Test needs another restart - instances down again - CANNOT TEST!

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by jeskola, Feb 21, 2019.

  1. jeskola pheerie

    Test needs another restart - instances down again - CANNOT TEST!
    So Happy likes this.
  2. KermittheFroglok Augur

    Did another test patch drop already, I thought they were looking for feedback on bugs after yesterday's Live launch? I still don't get how this process is supposed to work :-/
  3. FiaroBowfire New Member

    NEED restart for TEST!!! Instances are completely broken. This time it's not like we can wait for them to try and spin up but rather they keep giving the message that we're trying to enter a place that we have no reason to. It is not giving us the message that it's not safe to enter anymore. REBOOT TEST BEFORE THE WEEKEND PLZ!!! There is no reason why you can take an hour to fix days worth of people being pissed that we can't actually test stuff if we don't have access to it.

    This brings up the point where test really should be reset once a week to stop the instances from basically breaking down from working. You have designed a game that requires instances but don't maintain those instances up, especially for a server you utilize as a test server to PURPOSE as finding bugs before they go live stream. In order to do this we could really use access to the expansions available in order to find these bugs or glitches. Please fix ASAP!! Waiting another weekend because you don't "feel the need" to reset it is not very professional. You want results then please help us give them to you!!
  4. So Happy Augur

    Please reset Test before the weekend.
  5. jeskola pheerie

    Instances still down! please Restart Test Server before the weekend!

    thank you!
  6. jeskola pheerie

    ...and they just crashed again, Instances down on Test. Cannot Test! please restart server!
  7. Bow chicha wow wow New Member

    Please reboot test. The server is experiencing the ongoing issue of instances failing to load. This occurs roughly around the 7-10 day /uptime mark, and continues until the server is rebooted or patched (which probably requires a restart anyway)
  8. jeskola pheerie

    That is much better and more detailed than my post, which was more
