My Money My Voice

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by baer17, May 13, 2020.

  1. baer17 New Member

    So a little back ground about me. I rarely ever read or post on community forums so bare with me. I have been playing from beta off and on. I tried EQ2, Vangard (maybe my favorite, minus how crappy it ran) and many other titles sense then. I keep coming back to to my first MMO EQ. I tried the first progression servers when they were launched. I didn't like the mage armies and multiboxers that completely dominated the server's value targets, so I left. Then Phinigel was launched! True boxing code, loved it. AoCs for grief free raiding, loved it. Instances for overpopulated zones, loved it! I finally found a home! Then more servers started releasing, population started dropping, some bad expansions that lost population interest, finally left the game again because of low population. Corinav is announced, YES again we are going to do it this time! All the rules I loved, all the features I loved, this is going to happen! I am going to stay and play though all the content so I can get to experience what I missed when I went away in the past! Then, more servers eating away at population, more crappy expansion that last to long, and now I fear maybe a nail in the coffin Rizlona and Aradune.

    Now the to the topic of the title of my thread. I have been spending about $45 a month for 3 accounts plus money for bags, mounts, and other stuff from the store with expectations of this server being my EQ home for the long term. I reluctantly fell for the trap again when Corinav was release because I thought, that it would be the last server I would move to. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Well I like to think I am no fool, so my money will be my voice. If corinav's population falls to a unplayable level, and when I say unplayable I mean unable to raid with people I enjoy to spend time with, I am 100% done with EQ.

    I am posting here in hopes for my voice to be heard. I honestly think the new servers are a slap in the face! Our memorial server is dedicated GM's?! Seriously!? When I started this game GMs were already included with my monthly payment, guides as well! I have fond memories of GM created events and interactions on servers quite often. Helpful guides and GMs that would show up personally and give excellent customer service while I was playing! Maybe hang out a few minutes and goof around with us! Now it is a memorial service, but only for a limited time?! No NO NO-DROP rules, nothing interesting like being able to start with bezerkers, or beastlords. No no, a feature we should have never taking away from you, coming back for a limited time only... Insulting. I hope others stand with me and refuse to continue to financially support a company that cant, or wont hear what the population really wants.

    As a side note the tweet about very few people really having interest in another FV, no no-drop rule server not being of interest. I cant speak for the others, but in our discord the people against FV no no-drop rules were in the minority. out of 30-50 people I would say 70-80% were interested in FV rule-set.

    Check your analytics, LDoN = population killer! look were your numbers are falling off and do something about it! Combine expansions, shorten bad expansions, be active participate in your community.

    Well that is all I have to say for now. I hope everyone is staying safe and having a great day!
    Prisoner and Creedmonk like this.
  2. Zansobar Augur

    They don't have the resources to fix the game because they spend those resources making expansions that virtually no one on this forum is remotely interested in each year.
    baer17 likes this.
  3. Machen New Member

    Phinigel wasnt even close to low population when you jumped ship. Coirnav launched early 2018, Phinny still had 15+ raiding guilds clearing all content in era at that point, and guilds covering just about every desired raiding schedule or play style.

    You, and all the players like you, have no one to blame but yourselves for this problem. If players just stop jumping ship to the next new thing, DPG will stop releasing Phinny clones and the problem will go away.
    Skuz, BlingBling, VandilIzer and 2 others like this.
  4. Machen New Member

    No one on this particular forum, but plenty of players on the other forums. They aren't going to give up a huge (probably majority) portion of their revenue by ignoring live and focusing only on the TLPs. It would be ab absolutely insane business decision and would result in Everquest being shuttered in short order.
    Skuz, code-zero and baer17 like this.
  5. HoodenShuklak Augur

    If you banked on Coirnav, another phinny clone with slower exp, I'd be willing to wager you havent accepted the cash cow business practice that has been employed at daybreakgames.

    Expect more tlps, it's not changing any time soon. Or of course move on. I agree some expacs are bad, but you could go back to phinny and just dabble on coirnav to see whatever content might have interested you.
    Skuz and baer17 like this.
  6. Beep Elder

    Wait until he finds out that the "GM's" are just policing people breaking the truebox rules and not enforcing any play-nice or griefing policies.
    baer17 likes this.
  7. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    So daybreak has to not only guarantee you 53 other people to play with, but they have to also make sure they are people you like and have fun with?

