Tanks - less gear dependant please

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sashnia, Jan 6, 2013.

  1. Vouivre Augur

    They answer is to refuse to group with anyone who has less gear, less AAs, or worse augs than you.
  2. Cisco Elder

    I see no problem with being more selective with who you choose to group with. Personally I group with the same people all the time. The group make up that I typically have makes it much easier to achieve what I want to do, whether it be camping augs, tasks, whatever. The same people I group with on a regular, are also usually in a vent channel as well. Make friends, group with them, learn to play well together... You can achieve a lot in this game with a solid group of players that mesh well and enjoy playing together.
  3. Moklianne Augur

    Everyone already does this though. This is why if you want to group, you really should find a guild. Work together if someone's gear sucks, know where your group mates stand pretty easily.
  4. Taurline New Member

    The OP is just asking for a viable way to get a class he likes up to speed and productive in the group game without climbing a mountain. No other class really has this problem to such a degree. He was not asking to improve current maxed AA, geared and aug'd and I don't think any other supporter really is either. What is muddying the waters is the fact that merc tanks out tank an under geared tank with ease. No one is disputing that mercs can be outclassed by skilled, properly geared tanks. Again, this is about tanks being the only class with a skilled player or otherwise that has a tremendous uphill battle to get close to being on an even playing field with the other classes. In the end they simply want to be usefull, not break the game.
    Vouivre likes this.
  5. Vouivre Augur

    I have played for 13 years, have a guild, and have regular friends I play with. I just need to start requiring people to be on the same level gear, AA, aug, level wise in order to group with me since I am held to a specific standard as a tank, they will be as well.
  6. Vouivre Augur

    I think your sense and logic falls on deaf ears. A few people see one or two points they disagree with, take them completely out of context, only apply what they personally experience, and then blame everyone else.
  7. Cisco Elder

    Again my previous statement... Make friends... WIth the right friends, you can turn that mountain into a mole hill...
  8. Vouivre Augur

    I have plenty of friends. Keep trying.
  9. Cisco Elder

    Make better friends..
  10. Vouivre Augur

    If the norm is here, I'd rather not.

    It's funny the smartest answer is to play with people with better gear to get you up to date rather than do anything yourself.
  11. Vouivre Augur

    English is tough.
  12. Amor Augur

    Vouivre I'm well aware that the 3 tank classes are more gear dependant. I'm also aware under some situation maybe mercs or pets maybe better. But from my experience a actual player most of the time is better. Now if you're Jonny Bad than nothing I say or the devs do will help you anyways cause your bad. I fully support people looking to improve upon their class. But let's face it your level 92 in a level 95-96 zone complaining your merc does better than you. How about you get to level 95 - 96 with the appropriate AAs and than go on your rant. You would have more justification to complain than.

  13. Vouivre Augur

    If I had been using a level 95 or 96 tank merc and he was easily handling mobs I would completely understand why I was having a tough time. My complaint, and a valid, intelligent one by the way is that if my level 92 tank merc is not really having a problem handling mobs with only a merc healer in a 95-95 zone, then a player shouldn't either. I don't even understand how you could intelligently debate otherwise.

    I really don't see how you could miss that point after I pointed it out numerous times in this thread and in another. What you're all saying to that is that merc tanks should do this.
  14. Amor Augur

    Didn't you say your in HoT gear? There was a full year long expansion after HoT by the way. So because you chose to not utilize the previous expansion but your merc has by default its not your problem, the game is broken? Correct me if I'm wrong because maybe I misread something previously you posted. Can things be improved upon for those 3 tanking classes in the group game? Sure they can.
  15. Vouivre Augur

    Mostly HoT tier 4 gear, some VoA, some anniversary. What level gear would be normal for a level 92 player in VoA tiers? Mostly tier 1 or 2 correct?
  16. Cisco Elder

    Your out of date... Trying to play in current content... There is your problem. Simple as that. There is no arguing that.
  17. Amor Augur

    Yes you are correct for VoA but your talking about RoF and your mostly in HoT gear. I agree that the 3 tank classes in the group game need to be looked at based upon what people in the group game say. But your not equipped like they are when most of the group geared players were sporting mostly T3 and T4 VoA gear for RoF. How they go about doing it is up to the devs and if they feel it needs to be done but their are plenty of examples of group geared players doing just fine in these zones when they are equipped for them. Do I think it's fair how gear dependant those 3 classes happen to be, no I don't but since the beginning practically they have been dependant like that.
  18. Vouivre Augur

    You're not listening, or more likely you don't care and you just get a kick out of arguing which seems to be more likely.

    If at 92 it would be pretty normal to be in VoA tier 2 gear, how much better would that be than HoT tier 4 gear? Would not the merc being 92 be more based on wearing the same basic gear stats as a real tank? So at 92 in mostly equivalent gear and level, why does the merc tank have little trouble?
  19. Vouivre Augur

    The point I was making which again seems to be getting looked over somehow is that if a merc tank programmed to be equivalent to a player in tier 2 VoA gear and HoT tier 4 gear is about the same as that, why would the merc have almost no issue and the player struggle? I have lots of tools at my disposal, but if they are not sufficient to come close to keeping up with the merc how is that a good thing?

    I never said I wanted easy, and I certainly never said that I belonged in the current expansion. Everyone else seems to have made that up to gloss over what really happened.
  20. Amor Augur

    I don't have an answer. I don't know if the mercs are the equivalent T2 or T4. Someone more knowledgeable will have to chime in to answer that question. I do know tank mercs have to be a viable tool for clerics though since the game has shifted to using them.