Advanced Loot System.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by MaestroM, May 3, 2017.

  1. PathToEternity

    For the group game I think everything that can be said probably already has here but...

    If your friends plan to raid they better learn to use the new system or they can plan on not getting any raid loot and/or getting kicked out of raids. No serious raid is going to put up with people not using the advanced loot system.
  2. Febb Augur

    People from p99 will have to adapt. If they don't like this, they aren't going to be happy with a bunch of other stuff as well that EQ has updated over the years.
  3. Ryder Lorekeeper

    The advanced loot system is NOT optional. People are telling you it is, but it is NOT.

    The GROUP (RAID_ LEADER picks whether you use Advanced Loot or not. No one else in the group has a choice. If the Leader has it turned on, and they want loot they will have to use the new window.

    There is ZERO way around this. So unless they plan to only group and raid with other people that don't use it, they're SOL.
  4. Barudin_Phinigel Augur

    If they really do not like the advanced loot system wait until they see the horror of the revamped Freeport.
    PathToEternity likes this.
  5. Mashef Augur

    The ask option is annoying. If you are ML set auto roll. Figure out how to leave on corpse.
    Once you click an item as Always Need, Always Greed or never you really don't need to reset it...Lore stuff will get weird double check boxes. Just don't let items pile up and please don't use the ask option as it takes forever and the screen is annoying roll just plows through loot. If you get a rare item to drop you can pause the roll and give people to decide what they want to do.
  6. Nikkifm New Member

    I started a character on a live server today, and honestly had a lot of fun. Until I hit the shared-advanced loot window. Takes up a lot of space. Didnt do anything? I kept clicking NO to everything (i dont want that junk filling up my inventory) but nothing happened. Just this big, clunky, space-consuming menu of unresponsiveness. I /exited out of game after 3 minutes of being hit with the group-loot window, and likely will cancel my plans to return for agnarr. The menu is just not very intuitive and I can't even find a guide online that explains it in detail, especially one that doesnt use a LOT of abbreviations that only a current active player would know.

    Edit: To be clear, I did enjoy the solo loot menu very much. Group was garbage.
  7. Kahna Augur

    Minimize the window or it will keep popping up every time something new shows up on the loot window. Top left hand corner there is a tiny little minimize box. Presto, you can pop the window open every now and then to check on stuff or need/greed/never a new item. Once you get it all set up you can forget about it. (Pretty sure there is also a way to make it so the window doesn't pop up every time loot drops, but I kind of like that feature.)

    Clicking "no" on stuff in the group window just means you won't loot the item. It doesn't make the item go away. Even if it rolls, and no one wants it, it will stick around until the group leader/master looter leaves the item on the corpse or 15 minutes has passed. So yeah, you need a group leader who clears out the window every so often. But if you keep it minimized it's not a big deal.

    Just below the portion of the window where the loot shows up there is a small drop down menu and button that lets you do something to every item in the window. Select "Leave on Corpse" from the drop down and hit the button. Presto, all the junk is gone. Really should give it more than 3 min. Maybe you could ask someone in game to give you a hand.
  8. Ming Tee Augur

    If you just play the game you will eventually learn it. I was kind of frustrated with it at first too but now that I do understand it i might not play if they didn't have it now lol.

    Quick guide: when not group leader click AG on everything sellable. If a peice drops that you need click ND (AN will always need it and let's say you needed a fbss and got one and another dropped you would need again without clicking and your group will rage and boot you). If your master looter click on the drop down box labeled set loot as:" and select "auto ask/roll" then you only have to hit the "loot set as:" button every few mobs and it will auto roll the items dropped and distribute the loot to the winners.

    I'm loling right now thinking about when melee characters use to ninja loot corpses before they even hit the ground lmfao...ya you gotta play with advanced loot these days.

