Selos 100% misses the point of being a casual server

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by hoovadalewt, Feb 12, 2019.

  1. ShivanAngel Augur

    Interesting how people think that you replace all your gear from the previous expansion basically upon setting foot into a new expansion...

    I was still using Sraa and VT gear in plane of time, I was still using NToV gear in vex thal, and a few pieces into the later parts of PoP.

    Some of the loot still sits in bags because the procs/clicks are amazing.
  2. Haeldar Journeyman

    I look forward to leveling up and grinding AA through the expansions and getting what gear I can get with groups. Selo's seems pretty much perfect to me, although I wouldn't be opposed to a 2 month unlock timer.
    Thalliius and TheRedBandit like this.
  3. Stealrs New Member

    Sadly both server rulesets are disappointing and not have really new ideas/features , selos dont look casual friendly to me at all
    hoovadalewt and The other one like this.
  4. Templeton Augur

    yeah, it is just an extended event server. DBG seem to like this new model... They have the same mindset with the new PvP event server in eq2. I think they have played too many arena and other genres and forgotten how to make mmorpgs.
    hoovadalewt likes this.
  5. FIsh Lips Augur

    You can have an extended celebration of classic-> Velious on Mangler. For a large portion of the playerbase, including people who don't normally play on TLPs, the game really does start in Luclin. Before that it's fairly miserable.
  6. Stagentti Augur

    Really? Where did you pull that from?

    Seems odd the large majority hate the first 3 xpacs yet the new TLPs starting there are bumpin and die off in later xpacs.

    hoovadalewt likes this.
  7. 6BoxerOnCoirnav Lorekeeper

    Oh my god, these poor CASUALS trying to tell the world they are big time HARDCORE RAIDERS.

    In the closet casual : "MANGLER is the REAL casual server, but : We want FASTER xp, NO classic-velious, MORE named spawns, INCREASED drop rate, MAX PLAY of 5 hours a week to max level, and would like to compete with the basement dwellers and P99 players who spend only 5 hours a day sleeping.

    Real Casual: "I have a few hours, I'd like to go camp things that I am over geared for and can easily over power, and I might attend a few raids with a guild once a week since I've been sitting at max level for a month"
    chumpy likes this.
  8. FIsh Lips Augur

    Are you even on Coirnav? The server was almost dead in Kunark, I am sure I commented on these here forums quite vocally to that effect. Much to my surprise however, it has really picked up from the end of Velious and particularly through mid-Luclin. People were giving the first three expacs a miss.

    You can doubt me, or you can note that they did choose SoL as a starting point for Selo's. I'm fairly sure that while they're out of touch with their players, they did look at some numbers to arrive at that xpac, and I think they were correct to do so.
    Thalliius likes this.
  9. Stagentti Augur

    Gotcha. Thanks for the Coirnav anecdote.

    Totally explains your claim about a large majority of the player base, including those who don't play on TLPs.
  10. hoovadalewt Elder

    Beware anecdotal evidence from people with their own ideas to promote and push.
  11. Sethiroth Augur

    Semantics. His point stands.
  12. Sethiroth Augur

    It’s the best TLP if you are a hardcore player. If you are “ULTRA CASUAL” it’s tripe.
  13. Sethiroth Augur

  14. Dythan Ban Lev in Plane of Fire guy

    Why are you trying to say tripe is synonymous with being bad. Tripe is delicious.