Need clarification from DB on automation and to what extent

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Ilshade, Jul 17, 2020.

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  1. Ilshade Augur

    Just watched a guy farming (not mentioning name or place ) lost count at 25 accounts/characters

    Monks, mages, clerics, etc all using abilities at once continuously and at appropriate times

    BTW they packed up a left once they say me watching and recording..if they where legit why leave..hrmm.

    I cant see any human being able to run this many characters with out some assistance from an external application or programs

    So is this considered OK to DB and what application or programs are OK to use.

    Is there an official link or white page on this by DB that i have not read yet please let me know

    This is an advantage to the game for others whom pay the same billing monthly to run their accounts to we as paying customers should have the right to know specifically what is allowed and what is not - if i could have the game made that easy to play with multiple accounts I may sub more accounts if i have to grind out and see this happen and I pay the same and have to work harder at it then, I dont feel i am getting the same service out of the company and game.

    By the way this is a question for DB not you.. your comments and replies mean nothing only looking for DB to confirm. thank you have a great day
  2. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    There is plenty of info about this around the forum from the devs already, they are not going to reply to every player post about this topic as a result, so if you want the dev info you will have to put the effort in to search for it, but in summary.

    AFK mob killing is forbidden:
    So that's anywhere between you having a pet or merc killing mobs while you are AFK all the way up to a fully automated crew being run by a 3rd party software package while you are AFK.
    AFK forage boxes are okay so long as they are far from mobs & not killing anything while you aren't there for example.

    Having 1 character actively being played & controlling other characters in the party by way of 3rd party software on live servers & boxing TLP servers is allowed, it is not allowed on Truebox servers.

    None of the staff will ever approve any software by name because it is not controlled by them & therefore changes may be made to it that they would absolutely not approve of, so you will never get that. It's all about what you do with it that concerns them.
    Foaming and KimchiGoddess like this.
  3. Ilshade Augur

    Do you have links to where they state which programs are allowed to be used for attended automated play ?
    Clearly this person is using application that assist so would like to know what specifically is allowed
    it would be nice to know options and not have to worry if it is breaking any rules specifically if that is an option on the Riz servers as game play it would be good if they clarified ?
  4. Truetotheblue Augur

    Did you actually read what Skuz wrote or ??

    He literally said do some searching and you can find it on your own, don't make my man Skuz do the work for you.

    They will never outright say what you can/can't use. You roll the dice with any of these programs. Closest I've seen them to "acceptance" with any of these is a dev saying they fixed ISB on Riz.
  5. Ilshade Augur

    I am not understanding why you have to roll the dice, why can they not state what is allowed and what is not then ?
    My main purpose is to find out what is allowed, and see if it is an option - as I had a stroke and lost partial use of my mouse hand, i still play old school and lately its been hard to enjoy same game play (guess i am stubborn). But when i see people running a large amount of accounts with ease and it is allowed then it kinda irks me - so would like to see options of what is allowed - dont want to roll the dice and level up and then find out oh sorry that is not allowed and lose all the hard work put into it.
    just want to make it easier for my self i guess that is what frustrates me when i see others take advantage
  6. Excruciator_Test New Member

    This is the discussion about automated play and what they are okay and not okay with on non truebox servers. It is very enlightening. In a very dumbed down way, they are ok with non afk automation.
  7. KimchiGoddess Augur

    Are you on Rizlona? Did you transfer from Aradune?
    Fluid likes this.
  8. Sikkun Augur

    Per DBG: No 3rd party applications are allowed.
    Per DBG: We may or may not ban you at anytime for using 3rd party applications.

    That’s the most clarification you will ever get.
    Tucoh likes this.
  9. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    They really can't, if there was hypothetically-speaking a program called MongoPlayerTool & it allowed only a small number of automation features & was given a green light by devs you can almost guarantee some twit will modify the code for that so that they can do a whole bunch of nefarious crap with it & as soon as they get a ban for cheating (using the nefarious crap part of the program they bolted on) they will then argue blue murder against their ban for using allowed software.

