Friendly Reminder Sleeper's Tomb 2.0 is OOE content until PoP

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by WaitingforMoreEQ, Sep 30, 2018.

  1. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Title says it all. Sleeper's Tomb 2.0 wasn't added in the game until after SoV and shouldn't spawn upon awakening of the Sleeper should it occur during velious
  2. HoodenShuklak Augur

    What about the innate melee aas?
  3. malaki Augur

    Also Chardok revamp shouldn't be until Velious. No cords for anyone!
  4. Malkavius Augur

    Oh look I spotted the mage!
  5. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Yup would be nice if the out of era item Ardent Protector didn't drop and VP dragon loot wasn't made irrelevant by a mob that can be duoed.
  6. Fumi-chan Augur

    To be fair a lot of VP dragon loot is made irrelevant by epics.
    Punchu likes this.
  7. RandomStrategy Augur

    No Focus effects, either! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  8. HoodenShuklak Augur

    They did get rid of the Runneye nonsense. That was a big change, arguably one of the biggest nerfs of Agnarr and, yet, it was welcome by most people.
    snailish likes this.
  9. HoodenShuklak Augur

    To be sure, after being on Agnarr, it was entirely too easy from the get-go. It really felt like EQ on steroids, but the challenging fights were really some of the fondest times. There were too few!
  10. snailish Augur

    When it was isn't nearly as important as where something actually fits.

    Sometimes the change/fix was needed long before it was done.

    Some things fit fine way early as-is, some zones for example would need some drops era-set (both scenarios have been done). Same logic applies to AA, quests etc.

    This remains a work in progress. If something fits the era (doesn't obsolete things and/or doesn't trivialize the tuning even easier than it already is overall) and is fun for players --have at it.

    Sleeper 2.0 I'm not sure is a problem, maybe a few drops at most? If defiant is still dropping in TSS era (obsoletes nearly all the new gear in a 1-75 expac) that would be a much better example of something that needs moved a bit (even 1 expac later...) before any more servers get there.
  11. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Agree.. but Epics take time to complete by the second week any level 20 can buy an Argent Defender in CL tunnel for a couple k plat. Not quite the same when a raid drop gets made irrelevant by a long involved quest instead of a mob that can be duoed.
  12. HoodenShuklak Augur

    Chardok loot was a great example of op loot that was too easy to get. Add onto that the ridiculous ease of high faction farmers and it was . Not to mention the drama of those players griefing ex groups.
  13. Darkhain Elder

    ST 2.0 loots are quite underwhelming... beside the quests, which apparently can't be done before PoP, which is stupid, because they are worthless with PoP.
  14. RandomStrategy Augur

    You can do the Soul Energy clicky arms quest as soon as ST 2.0 opens.

    Come to think of it, we never found out if you can do it before, Sleeper was woken in 22 hours on Agnarr.
  15. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Really? cause the ST 2.0 quests actually were all supposed to be removed on Phinny for being out of era.
  16. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

  17. Protocol Dragon Defender

  18. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    They're sure AF related, they're from the same content patch to ST 2.0. Both require drops from ST that shouldn't be in the game on Coirnav, they both provide clickies that wouldn't otherwise be available in velious and both a certainly well out of era.
  19. Protocol Dragon Defender

    They did not remove any of the content changes from that patch which were local to ST. The 2.0 dragons and other raid mobs still spawn, and drop the quest rewards for the crusader quests.

    I don't personally care what should or should not be removed, I am just pointing out that your quote doesn't have much bearing since the text and ensuing changes indicate their concerns were focused primarily on Skyshrine and especially the Crusaders themselves.
  20. WaitingforMoreEQ WaitingforTBC

    Which is clearly a mistake as the SS quests require drops solely from the revamped ST 2.0, the difficulty of the mobs and the power level of the rewards they offer is identical. The only difference is where the turn in NPC is located.

    I think it does since it's quite clearly something Prathun just overlooked. The SS Crusader quests are literally part of the same ST 2.0 revamp and clearly they thought
    "Skyshrine revamp Crusader dragons are significantly easier than other Velious bosses and their loot and quest rewards"