The Real Ironman Challenge (FV)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Balegrim, Jan 24, 2019.

  1. Balegrim Journeyman

    That's a tough question to answer because the meta for each class is so different using the TRIC rule set.

    A Cleric, for example, has to use all of their arsenal for offense/defense and can pretty much only solo undead, but they have decent self-buffs and also have the advantage of being one of the few TRIC classes that can self-rez (player rezzes are banned unless you can rez yourself outside a group).

    As an Enchanter, I die a lot because of charm breaks/summons (which also means I lose a lot of xp due to no self-rez); however, since I can charm AND CC, I can control most situations - most of the time - so long as I maintain a meticulous tactical approach when necessary.

    Rogue/Warrior/Zerker are HEAVILY group-dependent classes which means they will have a slow/hard time soloing and will have to be really creative (and spend a lot of plat on pots) to succeed. The difficulty here is maintaining equal levels of determination, patience, and perseverance.

    These are just a few examples, of course, but I suppose if I had to pick one aspect, the clear winner is not grouping. There are very few classes that at excel soloing and there are zero classes that excel at soloing beyond group potential.
  2. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    I think mage will do well in their ruleset.
    Balegrim likes this.
  3. Balegrim Journeyman

    I think the general consensus is that pet classes will dominate this challenge. However, the least dominant classes should pose the greatest challenge, and thus, be the most fun and and yield the greatest reward.

    We have ranked each class according to difficulty (1 being the most difficult; 16 being the least difficult). Keep in mind, this list is tentative and mostly hypothetical at this point.

    1. Warrior
    2. Berserker
    3. Rogue
    4. Bard
    5. Monk
    6. Cleric
    7. Paladin
    8. Shadowknight
    9. Ranger
    10. Wizard
    11. Druid
    12. Shaman
    13. Enchanter
    14. Necromancer
    15. Beastlord
    16. Mage

    We believe this list is fairly accurate, but constructive discourse and useful feedback is encouraged.
  4. Dahaman Augur

    This sounds like a nice challenge and twist. I like it!

    Please report any results and stories as you find time and desire. Thanks!
    Balegrim likes this.
  5. Balegrim Journeyman

    We've had quite a few interesting stories since first starting this adventure over a week ago, but I think catching our first cheater was probably the most entertaining so far.

    One of our more diligent members caught said cheater using a merc and trying to conceal a twink weapon with a lowbie-fare transmog. When our steadfast comrade discovered this attempted ruse, he called the cheater out in guild chat and the offender quickly /guildremove'd himself. While somewhat anti-climatic, the cheater WILL go down as the first (and probably not last) cheater in TRIC history.

    In other notes, the road to 110 seems to be slowing down for many as they enter 50+. Fewer challengers are logging on these days as the path to supremacy becomes mired in great difficulty. TRIC separates the [iron]men from the boys (working as intended).

    Also, keep an eye out for Balegrim_ on Twitch! I have started streaming my TRIC journey to 110, and I am almost to 75! Tune-in to see the <Ironman> GM and world's only TRIC Enchanter.

  6. Aurastrider Augur

    This list might deserve its own thread as I am sure it could be debated heavily. For instance I think SK and pally are way to low on this list. Maybe at early game they might not move through the content as fast but as toons progress they are going to move way up this list. They will take more time to gear in order to be effective but once they have their gear they are hard to beat in the solo game especially an sk considering they can pull, tank, dps, and when needed just fd and try again.
    Balegrim likes this.
  7. Balegrim Journeyman

    Thanks for your feedback, Aurastrider. This is precisely the kind of discussion we're hoping to have, and I agree you could probably fill an entire separate thread with this type of debate. The list is very tentative and there will likely be many changes made to it over the coming months. I will say that I agree with your assessment, and that the difficulties for each class ebb and flow as new spells, abilities, and gear becomes available. However, until we see more players testing these waters using TRIC in-game, it'll be harder (and take longer) to properly rank their overall efficacy.
  8. Balegrim Journeyman

    Greetings all,

    I just wanted to give a big shoutout and thanks to everyone who has been tuning in this week to watch my TRIC Enchanter gameplay stream on Twitch. It’s been a lot of fun, and I’m greatly looking forward to the last 32 levels left to go!

    On a side note, if anyone is interested in joining The Real Ironman Challenge, PST me, or any one of our members, in-game for a /guildinvite to <Ironman> (rules to apply in the OP). We are desperately seeking more players to fill our ranks with some of the underrepresented classes (or not represented at all!). It’s crucial to the balance and enjoyment of TRIC that we are able gather more feedback, so you’d be helping out AND having a ton of fun while doing it.


  9. Enchyy1 New Member

    Hardly "hardcore" with FV's inherent 50% exp boost, come to a real server, earn clout.
  10. BadPallyGuildLeader Augur

    A little bit salty? I think what these guys are doing deserves some credit. Essentially, and unless they are a cleric going through this or some class that can self rezz with exp return, anytime any other class dies they eat the death. Think about that a second and how much more time is involved with leveling. Death in EQ is trivial for most because we carry 96% rezzes around with us wherever we go (mercs)
    Balegrim likes this.
  11. Balegrim Journeyman

    The Real Ironman Challenge is the most hardcore organized experience available currently. What rule set are you playing by that gives you enough "clout" to question our methods? I am genuinely curious since you are likely playing with an ezmode rule set on a standard server where exp is trivial even without the 50% bonus.
  12. Wrukk New Member

    I finally thought about an Ironman Challenge in EQ after doing a few in WoW. I always wondered about trying a slightly different EQ take on it. While hardcore would be interesting, I had a different idea that came from merchants. My first days in EQ back in 1999, I saved my plats to buy armor and weapons that merchants sold (mainly cloth and leather). Chain, plate and weapons are really expensive when bought from a merchant. I'm really tempted to try and solo a melee class and only buy my items from merchants. Armor and weapons with NO stats whatsoever. Buying Combine weapons from merchants etc.(in WoW it was white weapons & items only). No defiant and possibly not even looting it for sale to merchants. And yes no grouping or help from anyone and click off any drive-by buffs, and original starting zones (no tutorial). Questing would not have much value since most quest experience got heavily nerfed. I definitely want to think on it some more before I try it.