the challenges in running them off, it still seems to be the best solution for our skillset
    Yinla likes this.
  16. Dalrek_MM Elder

    Warping, pathing and leashing just makes this event so much less enjoyable. The design idea is cool, but the setup for the raidspot kinda ruins it.
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Last night we did this raid with no issues!

    Killed Tantorlings on their spawn spots and over healed the tantrum, wait was over a lot quicker too.

    Not sure the devs wanted this as yet another raid where you can ignore mechanics. :rolleyes:
    Metanis likes this.
  18. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    There's so far 2 raids where you can completely ignore the mechanics (outside of Tantor primal guardians causing his HP to lock if any are up) and one where you can ignore everything except 2 auras (one of which doesn't move at all due to server lag).

    Even the Klandicar raid is having drakes not come out, or partially come out, or not making it to the raid in time for Klandicar to die. Egg tenders? I've seen them probably once in the 20+ times I've done that raid.
  19. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    I think maybe what you are seeing with Klandicar and Tantor may be different from the rest of us, at least I'd suspect. We never have issues with guardians making it to the raid on Luclin, nor do we have any issues with tenders being absent. I haven't seen any real script breakdown in Tantor either lately, he's doing his chase mechanic, the tantorlings are spawning as expected, the rock throw is working, etc. I know y'all have extreme lag on FV so i'm guessing that's why you are seeing that and we arent.
    Fenthen likes this.
  20. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Now its been confirmed as a bug, any ETA on a fix?