Remote Desktop?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by rhaanz, Nov 10, 2016.

  1. Watchyoursix New Member

    If you consider that fun, I am genuinely curious as what you consider fun outside of Everquest. Gone are the days you have to invest your life into this game.This server was deemed more of a casual atmosphere with the "True Box" status. Anyone even questioning putting together 6 computers or even more than 1 for that matter, to play a game, needs to rethink their values in life. If you put this much effort into your day job, you would be a millionaire by now. Other's have fun doing the boxing thing because Everquest was always about social status back in 1999. Whoever had the best gear, the best items dominated the game and was a legend. This isn't the case anymore with instanced raid content, True box servers and it's 2016.

    The essence of this game is "mmo" massive multiplayer roleplaying game. When you are removing the multiplayer aspect for the most part by playing with yourself, you removed the roleplaying portion because you can't roleplay 6 different characters at one time don't have much left. You end up playing the game as a grind,to get the next best item or easy mode and never embraced your main character.
    Havanap likes this.
  2. Watchyoursix New Member

    Key word there is each keyboard, setting up macros, downloading EQ on all the different computers.....I'd say that's infinitely more of a pain in the then just pressing one keyboard. I'm not saying boxing isn't that easy, it is.....but it negates the nature of this game and the essence of roleplaying.
  3. Finchy Augur

    just because you don't find it fun doesn't mean others don't. what I do in EQ does not translate to what I do outside of EQ. It's actually pretty sad that you try to correlate the 2. Just because I run multiple accounts or use multiple computers doesn't mean I play by myself. I socialize quite a bit. I have a lot of different avenues in the game. I can play several different classes for several different situations. Just because I have 6 accounts doesn't mean I actively play them all at once all the time. Maybe i run 2 or 3 to help fill roles or have a port bot or a heal bot oog, etc.

    You're obviously 1 track mind kind of person, and not good at multitasking. There is no wrong or right here; it's strictly opinions and what people like and don't that's all. To go down the personal level is not the correct choice here.

    If someone wants to use a simple program that allows them to share their mouse and keyboard across 2 computers, so what? It does not hurt you or change your experience in any way shape or form. If someone wants to use remote desktop to control a toon on another PC so what? All of you complaining about this box crap need to step back and look at why this server was created in the first place... rid the community of the 12, 18, 24, 36 box teams using automated software to lock down content so others could not enjoy it. It's really that simple. It's never been about the guy that 2 or 3 boxes or the guy that 6 boxes his own group because his play schedule is at odd hours of the day, those people aren't what was causing chaos on the servers, so leave them alone and let them do what they've been doing for 17 years. Once you grow up and realize this you will actually enjoy playing the game again instead of spending so much time complaining on the forums about it :D
  4. Kahna Augur

    Pretty much no one role plays, and everyone plays the game for different reasons. What you see as negating the game others see as a challenge. Some people embrace the social aspect, others prefer to benefit from the population more indirectly, maintaining only a small group of friends, but enjoying the economy provided by a large population. None of these approaches is wrong, there is no "correct way" to find enjoyment in the game. You may enjoy focusing on one character, others may prefer to focus on their team, and how it balances and interacts. You may thrive in the social environment of PUGing, others may prefer it in small doses, and raid with their guild, but spend the rest of their time alone.

    That is the beauty of MMO's. There are many ways to play and enjoy the game, and they cater to multiple play styles.
  5. Watchyoursix New Member

    What you find fun in real life does correlate to EQ. Just as your sense of humor correlates to EQ. Everquest boxing has little to do with multitasking, especially when you aren't really the one multi-tasking, you're having a computer do it for you.

    I rarely complain about anything, I'm just stating the obvious that someone who has never played EQ but has played multiple other MMO's or games watched you play multiple characters in a massive multiplayer game, they would start questioning the point. Based on how quickly you respond, I can already tell you take this game way to seriously. I really don't even care if you multi-box, it doesn't effect me at all. There is a reason most new games being released do not allow you to load multiple characters at one time.

    To the point that you would be bored if you only played one playing multiple characters you are trying to get an extra edge on what the game was intended for. No one was 6 boxing back in classic and if they were, it was people who were hardcore and had no lives outside of this game. By boxing, you are in fact reducing the time it takes for gear, quests, etc and therefore shortening the time it takes you to do multiple things. It then turns into...."well all my characters are 60....guess I'll grind equipment to sell or work on the next quest." Don't take my word for it, but Redguides will show you what boxing does and the majority of people that choose to multi box are using it as a constant grind. Go to FM Giant fort and watch the boxed mages sitting AFK in the corner racking up plat. Does this bother me? No. But what I do question and do people really play this game for that reason? To have a character parked in the corner doing absolutely nothing for that little extra plat? That's when I feel sorry for these people and want to speak up.

    I wanted to point out that your mindset is also pretty stupid. You can't draw a line on 12 boxes but not on 6. That guy will be saying the same thing you are, "Hey I play off hours and I don't have a raid force so I want to be able to solo Air plane or raid mobs by myself." Based on your logic, people play the game for every reason and that should be okay too but for some reason you draw the line there......very smart thinking.
    Lithien likes this.
  6. Watchyoursix New Member

    People don't roleplay anymore but you do focus more on your character, invest more into that character and learn more about your main character if you are not boxing. You take on the persona of your character more if you are not playing 6.
  7. Pikallo Augur

    Watchyoursix, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
    Finchy likes this.
  8. Watchyoursix New Member

    Thanks, I'm glad your contributing all your coherent thoughts to something that is life changing, even if you do steal your copy-pastas from reddit.
  9. GrugSA Augur

    It violates the true box rules and it can hurt the experience for other people. If think people only complained about the 18 boxers and not the 6 boxes sitting at Efreeti 24/7 you're just wrong.