    So you really just have to accept that the line in the sand is the team know a lot of players use software that they really shouldn't be using, but so long as you play by the rules they give you'll probably be okay, the only reason anyone gets away with using this stuff at all is just by virtue of how endemic its use is & to ban it would basically mean the game would close down as a direct result. But they don't tolerate it being used in certain ways, active hacks, warping & 100% AFK full automation are all going to be very likely to get you a permanent ban.

    So it's an uncomfortable compromise.
    Ilshade likes this.
  10. Ilshade Augur

    Was kinda hoping for more, but thnx for all the help anyways - wish DB would actually help..
  11. Truetotheblue Augur

    Put yourself in DPGs shoes for a second on this. You have two groups of people, a group vehemently against boxing and 3PS in general, and a group that uses it (not gonna detail level of use for this purpose). You officially support it you end up alienating your group that hates it, set a firm boundary on not using it alienates the other group. It's a losing proposition for them to take a stand on it one way or another. Silent acceptance is as good as it's going to get. People using 3PS understand they run the risk of being banned, per the EULA
    Tucoh likes this.
  12. Ronluwen Elder

    I don't personally enjoy that style of play, but I do believe that you could effectively box 24+ in classic with just a key broadcaster. I would want three monitors, one my main driver for the tank, one for cleric just in case, and one for chanter just in case. All classic ranged dps probably need 2 hot keys total.

    The majority of people boxing on rizlona and live servers are probably using a key broadcaster of some sorts.
  13. Tweakfour17 Augur

    What server are you on? I didn't see it mentioned but that makes a big difference in whats "allowed"
  14. Crybabies New Member

    You sounds like such a entitled........ I see more of an issue on the harassment of you following him around and recording him then I do with someone boxing 25+ toons. EQ is 21 years old, box armies ahve been around most of that time and our obviously okay. They were even okay on the true box servers. I really love what you said here "This is an advantage to the game for others whom pay the same billing monthly to run their accounts to we as paying customers should have the right to know specifically what is allowed and what is no", because people with common sense would know that the dude with the 25+ accounts pays WAY more money for this game then you do lol.
  15. KimchiGoddess Augur

    I'm betting it's an Aradune transfer to Rizlona. I asked as much but was ignored.
    Foaming likes this.
  16. Arkeal_Rathe_Bots Lorekeeper

    I bet the "dude with 25 accounts" pays zero money to play the game.
  17. I'm Not A Robot Lorekeeper

    And then for some reason people from this group want to go play on a Rizlona that is labeled as the "Boxing Server" and then complain about people boxing.
  18. Xeris Augur

    It's not impossible to box that many legitly ...

    I was guilded with a guy on Mangler briefly who 20 boxed and he streamed himself doing it... He went on to wow classic when it came out, but he was one of those mass PLers. Anyways, he streamed with cam do you could see him swivel around his room doing actions on various computers.

    It doesn't seem super hard... Even on a big raid encounter, your DPS just have to take 1-2 actions... 1 button to autoattack, maybe hit a 2nd button from time to time to nuke or use a disc. Pulling a mob requires 1 character doing things... Tanking requires just a min or two to set aggro...

    The only active part about mass boxing a raid targets is the heal rot. Get 5 numpads and press your "1" key every 30-40 sec on each numpads, it's not hard.

    There are many ways to automate this that would break the rules obviously, but my point is that you actually can do this legitly if you have the computers, power, and space needed. Also if you're single cuz imagine having a gf come over and you have like 25 computers piled into a room.
  19. Seaqiro New Member

    Don't forget GINA is a third party program, so if they kill one they have to kill all
  20. Truetotheblue Augur

    He/she probably farms a lot of krono and doesn't directly pay for the game them self, but whoever consumes the krono is still 17.99$ in DPGs pocket regardless of how they obtained them. So in DPGs terms it's not free and they would technically be paying in a lot more than one player.
    Tweakfour17 and Nolrog like this.
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