What are the happiest classes long term?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Runes, Oct 24, 2018.

  1. Punchu Augur

    5 Levels above the bard/monk. It actually made pulling Plane of Fire minis easier for bards, just run into the field training everything tag the boss pull it too your raid and hit fade, lose all the trash keep the named.
  2. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Playing a chanter sucks . What the class can do is constantly changing, one expansion you're the strongest class in the game with charm/mez. The next expansion has nothing to charm and mezzing is pointless cause tanks can off tank 20 mobs at the same time and you might as well just AFK after buffing.
  3. Communist Puppy Augur

    Playing an enchanter sucks if you only want to play enchanters when they were as strong as they were in classic/kunark. Plenty of charmable mobs still, mezzing is never pointless, the only thing is the charmed mobs wont destroy a noncharmed counterpart.

    If youre like this person and only want to play a class thats super OP throughout EQ, play a monk or shadowknight, theres really no other choice.
  4. snailish Augur

    Enchanter is a longview class if you want it to be, and is always a "wide view" class as long as you aren't relying on one aspect of the toolkit for all your fun. Does fine in the recent years of content.

    In the short view, you jump off the bandwagon circa OoW and don't get on again until somewhere 75+.

    It does come down to what makes you happy in how you are spending your playtime. Solo, group, raid in what % related to the playtime you are investing per week and willingness to earn/pay for what you need.

    For example, I could play any class on Agnarr and be happy. But with my current minimal playtime, lack of station cash, lack of krono, lack of plat, minimal gear to pass down and when I do play it is in tiny bursts basically meaning I have to solo... I would be unhappy (or extremely slow progressing) playing a warrior.
  5. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    What exactly is charmable in era in NToV, VT, Time. The devs constantly with what enchanters were allowed to do and it's really unfun to play the class because of it. A SK can tank and they can always tank no matter what expansion or zone, monks can DPS and pull and they can DPS and pull no matter what expansion. It's not like that when playing a chanter though. Sometimes you can charm, sometimes you can't, sometimes charm it's basically mandatory(OMM), sometimes optional. Same for mez, stuns and decent nukes ect.
  6. Communist Puppy Augur

    Are you implying enchanters are weak because they cant charm in raidzones? In NToV they can charm the white wyverns from north and bring them to other wings, everywhere else you mentioned is the endzone for the expansion and literally only has raid content in it. Enchanters can charm in zones like pofire, seru/ssra, and all the other final group zones of expansions, just not the zones that only have 100% raid content in them.
  7. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Nope i'm saying they're not fun to raid with because you can't do the most fun part about your class in zones you frequently raid in.

    Also nothing is charmable in ToV at all in era
  8. Tyreel Augur

    Enchanters are a great class and have lots to offer, with enchanters it is not more/less dps heals tanking. Depending oh what the group is doing/willing to do you can have a wide range of enchanter play skill go 100% unnoticed good/bad or you can have one bad moment be all it takes to be labeled as bad.

    Lots of enchanters quit between GoD, OoW, and DoDH. NPCs started steam rolling over you and your tank while attempting to CC past PoP/LDoN. This changed the enchanter class dynamic for the average groups viewpoint from CC, buffs, and slow, to just need a slower paired with our puller. Oh wait the bard/shaman/beastlord can slow? Why did we need the enchanter?

    I am not saying bad enchanters did not help cause the general opinion but it is not uncommon later on to get a pick up group and no one knows how to deal with in camp CC since enchanters that do more than slow, buff, and nuke are the minority. Sadly that leads many people to view the chanters they group with as whiny people that just make things more complicated(no AE dmg, using assist, only one tank...).
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    OK, got it. I don't run into that on the group content I do so doesn't hurt me so much.
  10. That0neguy Augur

    The chickens are charmable in era if you want to.
  11. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Assuming by chickens you mean the hatchlings. Technically they're "charmable" be level but the will break almost instantly 99% of the time even with 255 cha and tash/malo -mr charm pet gear. So not really. ToV is still relevant in SoL so you can dire charm them if you go back but in era nah