Is the rules update announcement going to be today?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Grok, Feb 20, 2019.

  1. Grok Augur

    Knowing this (yes/no) will help with the anxiety...
  2. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    Best of luck with your anxiety.
    FubarEQ likes this.
  3. Ceffener Augur

  4. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

  5. xmPradah Not a dude

    Seriously... it appears they are dealing with some patching issues right now, so I doubt getting an update to us about something that is still scheduled over 4 weeks from now is going to take priority.
  6. HoodenShuklak Augur

  7. Queena_Brokenhearts Augur

    well.... over 3 weeks
  8. Sethiroth Augur

    I’d tell ya, but as it turns out, my balls are hairy, not crystal.
  9. Big_Astos Journeyman

    It is getting ridiculous as to how long it's taking. They had months to plan for 20th anniversary and fumbled badly, so they need to fix it quick. People are losing interest daily as the circus continues, and many won't play at all if they can't take off work to play at launch.
    Hirbow likes this.
  10. Protagonist Tank

    Statements like this are why I don't admit to normal people that I play this game.

  11. Gremin Augur

    Friday, so they can go home and we can stew over the weekend about the new changes we do or dont like.
  12. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Seriously who takes off work? Just don't go in anymore.
    Motahead likes this.
  13. xmPradah Not a dude

    Good catch, my bad...
  14. FIsh Lips Augur

  15. Stagentti Augur

    If I can't take off work to play on the server for casuals then I won't play at all!!! Cause that's a super casual mindset!!!
  16. Big_Astos Journeyman

    The initial rush of the TLP is what's fun. Upgrading from a rusty 1hs to fine steel, going from leather to banded armor, etc. Take that away and the server loses a lot of appeal.
  17. Xyroff-cazic. Director of Sarcasm

    Yeah, there's really been very few threads or posts indicating anyone cares about this these updated rule sets at all anymore!
    I actually just request off work the entire month of March, and then spam refresh server select every 1.4 minutes. If I'm not one of the first 10 players into Greater Faydark then I just give up and repeat it with the next TLP launch.
  18. hoovadalewt Elder

    Oh, BS. this has zero to do with it. It annoys me when people white knight and run cover for companies when that company has had every chance to do the right thing.

    Close to a week and a half (at this point) to make this decision is pretty damning, and them not addressing it today (if they don't) has zero to do any patching issues.

    Personally, I think they are holding it back for one of three reasons... One, they are just holding back as a salty FU to the playerbase that moaned about what they tried to palm off, or Two they are just reluctant to swallow their pride and admit that they got it wrong, or three... The management team is really that ineffectual or the organisation is that brokenly bureaucratic that they are unable to make this kind of decision in a reasonable time frame.

    I am not sure which one I am hoping is true.
  19. HoodenShuklak Augur

  20. Brunlin Augur

    So you really think every person on staff is working hard to get the servers back on line? You do know that Community managers are not running the networks are coding the game and they can provide the community with feed back.
    hoovadalewt likes this.