Suspended only 33 seconds to respond

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vallah, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. Reht The Dude abides...

    Wouldn't the damage to your pet show up in the fight navigator? Looks like a cooked or sanitized log file to me.
  2. Punchis-themonk Elder

    That's not how gamparse works. It only updates if something dies
  3. Reht The Dude abides...

    Lol, no........else you would never be able to get a parse on a combat dummy. There are numerous way to conclude a fight that do not include the target dying. You can use the timeout, etc. In this case, the disconnect would have caused the time out.
  4. jiri_ Augur

    Something similar happened to me a few months ago; I was using a programmable key on my keyboard to practice Feign Death while watching a movie on a second monitor and got a 24 hour ban. So it does happen.
  5. Xanadas Augur

    Out of curiosity, what server were you on OP?
  6. Astley Augur

    All this upset and anger over not being able to respond...

    But you DID respond. It's right there with the auto-AFK tag response.

    You could have been watching the screen, or you could have been sleeping. We don't really know, and only have your side of the story to that matter.

    But what we DO have, is your character auto-responded with a message indicating you were AFK, not at the keyboard, which equates to unattended gameplay.

    The suspension and all might be excessive, but maybe you've been suspended for this type of thing before, and that's why it is where it is right now. No way to know outside of taking your word.

    But being suspended for unattended gameplay is a legitimate reason, and you auto-confessed to the GM that you were not there. At that point, is a further response needed before he kicks you?

    It's like a cop who pulls you over, and asks, "Do you know how fast you were going?"
    If you respond, "Sorry Officer, I know I was going 65mph in a 55mph zone."
    Do they really need to listen to the rest of what you have to say before writing you a ticket?
    jeskola likes this.
  7. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    7 days screams that...

    1. Using an automated program and we all know the one
    2. Using a programmable keyboard in some fashion for long periods of time, not just this one instance
    3. A repeat offender
    I'm guessing it wasn't even autoattack but a combination of actions all happening in the same fashion over an over an over that a blind person could spot.
    jeskola likes this.
  8. jeskola pheerie

    watching tv while in the proximity of a keyboard is still afk. Otherwise, I could take my wireless keyboard with me while I take a and claim to be at the keyboard. maybe next time put up an afk message "AFK taking a huge dump"
    Your_Ad_Here likes this.
  9. Accipiter Old Timer

    You aren't getting it. The logs end because he got disconnected by the GM.
  10. Kutsuu Augur

    Did you know that you can turn on the AFK tag and leave it on, even while playing actively? Some people use it to keep people from bothering them. It only automatically turns off if you have that setting enabled.
  11. Jerimeya Journeyman

    I find it interesting, no one has mentioned the 16 seconds between the tell he received and the first damage message.

    Looks altered or something else was going on.
    Tudadar likes this.
  12. Vallah New Member

    Ya, logs dont show misses it looks like, been pretty transparent about everything. Just trying to get a resolution but DBG won't respond to me. :(
  13. thedragon Elder

    As its been said, the fact that you had your AFK flag up is pretty much sealing your fate.

    It's like a driver waving a whisky bottle out of his window.. whether he's been drinking or not, he's going to get pulled over.
  14. Tudadar Augur

    15 secs of misses compared to 3 in the rest of the log is definately suspicious. May of been some suspicious movement.
  15. Laronk Augur

    What I don't understand is why we're even expected to respond to the fricken gms. Some people here are saying pretty ignorant things where 33 seconds is plenty enough, I've actually gone and taken a crap in the washroom while killing something then gone back to my desk and been gone more than 33 seconds. Obviously a bunch of people on the forums are trolls.

    Then there's other servers where the gm's send tells to your box, I have a box where I only have the one chat window because I don't read anything that goes to him oh im sorry woebot I missed the part of the EULA that required me to read all messages sent to my character and jump when I'm told to jump.

    If the OP is telling the truth then this is terrible and needs to be fixed.
    If the OP is lying well F him.

    Mr OP hopefully they figure out your crap
  16. Jerluss New Member

    This man should get a 24 hour suspension. He was guilty, now please give him reasonable punishment.
    7 days is way too excessive, unless he was a repeat offender, which doesn't sound likely...
  17. Laronk Augur

    So if im fighting a goblin, have an afk tag up because I don't want to get bothered and go grab a glass of water I should get a 24 hour suspension?

    I'm SURE i'm not the only person who has played a mid level character with a cleric merc out and attacked stuff while watching TV. In groups I've mashed group heal for 20 minutes while I watch youtube sometimes groups are too easy.

    We all know people on raids who mash hotkeys and don't look at their screen don't read tells (people miss 30 second emotes) should they get suspended.

    Even if he was afk all he did was press attack and leave his keyboard he should not get a suspension for that even if he was truely AFK.

    Where does this end, I'f im playing a mage on phinny and I go afk in say the great divide to go make a sandwich and someone trains a giant on me and my pet kills it do I deserve a suspension?

    A suspension should be for the obviously AFK character that's running around and doing things and then the gm should summon the player to get the players attention because maybe they are not reading the tells. People pay to play the game and should be given a reasonable chance.
  18. Jerluss New Member

    What I'm saying is a GM has decided that punishment was needed. As such, because it's already done and I highly doubt a repeal will take place, 24 hours seems fair.

    I don't believe in the policy and find it pretty ridiculous TBH, but I can see how both sides bring up good points.

    Most times, the solution to a problem and two opposing sides can be found smack dab in the middle which is my response.

    Wish you the best man, hopefully you only miss one day of Luclin rather than 7. Cheers.

    EDIT: because he was suspended yesterday he would really only miss a few hours of the expansion release.
  19. Kutsuu Augur

    This is what I'm saying, there is ZERO automation in this, not even putting something on your keyboard like people do to train their swimming while AFK! It's just clever use of a mechanic that is available in the game which doesn't impact other players or result in plat/exp gains like the AFK pet/merc killing that is not allowed. If they really don't want people doing this, then don't let players or pets give skillups.
  20. Kutsuu Augur

    Yeah now if he was ALSO training up kick/mend stuff like that by using a macro keyboard or mouse, then that's the only case where I see this as an offense worthy of suspension. He's on Phinigel so the program you're referring to is a no go there.