    Seems unreasonable, might be time to cash in your chips and head out.
    minimind and Creedmonk like this.
  8. Protagonist Tank

    See a title talking about the money they spend on Vidjya games

    To self "I bet this is going to be a ramblefap of entitlement from a self-created victim demanding a niche preference be catered to with a side order of taking video games so seriously it's deeply creepy bordering on mental illness"


    To self "Told you so."
    minimind and Gio1999 like this.
  9. baer17 New Member

    I will actually take blame for not making it work on Phinny. My friends left, and the other raiding guilds I tried didn't really appeal to me. Instead of continuing to try and find people I mesh with, I gave up. You have to admit though, there are just some asshats on servers you don't want any part of, and for some reason they seem to be the ones that endure the longest. You know the ones I am talking about, the ones that trained camps, and overall are just unpleasant people to deal with.

    Edit: "Asshats" = Like most of the trolls replying to this tread apparently. If you don't agree with me, fine not everyone will agree that is part of humanity. Roasting what you don't agree with, like a 10 year old is sad.
  10. Jimmy2times Elder

    They can’t invest in this game bc money was spent on other garbage games besides this one, their flagship game that keeps this afloat.

    GMs won’t be real GMs on the new server I’m pretty sure they are just gonna enforce unattended gameplay/boxing and that type of stuff. They won’t care about your camps
    baer17 likes this.
  11. baer17 New Member

    15+ Really? I just remember OGC and a few others. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough. Probably my fault. But, like my thread stated I was fooled once. I will either make it work this time around on Corinav or quit EQ completely this time. I am not supporting anymore TLPs that tax current TLP populations.
  12. Machen New Member

    Still raiding on Phinigel after Coirnav launched: Wild Treasures, OGC, Entendre, Rosengard III, Echoes of Elysium, Resolute, Cult of Chaos, Darwind X, Broken Wave, Mendacium, Wake of the Forsaken, Sad Dragons, Last of the Ancients, Dragonbone Citadel, Imperfekt...

    It wasn't just asshats, far from it. Most of those guilds were pretty chill...
    Skuz, Kutsuu, baer17 and 1 other person like this.
  13. Bullsnooze Augur

    It's unlikely that we'll ever have another sole Phinigel because the server was launched to fill a much needed void caused by Ragefire. That said, Rizlona is to Ragefire as Aradune will be to Phinigel and the fact that they're releasing together means a much smaller rift to tackle if any at all. I think these next 2 servers combined will be close or together exceed Phinigel population throughout the expansions.

    As for the Squid server? Well, you can't blame Dark Paw for releasing it, but it was not a successor to Phinigel and all it did was split the population because of the rabbit mentality. I mean the server is like 9-10 expansions behind Phinny and it has 1 less raiding guild.
    baer17 likes this.
  14. Bullsnooze Augur

    Coirnav launched 3/16/2018... At the time Phinny was in Depths of Darkhollow with 17 listed active raiding guilds... I'm pretty sure this number is higher (by 2 or 3) because there are a few guilds that did not report their kills to this site.

    I'm sorry to say, but I don't believe the launching of servers is your problem.
    Skuz likes this.
  15. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Ya dont play aradune if you want less toxicity. It will literally be the most toxic and you can bank on that.

    If anything, if you really want to go the distance then I think rizlona is the best bet since selo. Selo ship has sailed though and they're pretty deep so you missed a lot and it will be level 95 but the time you get caught up.

    But going forward? You need to find a guild that wants to see later eq, not one that wants to race through classic because they wont last. The new tlp will come out and the cycle repeats.

    There are some people that want to see later eq but the tlps have all been badly designed to survive the 70s + churn and burn tlp launches. Rizlona is going to be the best bet maybe in this and the next cycle.

    Barring that a FV server would likely do better through the 70s but that oddly was deemed unpopular while they decided miragul was a good idea. In other words, dont hold your breath.
    TheChosenOne and baer17 like this.
  16. Machen New Member

    This isn't an accurate comparison. AoC's were the biggest reason for Phinny's success. Ragefire doesn't have AoC's. Rizlona is a brand new thing that has never been tried before, but has been requested for four years now, ever since Phinny launched. It's not the spiritual successor to Ragefire.
    Skuz likes this.
  17. baer17 New Member

    Damn sounds like I should have looked harder. To late now though, I want to experience TSS forward. I missed PoR and TSS on live so I have really been looking forward to these.
    Machen likes this.
  18. Zansobar Augur

    I do not believe they have allocated their dev resources between live and TLP based on the corresponding profit share. They are over-allocating to live in my opinion.
    Mashef, Fudly and baer17 like this.
  19. Bullsnooze Augur

    Honestly, I wasn't trying to be accurate, but at the given time you can only compare them as such.
  20. Accipiter Old Timer

    TSS is great. PoR is horrible. ;-)