    Abrieviations on advanced loot system:
    ND = need
    GD = greed
    NO = not sure exactly but the function is pass
    AN = always need
    AG = always greed
    ND = not sure exactly either but function is always pass )

    If you select the always option it will be saved in the system for that specific item and if the same item drops you won't have to click anything the next time.
  9. Kahna Augur


    I am not a Paint artist. And this isn't everything the Adv loot window can do, but it will get you started. (Excuse the typos, it's late and I knocked this out in 5 min. )
    Chatoyan likes this.
  10. Nikkifm New Member

    I tried to minimize the window, and every new item re-maximized it automatically.

    -"Auto roll radial. Click on it to always roll that items 30 seconds after it drops".
    So the options are to minimize the window and miss out on literally every item thats worth looting, or keep it open the whole time and micro manage it?
    LOL I just wont play, which sounds infinitely more fun
  11. Starr Elder

    You have to set each new item once and then you will loot or leave it. If you don't want to play because of it that is all fine as well.
  12. Kiani Augur

    Only thing I'd disagree with is that most master looters use "set all to" to set to "auto ask/roll".
  13. PathToEternity

    Yeah this is what I always do.

    As far as NO and NV, does it actually prevent someone from assigning the item to you? I don't think I've encountered both conditions simultaneously. I mark NO when I don't want to roll on something at all, and I mark NV when I want to never roll on something ever.

    EDIT: Also, the personal loot box at the top will also have NO DROP items appear in it that you've won/been assigned if you have confirmations turned on for looting NO DROP items. I think items will also appear there (in red) if you win the roll (or are assigned?) but were out of range when the mob died.
  14. Astley Augur

    Right, it gets pretty intuitive after a while, but some folks don't want to use it.

    I am usually the one handling the role of master looter for our guild raid purposes. We made a strong effort to collect PoP tradeskill materials in concentration for making gear to fill in slots for our members and you really need to be on top of your game at that point due to all of the tradeskill materials that drop, and that's on top of the usual DKP-auctioning of gear that drops which gets its own hectic issues.
  15. Lankie Augur

    Or click the "always need / greed" buttons.

    Let's see, clicking 1 button once.


    Right clicking a corpse
    linking loot in /group chat
    /rolling on loot
    seeing who won
    right clicking again to loot said item
    repeating this every single time a mob is killed.

    How can you even xp grind without autoloot? 20 sec to kill a mob, 20 minutes to sort out the trash loot.

  16. Astley Augur

    To answer your question, Yes... if you mark No or Never... it gives the person with master loot a message that you did not want the item so they cannot pass it to you.

    Have had this pop up a few times on items when master looting myself.
    PathToEternity likes this.
  17. Trevalon Augur

    Yes, if you set an item to No or Never you cannot have the item assigned to you.

    The Advanced loot window is a little odd at first. It isn't all that intuitive and it takes a little bit to get used to it, and when I first encountered it way back on, I guess Sleeper I hated it and turned it off. Then I decided I would try and learn it and after a couple days of using it I could never go back to the old loot system. It really makes looting so much easier and faster.

    Give it a few days and I promise you you will like it better.
  18. Trevalon Augur

    You only have to set it for new items 1 time then it will never pop back up for those items. Does this mean when you first start using it that it pops up alot cause you have never set any items? Yes, it will popup alot, but once you have grouped somewhere for 10-15 mins you will have set the vast majority of items and it will never popup again. No bending down to check corpses every 5 mins, no going from corpse to corpse. It takes a little initial work to get going, but once you've got it going it makes looting infinitely easier.

    Frankly, with how people pull on TLP's you can have 30 or 40 corpses laying around on the ground at a time, there's almost no way to loot them all other than Advanced loot.
  19. AgentofChange Augur

    The real benefit to advance looting is being able to loot from anywhere in the zone, as long as you were in range of the kill originally. Can be a big time saver, and can also let you cheese a few fights.
  20. Kiani Augur

    I'm not entirely sure what you mean by cheesing fights. Surely you still have to kill things to be able to loot them?