How are 1st shift workers supposed to play on Aradune?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Firesyde424, Jun 15, 2020.

  1. Firesyde424 Journeyman

    Get off of work at 5PM, home by 5:30 or 6. 4 hour + queue times mean, if you get to log in at all, it won't be until 10PM or later.
  2. yerm Augur

    work, sleep, eq, repeat.

    The mistake is swapping eq and sleep.
  3. Raisehell Lorekeeper

    Simply put, DPG doesn't care about you. They do care about the people blatantly using autoclickers and exploits to stay logged in for days at a time screwing everybody else though, as shown by their refusal to actually get rid of em. All bark, no bite.
  4. KimchiGoddess Augur

    3rd shift and their suggested playtime is during my worktime, which is your sleeptime. Boned either way because there's queues first thing in the morning EST now too. Rizlona was my solution though I wanted to be on Aradune. Better to play than not play, imo.
  5. Kenderix Lorekeeper

    I can't see the long game on Rizlona being anything other than groups of 6-boxers just holding all the interesting camps / named mobs etc.

    That's what's putting me off Rizlona - the boxing rules. Heck, I played on Agnarr and by the time I got to 50, there were bots and boxers all over the place camping all the rare spawns and porting to named mobs etc.

    I could see myself enjoying the first few weeks on Rizlona but then drifting away and I don't want to invest that much time if I can't see myself there long-term.
    Demondred likes this.
  6. Kenderix Lorekeeper

  7. Firesyde424 Journeyman

    This is why I wanted to play on Aradune. I couldn't imagine wanting to play on a server and competing with the armies of bots. Not saying there aren't bots on Aradune but at least it's not codified in the rules of the server.
  8. Vlahkmaak Augur

    ^This is why we are trying to start over on Aradune.
  9. Thrawnseg Augur

    Chrome remote desktop on your phone and log in 2--3 hours before you leave during a bathroom break.
  10. KimchiGoddess Augur

    Yeah I dunno honestly, I just want to play and have fun right now and I'm doing so on Rizlona. I have the ability to truebox up to 3 with two laptops and a desktop rig, which I do on Mangler but lately I've only played there with my friend when he's around. My max chars there are 60 so still behind and our new twinks just hit 51 this past weekend so again behind. At least for now on Rizlona playing my 3 accounts I can easily fill out the group with 1-3 boxers and enjoy myself.

    I honestly wanted to play on Aradune, I rolled there first, I tried for almost a week before I just gave up and went full time Rizlona. Part of it was because I joined a streamers group of players and they ended up being on Rizlona because people could actually get in and play for the streams and not worry about getting back when disconnected.

    I can't say that I've really experience the post-PoP population drop that everyone talks about because my first TLP was Agnarr and Mangler doesn't get the first post-PoP xpac until July 1st ... but on Mangler I'm also not really a raider while on Agnarr I was. Hard to find a raiding guild when you work 10pm-6am EST Sunday nights through Friday mornings.
  11. Gnothappening Augur

    You probably ended up on the healthier server in the end. Give it time and people will be complaining that gear is being auctioned on Aradune. Right now the world is small, so it is easier to catch the botters. As the number of zones expands, so will the botters. Not to mention that GM support might be for just six months. Might be longer, but I expect it to die by Luclin or PoP.
  12. Jrome New Member

    We aren't trying to play on a box server though.

  13. KimchiGoddess Augur

    Yes you are, Aradune is a truebox 2 box server. Therefore a box server.
    Dexxeaa00 likes this.
  14. Gnothappening Augur

    Might want to not be hasty to post replies. Kimchi wasn't wanting to play on a boxing server either. She ended up being boned because of her work hours and the issues with Aradune. However, rather than whine on the forums all day every day, she made toons on Rizlona.

    Man, I hope the economy sorts itself out soon so that a lot of you can go back to work. I think all of this free time to play EQ is hurting you guys emotionally.
    KimchiGoddess likes this.
  15. dirgenoobforreal New Member

    Well they got your money and you most likely bought a bag too didnt you? So now they wait until the 1st month where the queue will die down automatically and by the 3rd expansion, the server wont ever have queues again and coming May 2021 they will launch the next set of TLPs with some item you can buy to get an advantage and 90% of us will jump on it again.

    They have the perfect business and the perfect amount of stupid customers that will fall into the trap over and over and over again.
  16. Stymie Pendragon

    That's a good work around I guess, but have you ever had to do that for another game just to play?
  17. Gnothappening Augur

    WoW classic, and they had a lot of servers. People were remote desktop signing in from work to get in the que. There were guilds that had people go around to their toons and press buttons while the players slept so that they didn't get booted from the game.

    At this point one reason there is still such a huge que is that people haven't been able to log in and level. If they had, a lot of people would be logging in to raid and then calling it for the night.
  18. Stymie Pendragon

    I remember the WoW classic queue duration being a week or so with servers opening to help out. The way that DPG is handling this is a little bit different. I'm not sure I'd compare the two.
  19. Thrawnseg Augur

    Some of the servers still have queues. They had to bring back layering to help out after saying it was gone. The top 4-6 servers in each region are still a mess of over population, queues and layers.
  20. Sikkun Augur

    Riz will be botters and boxers! Riz will be botters and boxers!

    Where have you guys been for last 7 TLPs. How many forum posts have you skipped about how they are all botters and boxers.

    Guess what, Aradune will have botters and boxers.
    KimchiGoddess likes this.