A week and a half to come to a decision about these servers? Good grief

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Templeton, Feb 15, 2019.

  1. Dailor Augur

    Praying 4 Holly to just delete them both. PRAS THE DRAGON QUEEN.
  2. Ltldogg Augur

    Type of player: CASUAL
    Free trade: NO
    Aoc: YES
    Truebox: YES
    Staring expansion: KUNARK
    Expansion schedule: 6 months initially, then 3 for each expansion
    Exp rate: As proposed for Selo
    Corpse Retrieval: YES
    Maps enabled: NO
    Revamped zones: NO (I understand this is not happening, just voting for my pref)
    Newb armor: NO
    Focus effect items: ORIGINAL
    Soulbinders: YES

    I would also prefer a server that goes to SoV and then brand new content is created in the spirit of Classic/RoK/SoV, but doubt this will happen so am voting above based on realism.
    Torezz likes this.
  3. Torezz Lorekeeper

    I think a vote should have been done in the first place, before they even announced any new servers.

    They are obviously in love with Twitter, so they could have easily posted teaser questions every other week, like if there was a new TLP, would you like it to be this feature or no? Then gather data, for a couple weeks, then move onto the next question.... rinse and repeat.
  4. Elskidor Augur

    Voting and polls can't be trusted. I imagine it would be super simple to create a zillion accounts and play the vote spam game for days to assure your idea gets passed. I'm a little surprised they are making changes at all. That's pretty cool. They coulda just as easily said deal with it.
    SweetLaxTho and snailish like this.
  5. Brunlin Augur

    Instead of a vote put up an official poll, dont let us see the results, and use it as info gathering to help with your decisions.

    We all know votes and polls can be skewed especially by us who have multiple accounts, and the peeps that would vote 100 times on 100 accounts, but you know that going in and can take that into consideration.

    You are the ones who will make the ultimate decision, and by not letting us see the results, what ever you decide we could not prove if the polls are votes was or wasnt the determining factor.

    No matter what you choose, there will always be hurt feeling and peeps that agree. I am hoping though, that both servers will have some tweaking done for the better even if not everyone agrees. By that i mean make the TLP s more popular. I know a lot of people not even considering them, that were before the ruleset were announced.
    Ltldogg likes this.
  6. Febb Augur

    I think it's funny when people say "we all want the same thing". No, they don't. Very few people all agree on the same ruleset and if they do agree, they end up posting they want a different ruleset. We don't need a poll either because we all know from experience that polls are the worst way of finding what people want. People will vote the worst options just to screw other servers over.
    ch0rny and snailish like this.
  7. Evade2019 Lorekeeper

    Hi Mepps, I bought a sub to EQ for the first time in 18 years after I heard Daybreak was coming out with a casual server.

    Here are the rules that appeal to me as a casual player
    Classic/Kunark start
    2-3 month expansion unlocks
    Fast Xp / rare spawns
    No CRs
    Increase spawn timers of all quest mob and quest items
    Bonus: rename Mangler to something more epic.

    This would give me enough time to level to cap, complete my epic quest, do a few raids, learn a few tradeskills and raise an Alt or 2 before the next expansion comes out.
  8. Evade2019 Lorekeeper

    Very few casuals like Selo’s ruleset. Since Selo was specifically for casuals it make sense to fix it to appeal to them.
    Kunark start 3 month unlocks and Selo is perfect for casuals
  9. AgentofChange Augur

    It took your over 2 weeks to even announce the server rulesets, and now you are clearly considering changing them. What did you spend those first 2 weeks on? I can only assume you were gathering feedback on the forums, but based on the rulesets, Mangler in particular, it would seem you ignored the majority of the feedback. So I honestly have no idea what you spent those 2+ weeks doing.

    The server you deemed "casual", Selo, is essentially a race server. Do you recall your team launching a server called Quarm? Do you not recall what occurred on this server? Was it overflowing with casual players? The answer is mostly no. I really don't know how you can consider Selo to be a casual server. Anyone playing at a casual rate will simply fall further and further behind every month. Especially once you get past dodh.

