Raiding guilds & Magelo

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by noclue, Apr 27, 2018.

  1. noclue Elder

    Do higher raiding guilds require members to maintain a Magelo?
    What about recruits, are they required to have a Magelo?
    At one time both were SOP for raiding guilds, just curious if it's changed.
  2. Sancus Augur

    It's pretty standard to require applicants to have a Magelo.

    I'm not aware of any guilds that require members to maintain an active Magelos. One guild I'm in does offer a DKP incentive for having an up to date one, but I'm not sure if any/many other guilds also have something like that.
  3. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    Many do, and do not realize that this is the kind of crap that just might keep players away they'd need.
    A guild that'd reject me for a lack of a magelo-profile isn't worth having in the first place, it's that simple.
  4. EnchFWO Augur

    Most require it to app and then don't give two flying flips about it once you're a member. I used to maintain mine but when Magelo got all broken I was kindof like... meh... and stopped.

    Everything is so cookie cutter gear-wise now if you're a raider that you could look at 1 classes top geared toon and be safe assuming every other has the same in 90% of their slots. Some people like it though for bragging rights (lulz) or to compare their choices to others.

    I'd say if anything it's nice for apping members because you can see where they need help (instead of using it as rejection criteria).
  5. Bamboompow Augur

    Its helpful to recruiters to determine if an app is going to survive whatever is being raided. Past that, well, gear is not the full story.

    Magelo is really only important to those who want to rank themselves across the game by whatever criteria. Length, girth etc.
  6. Sancus Augur

    Or a player that can't demonstrate enough initiative to make even a free magelo-profile isn't worth having in the first place, and contrary to your belief they don't need you?
    Zentara, kizant, Smokezz and 7 others like this.
  7. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    At this point gear has gotten so cookie cutter, Magelo rankings could be Warrior only and a lot of the rest of us wouldn’t notice ;)
  8. Monkman Augur

    Our guild requires magelo to app for several reasons..

    -quicker to check AA # and how they’re spent
    -gear and aug choices
    -hero aa (ties in with #1 but represents how much progression a toon has completed)

    We also give a monthly bonus for updating your magelo before months end, with an even higher bonus if the whole guild accomplishes it

    And I agree with Sancus if you aren’t motivated enough to create a profile and complete it (doesn’t have to be a paid one) how motivated are you really to raid to the best of your ability?
    Thancra, Sindaiann and Thunderkiks like this.
  9. Leigo You come here often?

    Hey my guild wanted it for apps.. so I said eh and paid for a year sub then my guild leader was like.. you paid?! Lol gold membership wasn't a requirement.
    But I like having it to help with Aug choices.
  10. Jumbur Improved Familiar

    My guild just requires a certain amount of HPs, and we generally take our apps word for it. Magelo not required. But then again we are a casual raiding guild. :)
    IblisTheMage likes this.
  11. Axxius Augur

    Our guild requires apps to submit a current Magelo profile as a way to verify their gear and AA. If this keeps anybody away - we probably don't need them anyway. Somebody who can't be bothered to put even that much effort to join a guild of this level is not worth having in the first place, it's that simple.

    We also require GINA.
    Sokki, Thancra, Sindaiann and 2 others like this.
  12. Oakenblade Former ForumQuest Champion

    Allayna and Thancra like this.
  13. feeltheburn Augur

    shrug......imo augs and certain things are like a character map of a player...sorry sir or madame whichever you are....I see a toon with augs lets say 3 expansions old speaks volume of just how driven or interested they are in their character, so good luck in your travels on that note.
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  14. EnchFWO Augur

    Seriously? How do you even manage that? Anyone could doctor their magelo in 10 minutes or less every month. Do you manually check them?

    I'm truly curious why you would even do this... (100% seriously curious)
  15. Monkman Augur

    There is someone that manually checks them yes.
  16. AnzoRagespirit Augur

    Oh man I haven't updated mine since ROF haha
  17. Leigo You come here often?

  18. Bigstomp Augur

    Soandso is wanting to apply as exceptional.
    Wow, must be very exceptional. They don't even need augs!
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    We like apps to have a magelo, but it has been broken for many for so long and it has a lot of items missing from it if they haven't got one it isn't a biggie. Last time i checked it couldn't handle Artisans Prize etc.

    Magelo has gone down hill a lot in the last few years, I'd much prefer they brought EQPlayers back, at least that had all the items available.
  20. Zhaunil_AB Augur

    That is the common excuse, but in order to "verify", an authentic profile would be required, and that requires installation of (per it's nature) spyware. (That they do not even provide the source for so one could proof-read it before compiling it oneself, as everyone should with this kind of software - isn't it enough that so much of internet traffic is routed to the US for analysis?).
    As does the changing of a profile's level btw. So whereas you could maintain a profile manually (no verification from a non-auth profile since i can pad it any way i want), since several years now you can not anymore.
    Verification of gear is a matter of linking a few achievements (1 for AAs plus a few for progression status) and a few gear-pieces, if that were indeed a question. Much quicker and a lot more reliable than any 3rd party site. But of course it isn't a real question, since when i'd claim to be in full scaleborn and aren't, that'd be rather obvious real quick anyways.

    It is also a contradiction though, as guilds STATE they want the player but are focusing on some - no, not some but a certain even - 3rd party tool, which's only "right of existence" these days is the ePeen of certain users.
    It's also short-sighted, as the overall player-base is dwindling and you are mistaking "effort" with "will to install unchecked 3rd party software", which is just plain dumb. So these guild do want dumb players. Really? Except for a certain micro-managing guild leader here, who raids with basically trained apes, i did not have that impression - but i've been wrong before.
    Effort and skill, my friend, are displayed during trial, that's what it's there for. Anything else is merely pretense.
    If i want to see gear of an app, i ask for an in-game link and draw my conclusions from that.
    Not to mention that the reverse-engineered AC formula has always been and still is off (am i the only one to remember the correction field for that to match the actual value?) and still shows the combined displayed value instead of the in-game ones...

    No, really: Magelo is a thing of the past. Useful at one time waaay back, but not anymore.
    For gear questions, there were alternatives if there were really need for it, like or so that do not require the installation of spyware.
    Magelo is still around and required by some simply by "tradition", because some guilds have missed the note that time's moved on.

    p.s.: @Yinla:
    "like to have" is something completely different to "must have".
    I can understand the "want" by some, for VERY limited uses (for which there are also alternatives available too). But i can never understand the "must" by others.