Tanks - less gear dependant please

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sashnia, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Dre. Altoholic

    I wouldn't propose altering current content, I'll clarify that I was proposing a tuning goal for the first tier of future expansions. Anyone can tank weak trash in SL anyway. Is that bad?

    HP/AC are already being severely mudflated. Tanks need more and better ways to reduce incoming damage.
  2. Cisco Elder

    Mercs are tuned for current content. At 92, that merc is tuned for the expansion it was meant to be capped at 95. Its going to more in line with being T3 VoA geared, vs, your HoT gear. There is a substantial difference. Same goes for a merc at lvl 100, its tuned for RoF. However with lvl 100 mercs that people claim to be so awesome, it could be viable that they are tuned for an up and coming possible T3? Whereas if you were 100% current in RoF group gear, you would in theory be behind that curve. That is only speculation and has ZERO confirmation that there really is going to be a T3, at least from what I've read. Could vary well be just an addition to T2, maybe tuned a little higher for people looking for more challenging content. Who knows..
    Tegila likes this.
  3. Vouivre Augur

    Mercs are tuned for current content at the level they are appropriate. That level 92 merc in tier 2 or 3 (you don't know) gear is far surpassing a player tank in equivalent gear if tier 2, slightly, not substantially, behind if tier 3. So you don't really have an answer, you just like attacking me because you're bored rather than really addressing the issue.

    If a player and a merc are basically equivalent in gear level and land level, they should be able to handle the same level of content, but that is not the case. This has been basically my entire complaint which you haven't addressed. You say mercs are tuned for current content, but at 92 a merc shouldn't be able to do current content because it is siginficantly behind.
  4. Vouivre Augur

    The game has shifted to using tank mercs or cleric mercs? If the game has shifted toward using cleric mercs, then they should also shift toward the capability to heal players of the same level and gear level of a tank merc. If the game has shifted toward using tank mercs, why would they make it easier for healers to use them over regular tanks?

    I don't want mercs or pets nerfed at all, there is a serious problem with this scenario, and it needs to be addressed with player power rather than other areas. This is significant to the discussion of tanks being entirely dependent on gear, augs, and AAs being absolutely current to even compete.
  5. Cisco Elder

    Im not even attacking... If i was attacking you, believe me, you would know it. Amorcen could probably vouch for that. A merc is going to be geared for its appropriate level, everyone agrees on that? You stated, that you are mostly HoT (outdated for your level) T4, with some VoA T2. Your being your own handicap, and your clearly not getting it. Level out the rest of your gear and parse your numbers mob for mob.
  6. Vouivre Augur

    I'm sure you're just terrifying. Really.

    A 92 merc, would most likely be tier 2 VoA geared. HoT Tier 4 is comparable to tier 2 VoA. Yes tier 2 VoA is a small step up in HEM, but generally it's not much better. You're clearly not getting it.
  7. Vouivre Augur

    No, I just want you to intelligently answer the question I am posing and you haven't come close to it yet.

    Is tier 4 HoT gear not mostly equivalent to VoA tier 2 gear? Yes it is.

    Is the merc most likely tier 2 or tier 3 equivalent at level 92? Most likely. No one knows.

    You think it's okay that a tank merc at level 92 should have no problem tanking RoF mobs, but a player at the same level of gear and land level should have difficulty. I think not.

    So far your whole argument is to just repeat over and over and over and over that my gear is outdated, and that is the end of it. You don't want to really address the merc because it negates your argument and you try to blame that on me being hopeless rather than just address the issue like an adult. Do everyone a favor and if you can't actually address what's being said, just don't post. It's really easy.
  8. Cisco Elder

    I think that its ok for a good player to take the time to learn his class to it's fullest potential. You clearly haven't done that. Guess what dude? I'm an SK... And I tank current content just fine. There is not a tank merc in this game that will out perform me in anyway, so long as I'm the person controlling my character. I constantly upgrade my gear to keep up with the times. I learned my class, and do pretty well at it. I have every AA I need and then some. Honestly, I probably have more AAs into my pet than you claim to have.
  9. Vouivre Augur

    I'm sure you're just the bestest of the bestest ever!

    And further avoidance of the question. Thank you for proving my point. Hell I'm not even the only one to have pointed it out to you and you still refuse to even think about it.
  10. Cisco Elder

    Hoping with that post, a Dev steps in and locks this thread. Then people won't have to read any more of your crying, at least until you start another thread on the same topic...
  11. Vouivre Augur

    Yes that post was far worse than personal attacks and the constant peacocking. Thanks for the update though.
  12. Vouivre Augur

    I didn't start this thread, further proof you aren't really paying attention.
  13. Cisco Elder

    /facepalm yet again.
  14. Vouivre Augur

    I don't think that means what you think it means.
  15. Cisco Elder

    It means that I think your completely incompetent at being semi decent at this game, and should A) Re-roll as something easier to play B) Out right quit playing C) Quit posting... D) All of the above.
  16. Vouivre Augur

    You really don't have any real clue how I am at this game you just are crying about how I keep asking you to address a scenario that you really don't want to think about. If you would have answered it in the first place instead of trying to come after me like some child, this wouldn't have gone on longer.

    I know I was at the time, not geared properly, I don't discount that. Now you don't have to repeat it again for the 100th time. I even admitted it more than once, but you just ignored the part you didn't want to read.

    Now address the stupid merc situation. Why is that so difficult for you to comprehend?
  17. Cisco Elder

    You cant out tank a merc... You lack the ability on your character to do so... You want to act like a child, I will speak to you like a child. You clearly have not learned the craft of the class. If you were on my server, I might even consider helping you.. Actually, at this point, no I wouldn't... Judging by all of your posts, I can tell there's a lack of effort on your own part. Your little picture post was completely off topic, and was rude. Therefore, I wouldn't consider helping you, at all... You want an full explanation of why you can't compete with a merc, yet you have not taken the time to finish out a full set of gear, because why? The gains aren't enough to be bothered with? Guess what? Your making an attempt at playing a tank... You take any and all gains you can, where you can.
  18. Vouivre Augur

    Calling me hopeless, telling me I suck at playing, implying I have no friends, I'm incompetent, I'm crying, etc. isn't rude? And that doesn't even count the posts here and in the other thread that got moderated. Judging by all your posts then, you don't really have any interest in discussing anything.

    The whole thread has been about tanks being the only archetype required to be in the most current gear, augs, and AAs and your response to all of it is, "Get current gear and you won't have any trouble." Then when I try to bring up a situation where I couldn't understand why I was struggling to do something but the merc was having no issue, your basic response is "cause you suck" rather than actually discussing the issue I brought up. I'll post all of this for you if you don't remember.

    I have taken time to finish out complete sets of gear, not counting previous expansions, HoT and now RoF. I specifically stated I was concerned about a previous experience. If you don't have an answer, then why bother posting and then acting like a victim? You started in on me and then complained about me dishing it back, that's just ridiculous.
  19. Cisco Elder

    Tanks are gear dependant... Always have, always will... Get over it.
  20. Vouivre Augur

    So you have nothing important or constructive to add to the thread about tanks being gear dependent other than "Get over it" and you only direct it at me specifically. Gotcha. All you had to say was that you weren't interested in helping anyone or discussing anything and just made your opinion be known right off the bat rather than intentionally trying to fight with people.