    Do you pay attention to any of the previous TLPs you have launched? Did you see Ragefire, Lockjaw, Phinny, Coirnav etc? Do you keep track of how quickly the "hardcore" playerbase defeat expansions. If you think Mangler is a "hardcore" server, then you clearly believe the only thing hardcore about EverQuest is the rate at which you gain experience. You are talking about expansions being defeated within days, sometimes even more quickly. A server with 3 month unlock times is anything but hardcore. Unlock times this long will quickly make any hardcore player extremely bored, and a server like this requires a mixture of both casual and hardcore players if it is going to be successful. I don't know who you are marketing "Mangler" towards, but it is anything but a hardcore playerbase.

    If you are truly locked into creating 2 servers, which I personally view as a mistake (ie. refer to any example in the past 10 years where you launched 2 servers simultaneously), you have to make the rulesets different, but also rulesets that players would view as worth playing. Selo is reasonable in its current iteration, Mangler is not.

    I would consider the following if I were you:
    1) Selo is the hardcore server. I disagree with you using these hardcore and casual labels, but if you must, this is the case.
    2) One of the servers should be true box, the other should not be. This will be an actual difference that matters to people and will help make each server successful. I would personally suggest keeping Mangler as a true-box server (as this will be your "casual" server), and letting Selo be a non true-box server
    3) The experience rate should be equal to Phinigel or Agnarr, at a minimum, on the Mangler server. Low experience rates are not enjoyed by any playing in EQ, and has been a common complaint of every TLP you have ever created.
    4) I like the idea of no focus effects on Mangler in early on expansions. That was actually a decent idea and would help the casual server, Mangler, quite a bit. I think you should keep that in.
    5) 3 month unlock times for Mangler are pretty good, I think you should keep it at that.
    6) If possible, you could make Mangler particularly interesting if you started it in classic, but allowed Beastlords & Berserkers to be available right away.

    I think you guys can make this successful, but there is a very fine line when you are doing 2 servers at the same time. Good luck.
    Kywen, Ragnoruk, Torezz and 1 other person like this.
  10. Evade2019 Lorekeeper

    Casuals all pretty much agree with what we want. It’s hardcore players giving their opinions on a server not intended for them which is causing this confusion
  11. Evade2019 Lorekeeper

    Another casual here. This is what I want to.
    See casuals all want thesame thing. Please make a casual server with these rules
    Ltldogg likes this.
  12. Ceffener Augur

    We can’t even agree on the fact that people can’t agree.
  13. Febb Augur

    Another casual here, I don't want the above ruleset.
  14. Evade2019 Lorekeeper

    Remove all the hardcore player opinions and what you got is a pretty clear template of what we casual players want in our casual designed server
    Fast xp, Kunark start, rare spawn increase and long, 3 to 6 month expansion unlocks
    Ponak and Ltldogg like this.
  15. Ceffener Augur

    Yes, both your accounts to keep posting what is clear to you.

    Then there’s the 100x other variations people have asked for.
  16. Bandzamakeherdance Elder

    You talk way too much about what casuals want when really it's what you want. Kindly stop trying to force your opinion as the one and only.

    I am casual and don't agree with what you want as a casual player. It takes extreme effort to not be rude to you when you can't stop yapping.
    Ishbu and Yinla like this.
  17. Typucm Elder

    Maybe them can make vote for only golden sub ppl? If you like to make zillion accounts - pay for it :)
  18. Bolten_DA Augur

  19. Iyvy Augur

    So then we can be safe to assume Mangled will have its exp increased to either Agnarr or Selo's level since it's very clear that the vast majority of players are for increasing it and the consensus among everyone is it will be DoA?
  20. Bandzamakeherdance Elder

    This would be the only thing i would change about Mangler really. The rest of it sounds pretty casual friendly. I don't even mind the xp penalty for dying so much as the slow xp. Slow xp will be the killer if they don't raise it up.