  10. Risiko Augur

    I figured I would chime in on this thread seeing as I have dealt with this issue in game.

    My Setup
    First off, I 2 box with a Desktop and a Notebook computer sitting next to each other. The desktop has a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. The notebook obviously has built in monitor and keyboard, and I use a mouse with it. So, I technically have 2 monitors, 2 keyboards, and 2 mice. I do NOT use any software at all outside of Everquest. I do not broadcast keystrokes. I actually reach over and hit the keys on my notebook computer when I need it to do something.

    Why I 2 Box?
    Quite simply, I run a druid on my notebook computer. It is considered my 2nd account. I only do this for the convenience of porting and having a buffer/healer for times when I can't find a group on my main account. I honestly do not enjoy 2 boxing at all. It's added work and stress. As soon as I have the option to play just my main account in a group, I log the 2nd account out in most cases. Sometimes I will keep him around just to cast buffs on the group.

    Now as for remote desktop
    The main reason I am replying to this thread is to say that I witnessed a guy that was using Remote Desktop to run multiple accounts. How do I know he was using Remote Desktop? He told me he was, and explained to me how it works.

    You see, I was giving ports on my druid one night making some plat, and I got a request from a guy that said he had a lot of toons he needed ported. I showed up to port him for a nice little tip, and in the process we got to talking about his setup. He told me he runs them all (between 6 and 8) characters at a time using Microsoft's built in remote desktop. All of his characters were controlled by a single computer that he had remoted in to the other computer.

    This would be the end of the story if it wasn't for one other thing. A week later, I saw people complaining on the forums about a multi-boxer that they had seen running around the server lately. I recognized right away they were talking about the guy I ported that night. Now, I did not turn him in because the guy really seemed like a nice guy to be honest. He just wanted to do his own thing on his own schedule.

    After a couple days of people complaining on the forums, the guy and his box army disappeared.

    So, for all of the theory crafters on this thread trying to play Monday coach and "state" what the rules are and how they are enforced, you should take 2 things from this reply.

    1. There was a guy running multiple boxes via Remote Desktop on Phinigel.
    2. People complained about it, and he is gone.

    I think that pretty much sums it up. DBG will enforce the rules if people complain, and Remote Desktop is against the rules.
  11. Illusory Augur

    Great post Risiko.

    These guys think because DBG remains silent that they aren't listening or in the know. You'd have to be totally naive or completely arrogant to believe that. Just look at the unique views to this thread.

    Are you kidding me right now?!

    The server was created to get away from virtual computing!

    You can still do exactly what you described and in greater detail on Ragefire and Lockjaw! Go play there if you want to screen share to box multiple computers.

    Look at it from this perspective... As of right now, it's just 2 computers and if DBG doesn't enforce their true-box rules - it becomes 4 computers. Over time, more folks will gain courage, continue adding boxes for an edge, and now everyone is right back to boxing full raids. You now have Ragefire with instancing and full box teams all over again.

    True-box is a step towards success, but allowing remote desktop (or screen sharing) would be a huge leap towards failure.
  12. Pikallo Augur

  13. Accipiter Old Timer

    These types of lists don't exist. They don't exist because they represent a liability to the gaming company. That liability might only be in the form of maintenance, support, etc.but it's still there. Best not to publish anything.
  14. Astley Augur

    The guy who was running around Unrest and LGuk with about 12-18 in tow? I remember that one. He was using automation software as well as the remote desktop. People reported him because the characters he was 'boxing' were simultaneously standing up and casting at the same time before sitting down.

    This violates the other rule about sending multiple keystrokes to perform specific actions, and would have been immediately visible to any GM that popped in on him.

    So, while you might theorize that it was the remote desktop that was the issue, he was actually banned for the other rule violations.
  15. Illusory Augur

    The rule clearly states, 'NO 3rd party applications.'

    Now I understand that certain folks in this thread just can't take 'NO' for an answer - that's why this thread is now 3 pages long.

    However, please let me establish a basis that folks continue to argue as grey once more.

    'No 3rd party applications,' doesn't translate into 'Use some applications that make your life easier when boxing.' It literally means, without a grey area, that 3rd party applications CAN NOT BE USED!

    There is no list, because it is against the rules of Phinny, period.

    Am I wrong though?
  16. Astley Augur

  17. Illusory Augur

    I wasn't asking you!! :mad:

    P.S. - 1700 Unique views and rising. Keep it up, please! You're doing us a favor. :)
  18. Accipiter Old Timer

    Makes no difference to me. I 5 box the hard way.
  19. Illusory Augur

    If what you say is true, then you aren't the problem, and are fighting for the wrong side of the cause! :)
  20. Astley Augur

    Doesn't matter. You still keep ignoring the obvious. No one has EVER been banned specifically for just remote desktopping in the past. Only if they combine remote desktop WHILE doing something else like automating keystrokes to multiple accounts in the past.

    Tabbing between the desktops and sending commands is not a banned offense.

    It's how you use the remote desktop that is bannable. Not specifically the action of using it.
    Finchy likes this.