Collectors editions- money opportunity for day break.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Yourend, Sep 14, 2019.

  1. Yourend New Member

    I like that the current expansion is on sale including the collectors set. Any reason n we can not get the older expansions also on sale for collectors? It he an opportunity for some extra income for day break. And I know if they were put on sale like the current one I’d buy older collectors set I missed. I run 4 accounts so I can not always buy collectors when it comes out especially for 4 accounts but I’d love the chance to either upgrade or if for some reason that can not be done, add the special rewards/items into the daybreak store.
    Duder and Caell like this.
  2. Tuuro New Member

    This would cause me to spend a few hundred dollars. Do it. Don’t do it. I can’t decide...
  3. Numiko Augur

    Always thought it would be a good money maker for them to sell old in pack bonus items from expansions long ago on the marketplace similar to how they sell loot that was only available from the LoN card game
  4. AcemoneyFV Augur

    I agree. CR clickie, Brell's Rest clickie, etc...
  5. Duder Augur

    Yeppers, Id drop some dough for exactly this
  6. Cidran Augur

    Part of the 'value' of Collector's Editions is that they are 'limited' and 'exclusive' to those who bought it while it was available. I think a lot of the enticement is the grab-it-while-you-can mentality.

    But EQ's case is very different and being digital only I wouldn't mind if they did give a second chance. It'd be so hard to resist buying the ones I missed when they came out.
  7. Eaedyilye More stonehive bixies.

    There's a few I would buy if this ever happened.
  8. Leigo You come here often?

    yup would be nice.. wouldn't even need to be available all year.. could be with anniversaries or Christmas etc.. Just a hey everyone like collectors additions? miss out? here's all expansions up to (something like 2-3 behind current xpac) for the next 30 days.
  9. Benito EQ player since 2001.